of February 13, 2017 No. 102
About approval of the Method of establishment of standard rates of maximum permissible dumpings of pollutants into water objects
For the purpose of establishment of standard rates of maximum permissible dumpings of pollutants into water objects, according to the Water code of the Kyrgyz Republic, the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic "About environmental protection", "About water", articles 10 and 17 of the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:
1. Approve the Method of establishment of standard rates of maximum permissible dumpings of pollutants into water objects according to appendix.
2. This resolution becomes effective after fifteen days from the date of official publication.
Prime Minister
S. Zheenbekov
1. This Method of establishment of standard rates of maximum permissible dumpings of pollutants into water objects (further - the Technique) determines procedure for establishment, calculation and review of standard rates of maximum permissible dumpings (further - PDS) pollutants in water objects.
2. The technique is held for use business entities irrespective of their forms of business in case of project development of standard rates of PDS for the operating, designed and reconstructed objects of economic and other activity.
The technique is also held for use the authorized state body of environmental protection and authorized state body realizing state policy in the field of public health care in case of establishment and approval of standard rates of PDS.
This Technique is applied by business entities at whom objects of economic and other activity (further - business entity) belong to I and II categories of danger according to appendix 2 to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "The general technical regulation on providing ecological safety in the Kyrgyz Republic".
3. Maximum permissible dumping of pollutants is the standard rate established for the mass of substance in sewage, the most admissible to assignment with the set mode in this Item of water object in unit of time for the purpose of ensuring regulations of quality of water in the checkpoint.
4. The procedure for development and approval of standard rates of PDS is determined according to the Rules of protection of surface water of the Kyrgyz Republic approved by the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of March 14, 2016 No. 128.
If dumping of sewage is made in the water objects which are sources hozyaystvenno - drinking water supply or used in the recreational purposes, standard rates of PDS are subject to preliminary approval of the authorized state body realizing state policy in the field of public health care.
Standard rates of PDS are submitted for approval in duplicate in full (with the corresponding appendices), one copy remains stored in authorized state body of environmental protection, the second copy - at business entity.
The Temporarily Approved Dumping (TAD) are established for the period of accomplishment of actions plans on achievement of PDS.
5. Standard rates of PDS are used for control of observance of the established requirements to structure and properties of sewage when dumping into water objects and serve as the main target indicators for development of development programs of the water preserving complexes.
6. Standard rates of PDS are developed and affirm for the operating and designed projects of economic and other activity - water users. At the same time, irrespective of the assimilating capability of water object the appointed PDS shall satisfy to the cleaning level which can be reached.
7. Project development of standard rates of PDS on contractual basis can be performed by the specialized organization (further - developer) and business entity - the water user.
8. PDS is established for each controlled indicator taking into account background concentration, category of water use of the water object accepting the cleared drains, regulations of quality of water in water object, its assimilating capability and optimum distribution of mass of the substances dumped with sewage.
In case of establishment of PDS for settlement consumption of the dumped sewage is accepted maximum hourly average to the actual period of dumping of sewage.
In case of project development of standard rates of PDS and limits of dumping of pollutants standard rates of quality of water, including the threshold limit values (TLV) and the approximate admissible levels (AAL) of chemicals in water of the water objects established by hygienic standard rates, approved by the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 11, 2016 No. 201 and Rules of protection of surface water of the Kyrgyz Republic approved by the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of March 14, 2016 No. 128 are used.
9. In case of determination of frequency rate of dilution of the dumped waters in control alignment of water use the following settlement conditions are accepted by waterway water:
- for not regulated water currents - settlement minimum average monthly consumption of water in this alignment;
- for the regulated water currents - the established guaranteed expense is lower than dike (sanitary release) taking into account exception of possible contraflows in the lower byef.
10. In case of determination of frequency rate of dilution of the dumped waters with reservoir water in control alignments of water use the following settlement conditions are accepted:
- the shortest distance and the minimum speed of current on the site from the place of release of waters to water use border (control alignment);
- the least favorable mode determined by comparison of calculations for wind impact, conditions of drawdown and filling of water storage basins in case of the open and subglacial mode;
- average monthly water level characteristic of settlement alignment.
11. If regulations of quality of water in water objects cannot be reached because of impact of the natural natural factors which are not giving in to regulation (intake of impurity from the atmosphere, as a result of slope or talvegovy drain, underground food of the river, etc.), then sizes of standard rates of PDS shall be established proceeding from observance conditions in the checkpoint of the created natural background quality of water.
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