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of March 27, 2017 No. 8

About approval of the Instruction about procedure for carrying out open competitive selection and departmental scientific and technical examination of research, developmental and experienced and technological works for their financing at the expense of means of republican centralized innovative fund in the Department of Energy of the Republic of Belarus

Based on part two of Item 12 of the Regulations on procedure for the forming and use of means of innovative funds approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 7, 2012 No. 357 "About procedure for forming and use of means of innovative funds" and Item 7 of the Regulations on the Department of Energy of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 31, 2001 No. 1595, the Department of Energy of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Instruction about procedure for carrying out open competitive selection and departmental scientific and technical examination of research, developmental and experienced and technological works for their financing at the expense of means of republican centralized innovative fund in the Department of Energy of the Republic of Belarus.

2. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.


V. N. Potupchik

Approved by the Resolution of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Belarus of March 27, 2017 No. 8

The instruction about procedure for carrying out open competitive selection and departmental scientific and technical examination of research, developmental and experienced and technological works for their financing at the expense of means of republican centralized innovative fund in the Department of Energy of the Republic of Belarus

1. This Instruction determines procedure for carrying out open competitive selection (further - tender) and departmental scientific and technical examination (further - examination) the research, developmental and experienced and technological works providing creation of new products, the new (advanced) technologies, new services for the Republic of Belarus (further - works) financed by means of republican centralized innovative fund (further - innovative fund), in the Department of Energy of the Republic of Belarus (further - the Ministry of Energy).

2. Main objective of carrying out tender and examination is the activity definition for their inclusion in the list of the works financed by means of innovative fund in the next financial year (further - the list of works).

3. The announcement of tender for the next financial year conforming to requirements of item 4 of Article 927 of the Civil code of the Republic of Belarus is posted on the official site of the Ministry of Energy not later than month prior to its carrying out.

4. The organizations of the Republic of Belarus can take part in tender (further - the participant of tender).

5. For participation in tender till July 30 of the year preceding year in which financing of works is supposed participants of tender submit documents to the state organizations subordinated to the Ministry of Energy:

the national production association of power industry Belenergo (further - GPO "Belenergo") - on activities: production, transfer and distribution of electrical and heat energy, development and equipment manufacturing, materials and technologies for these purposes;

the national production association on fuel and gasification of Beltopgaz (further - GPO "Beltopgaz") - on activities: gas distribution, peat production, production of peat products, development and equipment manufacturing, materials and technologies for these purposes.

6. The set of the documents represented according to Item 5 of this Instruction shall contain:

offer request;

feasibility statement;

job schedule;

calculation of cost;

card of technological level (engineering procedure).

The additional documents and directory materials connected with subject of the declared work can be submitted by participants of tender.

7. The documents specified in the parts one of Item 6 of this Instruction provided not in full or after the expiration of fixed terms are not taken cognizance and are subject to return within 10 working days from the date of receipt. After elimination of notes documents can be submitted repeatedly for consideration according to the procedure, stipulated in Item the 5th this Instruction, no later than September 1 of the year preceding year in which financing of works is supposed.

8. Preliminary selection of the participants of tender who wished to take part in it is performed within conducting the expertize which is carried out within a month depending on the activities specified in Item 5 of this Instruction, the GPO "Belenergo" technical and economic council or scientific and technical council of GPO "Beltopgaz".

9. When conducting examination of work are estimated on compliance to the priority directions of scientific research and (or) scientific and technical activities in the Republic of Belarus established by acts of the legislation.

By results of consideration of works the expert opinion is constituted.

10. The participants of tender who underwent preliminary selection are allowed to participation in tender.

11. Competition is held by scientific and technical council of the Ministry of Energy (further - council) till November 1 of the year preceding year in which financing of works is supposed.

12. When carrying out tender by council are considered:

cost efficiency and prospects, need of the Republic of Belarus for these results, and also possibilities of expansion of export and reducing import;

possible economic, social, innovative and other benefits, the job got from carrying out;

correctness of the reasons and calculations provided by the participant of tender;

level of research and production potential of the participant of tender.

13. The decision of council is drawn up by the protocol which is signed by the members of council who are present at meeting.

14. By results of tender the list of works according to the procedure, established by the legislation affirms.

15. Results of carrying out tender, and also other data within 10 days are published on the official site of the Ministry of Energy.

16. Within the current financial year it is allowed to hold additional competition and to make changes and (or) additions to the list of works.

Changes and (or) amendments on the works included in the list of works, the attracting changes of the name of works and final scientific and technical products, contractors, terms of creation, the amounts of financing in reporting year and on work in general are considered by council.


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