of January 27, 2017 No. 30
About approval of Rules of subsidizing of development of breeding livestock production, increase in productivity and product quality of livestock production
According to the subitem 41) Item 1 of article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 8, 2005 "About state regulation of development of agro-industrial complex and the rural territories", and also the subitem 2) Item 3 of article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 19, 2010 "About the state statistics" PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve Rules of subsidizing of development of breeding livestock production, increase in productivity and product quality of livestock production, according to appendix 1 to this order.
2. Recognize invalid some orders of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to appendix 2 to this order.
3. To provide to department of production and conversion of animal production of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:
1) the state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) within ten calendar days from the date of the state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan the direction it the copy on official publication in periodic printing editions, and also in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "The republican center of legal information" for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5. This order becomes effective after day of its first official publication.
The deputy prime minister of the Republic Kazakhstan - the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Myrzakhmetov
It is approved Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan January 30, 2017 |
___________ B. Sultanov |
It is approved Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan January 31, 2017 |
___________ T. Suleymenov |
Appendix 1
to the Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the Minister of Agriculture of January 27, 2017 No. 30
1. These rules of subsidizing of development of breeding livestock production, increase in productivity and product quality of livestock production (further - Rules) determine procedure for providing budget subsidies (further - subsidies) for the account and within the means and actions provided in the local budget for the corresponding financial year to domestic agricultural producers (further - producers), to other physical persons and legal entities on development of breeding livestock production, increase in productivity and product quality of livestock production.
2. In these rules the following basic concepts are used:
1) uterine livestock - livestock of female individuals of the animals who reached polovozrely age (on cattle breeding: breeding animals of 15 months, commodity animals of 18 months, on sheep breeding of 12 months, on maralovodstvo (reindeer breeding) of 36 months) used for reproduction of herd;
2) public herd - the herd of cattle created from livestock of personal subsidiary farms;
3) target use of the acquired breeding animals - use of the acquired and pro-subsidized breeding animals for the purpose of reproduction on conditions and in the terms specified in these rules;
4) commodity herd - the herd of the large horned cattle / sheep created from livestock of the economy or agricultural cooperative performing conducting selection and breeding work with uterine livestock of the large horned cattle / sheep;
5) pedigree transformation - improvement of pedigree and productive qualities of uterine livestock by use in reproduction of breeding producers;
6) sluchny season - the period of reproduction of farm animals (for cattle from May 1 to October 1 (inclusive), for sheep and marals from September 1 to December 1 (inclusive) calendar year);
7) the agricultural cooperative performing conducting selection and breeding work with uterine livestock of the large horned cattle / sheep - the agricultural cooperative which created herd/flock from livestock of personal subsidiary farms of the village and/or the rural district (rural districts), performing conducting selection and breeding work with uterine livestock of the large horned cattle / sheep;
8) the digital signature (further - the EDS) - set of electronic digital symbols created by means of the digital signature and confirming reliability of the electronic document, its accessory and invariance of content.
3. The directions which are subject to subsidizing:
1) on development of breeding livestock production:
reduction in cost of costs for conducting selection and breeding work with uterine number of cattle, sheep, goats, marals (deer), and also bee colonies;
reduction in cost of purchase costs of breeding young growth of cattle, sheep, goats, horses, pigs, camels, marals (deer) at domestic and foreign farms;
reduction in cost of purchase costs of breeding daily young growth of the meat and egg directions of birds parent / praroditelskoy forms at domestic and foreign farms;
reduction in cost of costs of physical persons and legal entities for content of breeding bulls meat, milk and the milk meat breeds used for reproduction of herd;
compensation to 100% of costs of the breeding and distribyyuterny centers for rendering services in artificial fertilization of uterine number of cattle and sheep in personal subsidiary farms and agricultural cooperatives, and also in the peasant farms which are engaged in cultivation of the Karakul breeds of sheep;
compensation to 50% of costs, the breeding and distribyyuterny centers on acquisition of the special equipment and the processing equipment used for storage and the organization of artificial fertilization of uterine livestock of farm animals;
2) on increase in productivity and product quality of livestock production:
reduction in cost of cost of fattening of bull-calves, productions of lamb meat, pork, horse-flesh, camel meat, fowl (meat of broiler chicken, meat of turkey, waterfowl meat), food egg (chicken and quail egg), milk (cow, mare's, camel, goat), fine-fleece and semi-fine-fleece wool;
reduction in cost of cost of the compound feeds made by combine fodder factories and implemented to agricultural cooperatives;
reduction in cost of cost of costs for forages of farm animals;
reduction in cost of cost of beef of the meat-processing plants which are engaged in face and slaughtering of meat of cattle.
