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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

February 22, 2017

No. 248/30116


of January 30, 2017 No. 73

About approval of the Instruction on the organization of accounting of staff of National guard of Ukraine

(as amended of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of 23.07.2019 No. 598)

According to the Laws of Ukraine "About National guard of Ukraine", "About conscription and military service", the Presidential decree of Ukraine of December 10, 2008 to No. 1153 "About approval of the Regulations on passing by citizens of Ukraine of military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine", for the purpose of further enhancement and the proper organization of accounting of staff of National guard of Ukraine I order:

1. Approve the Instruction on the organization of accounting of staff of National guard of Ukraine which is attached.

2. To provide to head department of National guard of Ukraine submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure.

3. The order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

4. I reserve control of execution of this order.


A. B. Avakov

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of January 30, 2017 No. 73

Instruction on the organization of accounting of staff of National guard of Ukraine

I. General provisions

1. This Instruction developed according to the Laws of Ukraine "About National guard of Ukraine" "About conscription and military service", the Presidential decree of Ukraine of December 10, 2008 No. 1153 "About approval of the Regulations on passing by citizens of Ukraine of military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine", determines:

the organization and accounting treatment in peace time and during the special period of faces of officer, ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure, cadets and workers of National guard of Ukraine (further - NSU);

tasks and types of accounting, purpose of accounting documents, procedure for their creation, maintaining, storage and mailing;

obligations of the officials responsible for the organization and accounting of staff;

procedure for personal accounting of irreversible losses of staff during the special period;

procedure for issue, accounting, storage, registration and mailing of orders on staff.

2. The main objectives of accounting of staff are:

documentary reflection of passing of military service by the military personnel, and also labor activity of employees of NSU (further - workers);

providing commanders (chiefs) with help data on staff, necessary for acceptance of reasoned decisions for its office use;

creation, maintaining, replenishment and systematization of base of personal data and information on staff;

providing commanders (chiefs) with data on regular and payroll number of staff of bodies of military management, military units, higher educational institutions, teaching military units (centers), bases, organizations, institutions and divisions for decision making on their completeness;

conducting help work on questions of passing of military service and service in war reserve staff and search of the military personnel;

the notification of families or close relatives of the died (died) staff about the place, date, the reason (circumstance) of his death or death, issue of the documents necessary for initiation of the petition for award of pension (benefit) and provision of the privileges established by the legislation of Ukraine.

3. Accounting of staff shall conform to the following requirements:

be conducted constantly in any conditions of activities of NSU according to the procedure, determined by this Instruction;

timely, authentically, it is correct to reflect the regular, list and available staff number, and also the quantitative and high-quality changes happening both in general on staff, and personally concerning each serviceman, the reservist and the worker.

4. Accounting of staff will be organized and conducted based on staff lists, orders of the commander of National guard of Ukraine, territorial administrations, military units, the highest military educational institutions (further - HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION), orders on staff and other documents provided by this Instruction.

According to the purposes and tasks accounting of staff is subdivided on personal, regular and official and statistical.

Personal account is kept concerning each serviceman, the reservist and the worker separately and is intended for comprehensive study of their business, moral and other qualities necessary in case of determination of procedure for movement and use. In personal accounting exact bio data, data on passing of military service, labor activity and other data which are objectively characterizing the serviceman and the worker shall be reflected.

Regular and official accounting intends for implementation of the systematic analysis of completeness of military units by staff on positions and specialties and the organization of control of office movement of staff.

The statistical recording of staff is kept for the benefit of receipt of the generalized digital data characterizing quantitative and high-quality structure of staff. According to the statistical recording completion of NSU by staff, its material logistics, training of the military personnel and their distribution on military units of NSU according to the existing requirements is planned.

Personal, regular and official and statistical accounting creates the database which provides information on questions of completeness of NSU, service by the military personnel and labor activity of workers.

Account of workers is kept according to the legislation of Ukraine and this Instruction.

5. Commanders (chiefs) shall provide the proper organization of accounting of staff in subordinate territorial administrations, military units, HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION, healthcare institutions and in divisions and to create for the officials recording staff, all conditions for timely, high-quality and full implementation of requirements of this Instruction by them.

Persons who are responsible for accounting of staff not allow disclosure by any method of personal data which it was are entrusted or which became known in connection with execution of professional, service or labor duties.

6. The organization and condition of accounting of staff are assigned:

in divisions - on commanders of divisions;

in territorial administrations, military units, HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION, healthcare institutions - on chiefs of headquarters and where they are not provided by states, - on commanders (chiefs) of these organizations;

in personnel bodies - on chiefs of personnel bodies;

in structural divisions of Head department of NSU - on heads of these structural divisions.

