of March 20, 2017 No. 521-V
About grain-growing
This Law establishes the legal basis of activities for production, procurement, conversion, storage, realization, transportation and use of grain crops in Turkmenistan.
In this Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) grain-growing - the crop production industry which is engaged in cultivation of grain, cereal and leguminous cultures;
2) grain crops - the major group of the grown-up plants giving grain, main product of power supply of the person, raw materials for industries and forage for farm animals;
3) grain - the fruits of cereal, leguminous and oil-bearing crops used for the food, seed, fodder and technical purposes;
4) zernovodchesky activities - activities for production, procurement, conversion, storage, realization, transportation and use of grain crops;
5) grain production - complex of the agrotechnical actions directed to grain cultivation;
6) foodgrain - the grain used for the food purposes;
7) seed grain - the grain used for the sowing purposes and separated on high-quality and sowing qualities;
8) forege grain - the grain intended for feeding of farm animals and birds;
9) the state resources of grain - the state inventories of grain created for the purpose of ensuring food security and execution of the state obligations and also for protection and regulation of the market of grain;
10) quality of grain - set of the consumer properties of grain determining its compliance to requirements of state standards, health, veterinary, phytosanitary regulations and regulations, hygienic standard rates and other regulating documents;
11) the company for acceptance and procurement of grain - the company having grain warehouse (collection point for grain, elevator) on the property rights;
12) grain storage - system of the technology services in grain warehouse (collection point for grain, canopy, storage facility, elevator) including acceptance, weighing, drying, cleaning, control, storage and transportation of grain.
The legislation of Turkmenistan on grain-growing is based on the Constitution of Turkmenistan and consists of this Law and other regulatory legal acts of Turkmenistan governing the relations in the field of grain-growing.
1. The purposes of this Law are reduction of dependence of consumers of the state on the foreign market of grain by development in the state of grain-growing and conversion of cereal products, forming and development of grain industry, creation of favorable legal, economic and organizational conditions for local producers of grain.
2. Tasks of this Law are establishment of general rules of production of grain, regulation of the grain market and quality assurance of cereal products.
1. Objects of zernovodchesky activities are cereal products, including final consumption from their production, the earth, technical and technology means which are at all production phases of grain products in contact in this or that form and also the auxiliary natural and artificial materials used when implementing zernovodchesky activities.
2. Subjects of zernovodchesky activities are the legal entities and physical persons which are engaged in production, procurement, storage, transportation, sale, import and export of cereal products.
Public administration in the field of grain-growing is exercised of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Agriculture of Turkmenistan (further - authorized body), local executive bodies.
Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan:
1) approves the main directions of strategy of state policy in the field of grain-growing and determines measures for its implementation;
2) determines single state policy in the field of grain-growing;
3) is created by the state reserve fund of grain;
4) approves amount, structure of the state resources of grain, the rule of their forming, storage and use;
5) adopts the corresponding regulatory legal acts of Turkmenistan in the field of grain-growing;
6) resolves other issues entering its competence according to this Law and other regulatory legal acts of Turkmenistan in the field of grain-growing.
Authorized body:
Develops 1) and implements single state policy in the field of grain-growing;
2) adopts within the competence regulatory legal acts of Turkmenistan in the field of grain-growing;
3) is coordinated by activities of subjects in the field of grain-growing;
4) exercises the state control of compliance with law of Turkmenistan about grain-growing;
5) establishes the technical standard rates relating to production and conversion of grain crops;
6) develops the state standards and other regulating documents determining quality requirements of grain crops;
7) is studied by the market of grain and prepares forecasts in the field of grain-growing;
8) exercises control of observance of holding agrotechnical actions for cultivation of grain crops, and also of application of remedies of grain crops;
9) exercises control of production, storage, conversion of seed grain and of business volume of seeds of grain crops;
10) will organize training of specialists, and also increase in their qualification in the field of grain-growing;
11) carries out annual scheduled inspection of activities of the companies for acceptance and procurement of grain regarding compliance to normative requirements, readiness for acceptance and storage of grain of new harvest based on the approved schedules;
12) concludes in coordination with the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan interservice agreements in the field of grain-growing;
13) resolves other issues entering its competence according to this Law and other regulatory legal acts of Turkmenistan in the field of grain-growing.
Local executive bodies:
1) create conditions to authorized body in the field of grain-growing for accomplishment of the functions assigned to it by the legislation of Turkmenistan;
2) make suggestions for improvement of the state standards and other regulating documents determining quality requirements of grain crops;
3) is determined in the territory subordinated to them by acreage of grain crops taking into account climatic conditions and enhance production technologies, storages and realization of grain;
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