4. Standard rates of subsidies are specified in appendix 1 to these rules.
5. Criteria and requirements for the direction of reduction in cost to 50% of cost of costs for forages of farm animals, standard rates and amounts of subsidizing in the directions of subsidizing specified in Item 3 of these rules (further - standard rates and amounts of subsidizing), are numbered, proshnurovyvatsya, sealed and are in duplicate provided by Deraptments of Agriculture of area (further - Management of area), the cities of Astana and Almaty (further - City department) on approval in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - the Ministry) the cover letter signed by the akim of area, the cities of Astana and Almaty, in case of their absence person fulfilling their duties no later than January 20 of the corresponding year.
The ministry within five working days considers the provided standard rates and amounts of subsidizing on compliance to indicators of the state and government programs.
In case of the positive decision the Ministry returns the corresponding cover letter one copy of standard rates and amounts of subsidizing no later than January 25 of the corresponding year.
In case of the negative decision the Ministry the letter with motivated reasons sends to completion both copies of standard rates and amounts of subsidizing no later than January 25 of the corresponding year.
Modifed standard rates and amounts of subsidizing it is in duplicate provided by the cover letter signed by the akim of area, the city of republican value, the capital, in case of their absence persons fulfilling their duties on repeated approval in the Ministry no later than January 30 of the corresponding year.
The ministry returns the corresponding cover letter one copy of the approved standard rates and amounts of subsidizing no later than February 5 of the corresponding year.
Standard rates and amounts of subsidies within a month after maintaining in action of these rules and in subsequent annually, no later than February 5 affirm the resolution of akimat of area, the cities of Astana and Almaty.
After approval of the resolution, the akimat of area, the cities of Astana and Almaty within two working days places it on the official Internet resource.
After placement of the resolution on Internet resource, the Ministry verifies standard rates and amounts of subsidies regarding compliance to their earlier approved standard rates and amounts of subsidies. In case of detection of discrepancy, the Ministry notifies akimat of area, the cities of Astana and Almaty on need of reduction in compliance with the approved version of standard rates and amounts of subsidizing.
6. Are not subject to subsidizing:
1) animals and products of livestock production of the producers who are not corresponding to the criteria and requirements specified in appendices 2 and 3 to these rules;
2) all uterine livestock of the large horned cattle / sheep of economy in case of not observance of requirements for use in reproduction throughout sluchny season and replacement on the breeding bulls (breeding manufacturing rams) which are earlier not used in pedigree transformation, according to zootechnical standard rates (at least one bull / ram on thirty heads of the sluchny contingent, use of bull/ram no more than two sluchny seasons in a row);
3) selection and breeding work with uterine livestock of the large horned cattle / sheep of the farms having discrepancies in number of livestock of animals (on compliance of identification numbers of animals, floor, breed, birth date and data on castration of bull-calves), registered in single information base of selection and breeding work (further - IAS) and the database on identification of farm animals (further - ISZh) at the time of application for receipt of subsidies (further - the request);
4) reduction in cost of purchase costs of breeding cattle, sheep, goats, horses, camels, pigs, marals (deer) and the breeding daily chickens who are earlier pro-subsidized on reduction in cost of cost in case of acquisition, and also acquired on barter on account of settlement or used not for the reproduction purposes;
5) animals and the bee colonies participating in selection and breeding work, pro-subsidized in the current year in the direction of subsidizing for conducting selection and breeding work during the season passing sluchny (except for cattle in case of application according to the additional standard rate of subsidies specified in appendix 1 to these rules (further - the additional standard rate);
6) the breeding bulls used for reproduction in public and commodity herds, pro-subsidized in the current year in the specified direction;
7) the livestock production products acquired by producers at other physical persons and legal entities for its further resale and (or) conversion, except for agricultural cooperatives, and also meat-processing plants which are engaged in face and slaughtering of meat of cattle;
8) the livestock production products sold by producers on barter, on account of settlement or earlier pro-subsidized, the products of livestock production which are purchased by meat-processing plants except for earlier pro-subsidized, engaged in face and slaughtering of meat of cattle;
9) animal production of household face, and also not undergone slaughtering at the companies of conversion;
10) the livestock production products received by producers as a result of forced sanitary slaughter of animals and also products and livestock of farm animals during action of karantinirovanny actions for especially dangerous and infectious diseases by certain type of animals;
11) collateral products of meat poultry farming - claw, the heads, internals;
12) the food egg implemented and (or) passed for production of egg powder.