The officials who are responsible for accounting of staff shall:

exercise control of condition of accounting of staff in subordinate divisions, in territorial administrations, military units, HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION, healthcare institutions and periodically personally to check completeness;

control the correct reflection of number of staff in accounting documents and timely provision of reports on structure and number;

give classes (charges) with officials who directly record staff (in military units - at least two times a year; in Head department of NSU, territorial administrations - once a year);

take measures for enhancement of system of accounting of staff;

perform condition of accounting of staff during checks of troops, providing the practical help for achievement of high-quality condition of accounting of staff;

control work of the special commissions for the purpose of check of condition of accounting of staff;

exercise control of providing with forms and books on accounting of staff;

take all measures for preserving accounting documents, especially in the conditions of fighting.

7. The common directorship the organization of accounting of staff, establishment of the basic principles of its maintaining and control of its condition are performed by the headquarters and personnel body of Head department of NSU within their competence.

8. Heads of structural divisions of Head department of NSU shall:

exercise control of accounting of staff on activity;

coordinate interaction of headquarters and personnel bodies in case of re-deployment of military units and movements of the military personnel;

take measures for enhancement of system of accounting of fighting and numerical structure of NSU using automated control systems.

9. The condition of accounting of staff in divisions, headquarters and personnel bodies of territorial administrations, military units, HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION, healthcare institutions is checked annually in March by the commissions appointed by administrative acts (orders) of the corresponding commanders (chiefs).

Following the results of work of the commission the inspection statement of condition of accounting of staff is drawn up (appendix 1) in duplicate which affirms the commander (chief) who appointed it.

The first copy of the inspection statement of condition of accounting of staff remains in structure which was subject to check, the second - goes to the higher headquarters (personnel body) for subordination.

10. Actions for the organization and accounting treatment for staff join in plans of preparation (for year, month) the separate Section.

11. For acquaintance with data on the number of staff the narrow group of people and only in amount which concerns their direct office activities is allowed.

Officials of bodies of providing military units receive the data on staff number necessary for them for determination of needs for all types of providing, in the respective headquarters in accordance with the established procedure. Provide documentary information to divisions of providing military unit on these questions, and also constitute for them data, references and statements from orders by front part it is forbidden, except personnel and financial provision.

If conditions of dislocation of the headquarters of military unit and bodies of providing do not allow bodies of providing to obtain necessary data on staff number in the headquarters of military unit, the commander of military unit is allowed to report to these authorities copies or statements from orders by front part.

The security classification (access restriction) of documents on accounting of staff is established and provided by contractors depending on the data containing in them according to requirements of the legislation on the state secret and office information. The accounting treatment, storages and the handling of the material data carriers containing data on accounting of staff is established depending on the security classification (access restriction) provided to them.

II. Accounting of staff in peace time

1. Accounting of staff in divisions

1. In department (group, crew, calculation) the military personnel is considered personally by commanders of departments (groups, crews, calculation) according to official appointments. Lists of staff in these divisions are not constituted.

In platoon (aviation link) on all military personnel in the magazine of combat training of platoon (aviation link), and in the absence of such magazine - in workbook the personalized list of staff is kept (appendix 2).

2. In company (battery) account of staff is kept in the book of accounting of staff (appendix 3) and in data on availability and the location of staff (appendix 4). For carrying out evening checkings of faces of ordinary and sergeant structure of compulsory military service (further - sergeants and soldiers), besides, the personalized list for carrying out evening checking is kept (appendix 5).

Accounting of staff in company (battery) is assigned to the foreman of company (battery), and in the absence of such position in the state - to other official designated by the commander of company (battery).

The commander of company (battery) on accounting of staff shall:

know all staff of company (battery), keep its account in volume of the requirements provided by the Charter of internal service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and this Instruction;

to daily report on the chief of staff of battalion (division, squadron, regiment) data on staff availability;

to monthly check availability at subordinate staff of division of identity documents of the serviceman, their condition and timeliness of entry in them the changed accounting data;

to periodically check knowledge the foreman of company (battery), commanders of platoons and commanders of departments of the staff subordinated to them.

3. In battalion (division, squadrons) on staff the following accounting documents are maintained:

book of accounting of staff;

book of regular and official accounting of staff (appendix 6);

sheet of completeness staff (appendix 7).

Accounting of staff in battalion (division, squadrons) is assigned to the chief of staff of battalion (division, squadron), and in case of absence in the state of position of the chief of staff - to other official designated by the written order of the commander of military unit.

The chief of staff of battalion (division, squadron) on accounting of staff shall:

to daily have exact and personally it the checked data on the number of staff of battalion (division, squadron) on the state, according to the list and available, about quantity of the reasons which are absent with determination on each company (battery) and in general on battalion (to division, squadrons);

to daily report on the commander of battalion (division, squadron) and to the headquarters of military unit aggregated data on staff availability;

to monthly check condition of accounting of staff in divisions of battalion (division, squadron), availability at subordinate identity documents of the serviceman, timeliness of record in them the changed accounting data and availability of identification counters with personal numbers.

4. In the divisions equated to platoon, company and battalion, account of staff is kept according to the procedure, established by Items 1 - 3 these Chapters.

5. In the detached battalions (equated to them) account of staff is kept according to the procedure, stipulated in Item 1 Chapter 2 of this Section.


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