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The document ceased to be valid since  July 1, 2021 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 15, 2020 No. 470  


of November 29, 2016 No. 1111

About approval of the Technical regulation "Requirements for the Equipment of Buildings, Rooms and Constructions Systems of Automatic Fire Extinguishing and the Automatic Fire Alarm, the Notification and Management of Evacuation of People in case of the Fire"

(as amended of the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 28.06.2019 No. 598)

According to subitem 70-23) of Item 1 of article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 11, 2014 "About civil protection" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the enclosed Technical regulation "Requirements for the Equipment of Buildings, Rooms and Constructions Systems of Automatic Fire Extinguishing and the Automatic Fire Alarm, the Notification and Management of Evacuation of People in case of the Fire".

2. To provide to committee on emergency situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten working days from the date of state registration of this order the direction it the copy in printing and electronic type in one copy in the state and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "The republican center of legal information" for inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) placement on official Internet resource of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and on the intranet portal of state bodies;

4) within ten working days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Legal department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1), 2), 3) and 4) of this Item.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy minister of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ilyin Yu. V. and on the chairman of Committee on emergency situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Becker V. R.

4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan police colonel general

K. Kasymov

It is approved

Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

December 6, 2016


___________ Zh. Kasymbek

It is approved

Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

"" 2016


___________ K. Bishimbayev

It is approved

Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

January 20, 2017


___________ T. Suleymenov

Approved by the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 29, 2016, No. 1111

Technical regulation "Requirements for the Equipment of Buildings, Rooms and Constructions Systems of Automatic Fire Extinguishing and the Automatic Fire Alarm, the Notification and Management of Evacuation of People in case of the Fire"

Chapter 1. Scope

1. This Technical regulation "Requirements for the Equipment of Buildings, Rooms and Constructions Systems of Automatic Fire Extinguishing and the Automatic Fire Alarm, the Notification and Management of Evacuation of People in case of the Fire" (further - the Technical regulation) is developed for the purpose of implementation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 11, 2014 "About civil protection", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 9, 2004 "About technical regulation" and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 16, 2001 "About architectural, town-planning and construction activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan".

2. Requirements of this Technical regulation extend to the systems of automatic fire extinguishing and the automatic fire alarm, the notification and management of evacuation of people in case of the fire intended for detection, the notice, reporting of information on emergence of the fire, fire extinguishing in buildings, rooms and constructions (further - objects) and to processes of lifecycle.

The list of products to which requirements of this Technical regulation extend is given in appendix 1 to this Technical regulation.

3. Action of this Technical regulation does not extend on:

1) the installations of fire extinguishing and the fire alarm intended for protection of vehicles (the train, sea and aircrafts);

2) the systems of automatic fire extinguishing, the automatic fire alarm and the notification and management of evacuation of people in case of the fire established in mines of the mining and coal industry;

3) sensors of stationary gas-signaling devices of threshold limit values of hazardous substances and dovzryvoopasny concentration of combustible gases and vapors in production rooms and on external platforms of explosion-fire-hazardous objects;

4) control systems of engineering procedures, automatic and remote control (management system), system of antiemergency automatic protection, and also communication and warning system about emergencies, including, delivered completely with the equipment.

Chapter 2. Terms and determinations

4. In this Technical regulation the following main terms and determinations are used:

1) automatic - characterizes processes or devices which in certain conditions work or are carried out without intervention of the person;

2) system of automatic fire extinguishing - set jointly the operating technical means intended for detection of the fire, collection, processing and representation in the set type of special information, notice on the fire and fire extinguishing in the automatic mode;

3) automatic installation of fire extinguishing - the fire extinguishing installation automatically working in case of excess by controlled factor (factors) of the fire of the established threshold values in the protected zone;

4) the manufacturer - the legal entity or physical person registered as the individual entrepreneur, including the foreign manufacturer performing on its own behalf production or production and sales of products and responsible for its compliance to requirements of technical regulations, including Customs / the Eurasian Economic Union;

5) fire extinguishing installation drencher - the installation of water fire extinguishing equipped with normally open drencher sprinklers is also intended for detection and suppression of the fires on all settlement area, and also for creation of water veils;

6) semi-automatic management - actuating of the warning system and management of evacuation by the dispatcher in case of receipt of command impulse from automatic installations of the fire alarm or fire extinguishing;

7) the supplier - the physical person or legal entity providing products, service;

8) the security fire alarm - obtaining, processing, transfer and representation in the set type to consumers by means of technical means of information on penetration on the protected objects and about the fire on them;

9) the warning system and managements of evacuation - the complex of organizational actions and technical means intended for the timely message to people of information on emergence of the fire and (or) need and ways of evacuation;

10) products - the result of activities provided in material and material form and intended for further use in economic and other purposes;

11) fire automatic equipment - set of the mechanisms, devices and devices operating automatically according to the set algorithm in case of accomplishment of functions of the fire (security and fire) alarm, fire extinguishing, smoke removal, the notification and management of evacuation of people in case of the fire;