7. Subsidies are paid to producers, other physical persons and legal entities according to the following priority of the directions:
on development of breeding livestock production:
conducting selection and breeding work with uterine number of cattle and sheep;
acquisition of breeding cattle and sheep;
other directions of development of breeding livestock production;
on increase in productivity and product quality of livestock production:
fattening of bull-calves and receipt of milk by agricultural cooperative;
reduction in cost of cost of receipt of milk (cow, mare's, camel, goat);
reduction in cost of manufacturing cost of fowl;
reduction in cost of cost of fattening of bull-calves;
reduction in cost of manufacturing cost of lamb meat;
reduction in cost of cost of compound feeds;
reduction in cost of manufacturing cost of fine and semi-fine wool;
reduction in cost of manufacturing cost of pork;
reduction in cost of manufacturing cost of horse-flesh;
reduction in cost of manufacturing cost of camel meat;
reduction in cost of manufacturing cost of food egg (chicken and quail);
reduction in cost of cost of meat of beef, received by meat-processing plants, the engaged face and slaughtering of meat of cattle.
In case of availability of remaining balance of means in one or several directions, subsidies are redistributed according to priority of the directions of subsidizing.
8. Annually the Department of agricultural industry of the respective area, city of regional value (further - Department) in time no later than five calendar days prior to order taking places on Internet resource of akimat of the area, city of regional value the announcement of the beginning of order taking for subsidizing. Order taking begins since January 20.
Necessary condition of receipt of subsidies producers, physical persons and legal entities are compliance to the criteria and requirements specified in appendices 2 and 3 to these rules at the time of application for receipt of subsidies.
9. Subsidies are paid:
1) for the head of the uterine number of cattle involved in selection and breeding work - according to the basic standard rate of subsidies specified in appendix 1 to these rules and for the head of uterine number of cattle actual received issue, taking into account issue exit indicator - according to the additional standard rate of subsidies specified in appendix 1 to these rules;
2) for the head of uterine livestock of sheep, goats, marals and for the bee colony involved in selection and breeding work;
3) for the head of the acquired breeding animal and breeding daily young growth of birds of the meat and egg directions parent / praroditelskoy forms;
4) for the head of actually artificially inseminated uterine number of cattle and sheep;
5) for the head of the breeding bull used in reproduction of herd;
6) for the head of the bull-calf and eanling implemented on slaughter or on feedlots (from 1 000 rooms for one animal) or processed at the meat-processing companies, lethal Items or lethal platforms with refrigeration equipment having accounting numbers;
7) for kilogram of fowl, the pork, horse-flesh, camel meat implemented or processed at the meat-processing companies, lethal Items having accounting numbers and for kilogram of milk, the fine and semi-fine wool implemented or processed at the companies (workshops) of conversion having accounting numbers;
8) for unit of the implemented food egg;
9) for ton of the implemented compound feed;
10) for kilogram of meat of the beef received on the meat-processing plants which are engaged in face and slaughtering of meat of cattle.
