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of August 12, 2016 №. 6

About some questions of import and the goods circulation on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union in connection with accession of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the World Trade Organization

For the purpose of implementation of article 3 of the Protocol on some questions of import and the goods circulation on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union of October 16, 2015 (further – the Protocol) and based on Item 1 of article 16 of the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014 (further – the Agreement) the Euroasian intergovernmental council decided:

1. Determine that when moving from the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the territory of other state members of the Eurasian Economic Union (further – state members) the goods included in the Inventory to which the Republic of Kazakhstan according to obligations assumed as condition of accession to the World Trade Organization applies rates of import customs duties lower in comparison with rates of duties of the Common customs tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union, and the sizes of such rates of duties, except for the goods specified in Item 3 of article 3 of the Protocol as the shipping document the paper copy of the electronic invoice registered in national system of accounting of the Republic of Kazakhstan, meeting the requirements of Item 10 of article 3 of the Protocol is recognized.

To the governments of state members in case of establishment of requirements for obligatory shipping documents according to Item 11 of article 3 of the Protocol to provide in their structure including the paper copy of the electronic invoice specified in paragraph one of this Item.

2. Determine what before decision making of the Eurasian intergovernmental council canceling the procedure provided by this Item the paper copy of the electronic invoice is certified by seal territorial authority of Committee of state revenues of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also is followed by one of the following documents:

a) the copy of the customs declaration certified by seal territorial authority of Committee of state revenues of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan – when moving the goods which are earlier imported from the third countries at the rates of the Common customs tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union;

b) the original certificate about goods origin of the CT-1, form issued according to the Rules of determination of the country of goods' origin which are integral part of the Agreement on Rules of determination of the country of goods' origin in the Commonwealth of Independent States of November 20, 2009 – when moving the goods made in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

c) the original certificate about goods origin of the CT-KZ form, issued according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, or its copy certified by National chamber of entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of Atameken – when moving the goods made in the territories of the free economic zone and free warehouses;

d) the copy of the application about commodity importation and payment of indirect taxes according to the Protocol on procedure for collection of indirect taxes and the mechanism of control of their payment during the exporting and commodity import, performance of works, rendering services (appendix №18 to the Agreement) – when moving the goods which are earlier imported from other state members.

3. Proceeding from need of consideration of question of import and the goods circulation on customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union in connection with accession of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the World Trade Organization during the regular meeting of the Eurasian intergovernmental council to hear the report of the Republic of Kazakhstan on work on creation and functioning of national system of accounting of the Republic of Kazakhstan, stipulated in Item 10th article 3 of the Protocol.

4. This Decision becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

Members of Eurasian intergovernmental council:

From the Republic of Kazakhstan

From the Republic of Armenia

From the Kyrgyz Republic

From the Republic of Belarus

From the Russian Federation

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