12) fire post - the special room of object with the round-the-clock stay of personnel on duty equipped with devices of control of condition of means of fire automatic equipment;

13) sprinkler the firefighter drencher - the sprinkler of installations of water or foamy fire extinguishing with open exhaust outlet, is intended for receipt of sprayed water or air and mechanical foam from water solution of frother and their distribution on the protected area for the purpose of fire extinguishing or its localization;

14) the fireplug - the set consisting of the valve established on the fire pipeline and equipped with fire connecting head and also fire hose with manual trunk;

15) the reception survey meter the firefighter - component of installation of the fire alarm for acceptance of information from fire announcers, development of signal of emergence of the fire or defect of installation, forming of signals on start of fire protection systems and for further transfer of commands for other devices;

16) requirements of fire safety - the special conditions of social and (or) technical nature established for the purpose of ensuring fire safety with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

17) zone of the fire notification - part of the building where the notification of people, simultaneous and identical on method, about the fire is carried out;

18) fire alarm system - set of the installations of the fire alarm mounted on one object and controlled from general fire post;

19) installation of the fire alarm - set of technical means of detection of the fire, transfer of the message on the place of its origin and processing of signal of the fire, special information and (or) issues of commands for inclusion of automatic installations of fire extinguishing and other technical devices;

20) fire extinguishing installation - set of the stationary technical means intended for fire extinguishing due to release of fire-fighting substance;

21) sprinkler the firefighter sprinkler - the sprinkler of installations of water or foamy fire extinguishing with the locking device of exhaust outlet which is opened in case of operation of the thermal lock is intended for receipt of sprayed water or air and mechanical foam from water solution of frother and their distribution on the protected area for the purpose of fire extinguishing or its localization;

22) the announcer the firefighter - the device for forming of signal of the fire;

23) the fire protection system - set of the technical and organizational actions and technical means allocated for prevention of impact on people of dangerous factors of the fire and restriction of material damage from it;

24) operational control - one of forms of assessment of conformity which is carried out by person responsible for operation of installations of fire automatic equipment in the organization;

25) robotic installation of fire extinguishing - stationary automatic means which is mounted on the motionless basis consists of the fire trunk having several degrees of mobility and equipped with system of drives, devices of program control and is intended for suppression and localization of the fire or chilling of processing equipment and building constructions;

26) fire extinguishing installation sprinkler - the automatic installation of water fire extinguishing equipped with normally closed sprinkler sprinklers which are opened in case of achievement of certain temperature;

27) stationary fire extinguishing system (non-automatic) - the system including reservoirs (vessels, reservoirs) for fire-fighting substance, pumping point and pipeline network with the devices intended for selection and supply of fire-fighting substance in fire zone.

Automation equipment of these systems applies to ensuring turning on of reserve pumps if the main pumps are defective or does not provide settlement pressure;

28) stationary installation of fire protection of processing equipment - set of stationary technical means for chilling of processing equipment and localization of the fire due to giving in the protected zone of fire-fighting substance in the automatic, remote or local mode of start-up;

29) technical means of the notification - the sound, speech, light and combined fire annunciators, monitors them, and also evacuation signs of fire safety.

Chapter 3. Product circulation conditions in the market of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Paragraph 1. General requirements

5. Systems and the installations of fire automatic equipment placed in the market apply to accomplishment of task on detection, the notice, reporting of information on emergence of the fire, fire extinguishing on objects, and do not constitute danger to people, the environment, property of physical persons and legal entities.

6. The choice of type of products, designing, installation, testing and acceptance for operation, maintenance (operation and servicing), engineering certification of systems and installations of fire automatic equipment is performed according to requirements of this Technical regulation.

7. Information on technical characteristics of systems and installations, technical devices, fire extinguishing means is specified in the accompanying documentation specific products. The structure of the accompanying documentation is determined depending on type of products and stage of its lifecycle.

In set of accompanying documents represent:

1) the passport of products with the description of the device of product and technical characteristics guaranteed by the manufacturer and set of the drawings explaining the device and work of product;

2) the instruction (management) containing data on preservation, storage, transportation, installation (assembly), testing, operation, maintenance of technical devices and about safety requirements at all stages of their lifecycle;

3) data on the certificate of conformity or the declaration of conformity of products which are subject to obligatory certification according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 9, 2004 "About technical regulation".

Paragraph 2. Requirements to the choice of products

8. The type of automatic installation of fire extinguishing, suppression method, type of fire-fighting means, type of the equipment of installations of the fire (security and fire) alarm, is determined by the organization designer taking into account requirements of construction regulations and rules, national, interstate, international standards existing in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan depending on the engineering procedure of production, construction features of object, technical and economic indicators, fire risk and physical and chemical properties made stored and applied on object of substances and materials.

9. The list of the objects which are subject to the equipment systems and installations of fire automatic equipment is determined according to requirements of construction regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan CH PK 2.02-11-2002 * "Regulations of the equipment of buildings, rooms and constructions systems of the automatic fire alarm, automatic installations of fire extinguishing and the notification of people about the fire".


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