of April 5, 2017 No. 224
About approval of the Procedure for use of the means provided in the government budget on financial support of actions for attraction to work of members of needy families and internally displaced persons in experimental conditions
According to part seven of Article 20 of the Budget code of Ukraine the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
Approve the Procedure for use of the means provided in the government budget on financial support of actions for attraction to work of members of needy families and internally displaced persons in experimental conditions which is applied.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
V. Groysman
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 5, 2017, No. 224
1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of use of the means provided in the government budget according to the program 2501500 "Financial support of actions for attraction to work of members of needy families and internally displaced persons in experimental conditions" (further - budgetary funds).
2. Budgetary funds are allocated for provision of interest-free financial aid on returnable basis (further - financial aid) to members of needy families and internally displaced persons who are participants of the pilot project realized according to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 2, 2015 No. 1154 "About realization of pilot project on attraction to work of members of needy families and internally displaced persons" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2016, No. 3, of the Art. 165).
3. The main manager of budgetary funds and the executive in charge of the budget program is Minsotspolitiki.
4. Receivers of budgetary funds is the Donetsk, Zhytomyr, Lviv, Poltava, Kharkiv and Chernihiv regional jobcenters which perform functions of executive directorate of Fund of obligatory national social insurance of Ukraine on unemployment case (further - regional jobcenters).
5. Regional jobcenter:
after the conclusion of the quadrilateral agreement between regional, the corresponding district, city, city and district jobcenter in the cities and structural division concerning social protection of the population of the district state administration or executive body of city council and the participant of pilot project registered as physical person entrepreneur or as the founder of the legal entity or the subject of managing (further - the quadrilateral agreement) determines the total amount of the budgetary funds necessary for financial assistance;
to the 5th of current month represents to Public service of employment (Central office) (further - Service) the request about the need for budgetary funds in the form approved by Minsotspolitiki taking into account remaining balance on the separate budget account opened in body of Treasury.
The service submits Minsotspolitiki to the 10th of current month the application about the need for budgetary funds by areas for transfer to the 20th of current month of budgetary funds for the separate budget account of regional jobcenter opened in body of Treasury.
6. The regional jobcenter provides financial aid to participants of pilot project for the organization by them of business activity by transfer of budgetary funds to suppliers (sellers) of the equipment and materials based on the documents specified in Items 7 and 8 of the Procedure for realization of the pilot project on attraction to work of members of needy families and internally displaced persons approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 2, 2015 No. 1154.
7. The regional jobcenter after verification of documents, in particular contracts between the participant of the pilot project / the subject of managing and the supplier (seller) of the equipment and materials about availability in it of regulations on responsibility of the parties for non-execution or improper execution of terms of the contract, transfers budgetary funds into supplier accounts (sellers) of the equipment and materials not later than in five working days from the date of receipt of documents in the presence of the appropriate budgetary funds awns, opened in body of Treasury, and in case of their absence - the next working day after receipt of the specified means are engaged at the separate budget account of the regional center.
8. The regional jobcenter after write-off of budgetary funds from the separate budget account of the regional jobcenter opened in body of Treasury reports next day about it corresponding district, district, city and district in the cities to jobcenters for further informing by it within one working day of the participant of pilot project or the subject of managing.
9. Return of financial aid, except cases, stipulated in Item 12 Procedures for realization of the pilot project on attraction to work of members of needy families and internally displaced persons approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 2, 2015 No. 1154, is performed by the participant of pilot project or the subject of managing by one payment upon termination of three-year term from the date of its obtaining or parts according to the schedule which is appendix to the quadrilateral agreement.
10. Financial aid which returns (including in case of termination of the quadrilateral agreement by the parties) is set off in receipts of the government budget.
Means are transfered to account, opened in relevant organ of Treasury by code of classification of budget receipts 24060300 "Other receipts". In the field "Purpose of payment" of the payment document is noted: "The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 2, 2015 No. 1154. Return of financial aid under the agreement No. ________ from" __ "_________ 20 __", and also surname, name and middle name of the participant of pilot project or the authorized representative of the subject of managing.
For recognition of return of financial aid the payment document with mark of bank about payment moves the participant of pilot project or the authorized representative of the subject of managing in regional jobcenter not later than in the first working day of the month following after month of return of financial aid.
11. The regional jobcenter exercises control of return of financial aid to the terms determined in the quadrilateral agreement.
12. Regional jobcenters submit quarterly to the 5th day of the next month to Service the report on use of budgetary funds, including on separate categories of participants of pilot project and subjects of managing.
The service submits to the 10th of the specified period the generalized report on all categories of participants of pilot project to Minsotspolitiki and MTOT concerning participants of pilot project - internally displaced persons.
13. The opening of accounts, registration, accounting of the budget obligations in bodies of Treasury and transaction connected with use of budgetary funds are performed in the procedure established by the legislation.
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