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of July 4, 2002 No. 40-IV

About innovative activities

(as amended on 07-09-2021)

This Law determines legal, economic and organizational basis of state regulation of innovative activities in Ukraine, establishes forms of stimulation by the state of innovative processes and is directed to support of development of economy of Ukraine in the innovative way.

According to this Law the state support is got by the subjects of managing of all patterns of ownership realizing innovative projects, and the companies of all patterns of ownership having the status of innovative in Ukraine.

Section I General provisions

Article 1. Determination of terms

1. In this Law the stated below terms are used in the following value:

innovations - the newly created (applied) and (or) advanced competitive technologies, products or services, and also the organizational technical solutions of production, administrative, commercial or other nature significantly improving structure and quality of production and (or) the social sphere;

innovative activities - the activities directed to use and commercialization of results of research and development and causing release on the market of new competitive goods and services;

innovative product - the result of research and (or) developmental development conforming to requirements, the established this Law;

innovative products - the new competitive goods or services conforming to requirements, the established this Law;

the innovative project - the complex of the actions and procedures necessary for development, creation and realization of innovative product and (or) innovative products reflected in set of the documents constituted according to requirements of the legislation;

the priority innovative project - the innovative project which is implemented within the priority directions of innovative activities;

the innovative company (the innovative center, technopark, technopolis, innovative business incubator, etc.) - the company (merging of the companies) developing, making and selling innovative products and (or) products or services which amount in cash measurement exceeds 70 percent of its total amount of products and (or) services;

innovative infrastructure - set of the companies, organizations, organizations, their associations, the associations of any pattern of ownership rendering services in ensuring innovative activities (financial, consulting, marketing, information and communicative, legal, educational, etc.).

Article 2. The legislation of Ukraine in the field of innovative activities

1. The legislation of Ukraine in the field of innovative activities is based on the Constitution of Ukraine and consists of the laws of Ukraine "About investing activities", "About scientific and scientific and technical activities", "About scientific and scientific and technical examination", "About the special mode of innovative activities of technological parks", "About the special economic zone "Yavorov", "About the Priority Directions of Innovative Activities in Ukraine", this Law and other regulatory legal acts governing the public relations in this sphere.


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