10. In case of shortage of means for satisfaction of requests in one of the priority directions in full, including earlier approved, but not financed or partially financed requests, Management of area, City department redistributes missing funds from less priority directions, on condition of availability of undeveloped means in this directions.
Balance is distributed in proportion, according to amounts of receivable subsidies in the submitted applications. The unpaid remaining balance of subsidies which is due to producer will be paid to it in priority procedure from means of next month(s)/year in case of their availability taking into account priority of the directions within amounts by the approved resolution of akimat of area, the cities of Astana and Almaty in the direction of subsidizing.
11. In case of change of the amounts between the directions of subsidizing corresponding changes and (or) amendments according to the procedure, stipulated in Item 5 these rules are made to the resolution of akimat of area, the cities of Astana and Almaty.
12. The management of area, City department monthly publishes information on results of consideration of requests of producers, physical persons and legal entities on receipt of subsidies on the special Section of Internet resource of akimat of area, the cities of Astana and Almaty.
Management of area, City department sends the report on development of budgetary funds monthly till the fifth of the following for reporting in form 1, according to appendix 4 to these rules and annually till January 10 of the following after accounting year in form 2, according to appendix 4 to these rules to the Ministry.
13. The ministry performs monitoring of realization by akimats of areas, cities of Astana and Almaty of subsidizing on development of breeding livestock production, increase in productivity and product quality of livestock production. Following the results of monitoring by the Ministry the offer addressed to the akim of area, the cities of Astana and Almaty is made.
14. Producers in the direction of development of breeding livestock production in process of emergence of the corresponding bases direct requests in form, according to appendix 5 to these rules:
1) in paper form through non-commercial joint-stock company "The Government for Citizens state corporation (further - the State corporation);
2) in electronic form by means of the web portal of "the electronic government" www.egov.kz (further - the portal).
Producers submit applications according to which from the moment of emergence of the bases (from the moment of compliance of producer to criteria and requirements of these rules) for its giving there passed no more than twelve months.
The state corporation within one working day sends the request to Department.
The electronic request signed by the EDS of producer goes for processing to Department automatically.
15. The department within two working days from the date of receipt of the request in the directions which are not specified in the paragraph 2 Items 16 of these rules checks requests for completeness of the completed data and performs reconciliation of data IAS and ISZh on form 3, according to appendix 6 to these rules.
In case of identification of incomplete filling of the request or discrepancy to data IAS and ISZh by results of reconciliation, the Department sends the notification on need of completion of the request in form, according to appendix of 5-1 these rules with indication of two-day term for elimination of notes to the State corporation in paper form or on the portal by means of IAS in electronic form.
The modifed application specified in the notification is submitted in time in paper form through the State corporation or electronic type by means of the portal.
The state corporation within one working day sends the request to Department.
The electronic request signed by the EDS of producer goes for processing to Department automatically.
In case of not elimination of notes in time specified in the notification the State corporation does not accept the request, also the portal rejects the request.
Producers can repeatedly submit the application after completion.
16. After receipt of complete document package the Department within two working days performs check on compliance to the criteria and requirements specified in appendix 2 to these rules.
At the same time, in the directions of subsidizing: acquisition of breeding animals, conducting selection and breeding work with breeding uterine number of cattle and sheep, conducting selection and breeding work with uterine number of cattle and sheep, covered by pedigree transformation and for content of breeding bulls meat, milk and the milk meat breeds used for reproduction check on compliance to the criteria and requirements specified in appendix 2 to these rules is performed within seven working days by departure of working group as a part of the specialist of Department, the specialist of akimat and the veterinarian of the respective rural district in farms for reconciliation. The structure of the working group affirms the order of Department.
By results of departure the reconciliation statement in form 2, according to appendix 6 to these rules which original is stored in Department in the terms specified in Item 28 of these rules is drawn up.
In case of detection of discrepancy to the criteria and requirements specified in appendix 2 to these rules, the Department during the specified term sends to producer the notification in form 2, according to appendix 11 to these rules with indication of causes of failure to the State corporation in paper form or on the portal by means of IAS in electronic form.
