of December 26, 2016 No. 307
About establishment of prudential standard rates for the National operator of mail
According to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 4, 2003 "About state regulation, control and supervision of the financial market and the financial organizations", of March 19, 2010 "About the state statistics" and of April 9, 2016 "About mail" the Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:
1. Establish the following prudential standard rates for the National operator of mail:
1) coefficient of sufficiency of own means which value for the end of month under report makes at least 0,12.
The coefficient of sufficiency of own means is calculated as the relation of equity of the National operator of mail to the amount of its assets weighed on degree of credit risk.
Calculation of the assets weighed on degree of credit risk is carried out according to the Table of the assets of the National operator of mail weighed on degree of credit risk of investments according to appendix 1-1 to this resolution;
2) liquidity rate which value for the end of month under report makes at least 0,30.
The liquidity rate is calculated as the relation of the size of highly liquid assets to the size of obligations poste restante.
2. The equity of the National operator of mail is calculated as the amount:
the paid authorized capital (within the amounts paid with money);
supplementary capital;
retained net income of last years (including the funds, reserves created at the expense of retained net income);
excesses of the income of the current year over expenses of the current year;
behind minus:
intangible assets;
losses of last years;
excesses of expenses of the current year over the income of the current year;
participations in the authorized capital of other legal entities.
3. Join in calculation of highly liquid assets:
1) money, including:
money in cash desk, no more than 10 (ten) percent from the amount of assets on balance of the National operator of mail;
money on current accounts in banks of the second level of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
money on accounts in the central depositary;
the money of the National operator of mail which is fees in guarantee or reserve funds of the clearing organization (the central partner), mid-flight fees, complete and (or) partial ensuring obligation fulfillment according to the bargains concluded in trade system of stock exchange by method of open tenderings and (or) with participation of the central partner;
money on current accounts in the nonresident banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan having long-term and (or) short-term, individual rating is not lower than category "VVV-" on the international scale of the Standard & Poor agency "s (Standard and Purs) or rating assessment of similar level of Moody rating agencies" s Investors Service (Mudis Investors Service), Fitch (Features) or their affiliated rating organizations (further - other rating agencies);
money on accounts in the nonresident organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan providing banking services to the organizations for implementation of transactions in the organized market of securities;
2) government securities of the Republic of Kazakhstan (including emitted according to the legislation of other states);
3) on-demand deposits in National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in banks of the second level of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4) the share of the legal entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan having long-term credit rating is not lower "In" on the international scale of the Standard & Poor agency "than s (Standard and Purs) or the rating of similar level of one of other rating agencies, or rating assessment not below "kzB" on national scale of Standard & Poor" s (Standard and Purs), or the rating of similar level on national scale of one of other rating agencies, and depositary receipts which underlying asset are these shares, less reserves on possible losses;
5) the non-state debt securities of legal entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan issued according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other states, included in category "debt securities with rating assessment" is not lower "In" on the international scale of the Standard & Poor agency "than s (Standard and Purs) or rating assessment of similar level of one of other rating agencies, or rating assessment not below "kzBB" on national scale of Standard & Poor" s (Standard and Purs) (taking into account the amounts of principal debt and the added remuneration), less reserves on possible losses;
6) debt securities of the foreign states having sovereign rating is not lower than "VVV-" on the international scale of the Standard & Poor agency "s (Standard and Purs) or rating assessment of similar level of one of other rating agencies (taking into account the amounts of principal debt and the added remuneration), less reserves on possible losses;
7) the non-state debt securities of foreign issuers having rating assessment not below "VVV-" on the international scale of the Standard & Poor agency "s (Standard and Purs) or rating assessment of similar level of one of other rating agencies (taking into account the amounts of principal debt and the added remuneration), less reserves on possible losses;
8) shares of the foreign issuers having rating assessment not below "VVV-" on the international scale of the Standard & Poor agency "s (Standard and Purs) or rating assessment of similar level of one of other rating agencies, and depositary receipts which underlying asset are these shares, less reserves on possible losses;
9) shares of Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) (Ekscheyndzh Treyded of Fands) which structure of assets repeats structure of one of the main stock indexes, or pricing on shares of which it is tied to the main stock indexes;
10) shares of Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) (Ekscheyndzh Treyded Fands), Exchange Traded Commodities (ETC) (Ekscheyndzh Treyded Kommoditis), Exchange Traded Notes (ETN) (Ekscheyndzh Treyded Nouts) having rating assessment not below "3 stars" of Morningstar rating agency (Morninstar);
11) the affined precious metals and metal deposits;
12) instruments of Islamic financing with rating security valuation and (or) the issuer not below "B" on the international scale of the Standard & Poor agency "s (Standard and Purs) or rating assessment of similar level of one of other rating agencies;
13) instruments of Islamic financing of Islamic bank in case of observance of the following conditions:
availability at the organization, being the large shareholder of Islamic bank, rating assessment not below "BB+" on the international scale of the Standard & Poor agency "s (Standard and Purs) or rating assessment of similar level of one of other rating agencies;
fulfillment of requirements on observance of the prudential standard rates established for Islamic bank according to the bank law of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
14) the securities which are subject of transaction of the return repo;
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