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of December 30, 2016 No. 1453

About approval of the Regulations on procedure and conditions of use of mail networks for needs of defense and homeland security under force majeur circumstances and in the conditions of emergency state

Based on part (4) article 40 of the Law on mail service No. 36 of March 17, 2016 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, Art. No. 114-122, 225) DECIDES: the Government

Approve Regulations on procedure and conditions of use of mail networks for needs of defense and homeland security under force majeur circumstances and in the conditions of emergency state it (is applied).

Prime Minister

Paweê Phillip


minister of information technologies and communications


Vasile Botnar

Minister of Internal Affairs

Aleksandra Zhizdan

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of December 30, 2016 No. 1453

Regulations on procedure and conditions of use of mail networks for needs of defense and homeland security under force majeur circumstances and in the conditions of emergency state

Chapter I. General provisions

1. The regulations on procedure and conditions of use of mail networks for needs of defense and homeland security under force majeur circumstances and in the conditions of emergency state (further – the Provision) regulate procedure for ensuring protection of the population and the territory of the Republic of Moldova in the conditions of use of mail networks by suppliers of mail services.

2. The concepts used in this Provision have the following value:

1) requisition of mail property – exclusive measure by means of which suppliers of mail services undertake to yield temporarily the certain personal or real estate belonging to them according to this Provision;

2) rendering mail services – exclusive measure by means of which suppliers of mail services shall carry out according to this Provision certain works or types of activity for the benefit of society and strengthening of system of defense.

3. Requisition of property, and also rendering mail services under force majeur circumstances and in the conditions of emergency state will be applied to needs of defense and homeland security in the following circumstances:

1) in case of the announcement of mobilization or warlike situation – the resolution of Parliament or the presidential decree of the Republic of Moldova;

2) in case of the announcement of obsidional or emergency state – the resolution of Parliament;

3) when carrying out military charges, mobilization doctrines and trainings – the order of the Government;

4) in need of the prevention, localizations or natural disaster response, technogenic accidents and catastrophic crashes – the order of the Government;

5) in case of the beginning of counter-terrorist operation – according to the procedure established by the Law No. 539-XV of October 12, 2001 on fight against terrorism.

4. The confiscated property and rendering mail services are transferred to the order of public institutions in case of the announcement of mobilization, warlike situation, obsidional or emergency state, and also when carrying out military charges, mobilization doctrines and trainings or in need of the prevention, localization, mitigation of consequences of natural cataclysms, technogenic accidents and catastrophic crashes.

5. For the purpose of establishment of the necessary property which is subject to requisition and number of persons employed which can be caused for rendering mail services for the benefit of society the following is performed:

1) suppliers of mail services to whom tasks of the national plan for mobilization of national economy are assigned send the request about requisition and rendering mail services for the benefit of society to services on economic mobilization according to the sample provided in appendix No. 1 to this Provision;

2) services on economic mobilization provide centralized collection of requests about requisition and rendering the mail services for the benefit of society received from suppliers of mail services.

6. Technical condition and quality of the necessary confiscated property shall provide its use for the purpose of for which it is confiscated. Along with confiscated property also the equipment without which this property cannot be used is transferred.

7. The operating mode in the conditions stated in this Provision shall be approved with public institutions according to provisions of the Law No. 1384-XV of October 11, 2002 on requisition of property and accomplishment of labor obligation for the benefit of society based on the list of the workers involved to provision of mail services for the benefit of society according to appendix No. 3 to this Provision.

8. For the period of force majeur circumstances and emergency situations able-bodied workers can be called for accomplishment of labor obligation for the purpose of implementation of works or certain types of activity.

9. For accomplishment of labor obligation able-bodied citizens aged can be called: 18-60 – men, 18-55 years – women.

10. Are exempted from accomplishment of labor obligation:

1) disabled persons;

2) expectant mothers;

3) persons who contain and perform care of disabled children, parents, brothers or sisters if presence of these persons is extremely necessary;

4) persons on whose content there are children aged up to eight years;

5) persons mobilized on place of employment.

11. The provision of persons specified in subitems 1), 2) and 3) makes sure competent medical institutions.

Chapter II. Rendering mail services under force majeur circumstances and in the conditions of emergency state

12. Rendering mail services by suppliers of mail services consists in accomplishment of the following actions according to the Law on mail service No. 36 of March 17, 2016:

1) collection, sorting, transportation and mailing of internal and international mailings weighing up to 2 kg;

2) collection, sorting, transportation and mailing of internal and international postal parcels weighing up to 10 kg;

3) mailing of the postal parcels weighing up to 20 kg sent to the Republic of Moldova from abroad to the addresses located in its territory;

4) service of internal or international custom departure;

5) service of internal or international departure with the announced value;

6) collection, sorting, transportation and mailing internal and international sekogramm weighing up to 7 kg;

7) priority and low-priority departures weighing up to 2 kg;


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