In case of compliance of producer to criteria and requirements, according to appendix 2 to these rules, the Department during the specified term sends the request by means of IAS to Management of area, City department with attachment of the electronic copy of the reconciliation statement.
Management of area, City department within two working days after receipt of the request checks for completeness of the specified data and in case of compliance sends to producer the notification in form 2, according to appendix 11 to these rules about approval of the request for the portal by means of IAS.
By providing documents through the State corporation, Management of area, City department in the specified terms sends the notification on approval of the request to Department. The department within one working day sends the notification on approval of the request to the State corporation.
In case of the address producer the State corporation, day of documents acceptance does not include rendering the state service in time, at the same time the result of rendering the state service by Department is provided in the State corporation a day before the termination of term of rendering the state service.
In case of detection of incompleteness of the specified data or incorrect creation of the reconciliation statement, the request during the specified term returns by means of IAS to Department to completion with motivated reasons for all discrepancies.
In case of return because of incorrect creation of the reconciliation statement, the Department within one working day introduces in Management the modifed act by means of IAS.
17. Management of area, City department within two working days from the moment of approval of the request taking into account priority of the directions, and also chronology of receipt of requests creates the summary act on the area, the city according to appendix 7 to these rules, and goes for payment.
18. Transfer of receivable budget subsidies for bank accounts of producers is performed by Management of area, City department by provision in territorial subdivision of treasury of accounts for payment within two working days.
19. Data on the received subsidies in the directions of development of breeding livestock production are entered by Management of area, City department in IAS within five working days from the date of payment of subsidies to producers.
20. Producers before providing the request in form, according to appendix 5 to these rules, in the specified directions of subsidizing place in IAS the electronic copy of the reference of bank of the second level or the National operator of mail about availability of the current account (it is provided once a year or when changing the bank account), and also process the relevant documents:
1) in case of acquisition of breeding cattle of breeding sheep, goats, horses, camels, pigs and marals, breeding daily young growth of the meat and egg directions of birds parent / praroditelskoy forms - the act of receipt of animals and/or birds in form 3, according to appendix 8 to these rules;
2) in case of content of breeding bulls meat, milk and the milk meat breeds used for reproduction in the public herd created from livestock of personal subsidiary farms - the solution of descent of the inhabitants of the settlement who are owners of the cattle on fixing and use of breeding bulls meat milk and milk meat breeds in the public herd created from livestock of personal subsidiary farms in form according to appendix 9 to these rules. After carrying out descent of inhabitants the producer provides this solution of descent of inhabitants (which copy is placed in IAS) in Department. The department according to the data specified in the solution of descent of inhabitants creates public herd in IAS with fixing of breeding bulls of producers till July 1 of the current year;
3) in case of implementation of artificial fertilization of uterine livestock of the large horned cattle / sheep in personal subsidiary farms and agricultural cooperatives, and also in the peasant farms which are engaged in cultivation of the Karakul breeds of sheep - the act of insemination of uterine livestock of the large horned cattle / sheep in form 1, according to appendix 8 to these rules and the act of inspection on stylishness of the inseminated uterine number of cattle in form 2, according to appendix 8 to these rules.
21. Producers for the receipt of subsidies for conducting selection and breeding work with uterine number of cattle covered by pedigree transformation according to the basic standard rate till September 1 of the current year provide compliance to the criteria and requirements specified in appendix 2 to these rules and submit the application through the State corporation or by means of the portal, to the terms determined in Item 14 of Rules.
According to the additional standard rate of the request for the receipt of subsidies for conducting selection and breeding work with breeding uterine number of cattle and uterine number of cattle covered by pedigree transformation move once in calendar year, but no later than November 20 of the current year. The percent of exit of calfs is calculated by the following formula:
In = T/K*100, where:
In - percent of exit of calfs for date of application;
T - for the last otet quantity of the received calfs from cows (the cow - the calved uterine livestock or uterine livestock is more senior than 36 months) within the last twelve months before date of application;
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The document ceased to be valid since September 4, 2018 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 15, 2018 No. 256