of March 26, 2016 No. 237
About approval of the Regulations on the Highest certifying commission under the Ministry of science and the higher education of the Russian Federation
According to article 6.1 of the Federal law "About Science and State Scientific and Technical to Policy" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on the Highest certifying commission under the Ministry of science and the higher education of the Russian Federation.
2. Recognize to invalid:
the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2013 No. 836 "About approval of the Regulations on the Highest certifying commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2013, No. 40, the Art. 5072);
the paragraph third Item 1 of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2013 No. 1139 "About procedure for assignment of academic statuses" (The Russian Federation Code, 2013, No. 50, the Art. 6605);
the paragraph third Item 1 of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2015 No. 235 "About procedure for award of academic degrees to persons using the data which are the state secret" in the works (The Russian Federation Code, 2015, No. 12, the Art. 1765).
Russian Prime Minister
D. A. Medvedev
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 26, 2016 No. 237
1. The highest certifying commission under the Ministry of science and the higher education of the Russian Federation (further - the Commission) is created for the purpose of ensuring the state scientific certification.
2. In the activities the Commission is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal constitutional Laws, the Federal Laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, and also orders of the Ministry of science and the higher education of the Russian Federation.
3. The basic principles of activities of the Commission are competence, independence, objectivity, openness and observance of regulations of professional ethics.
4. Commission:
a) develops recommendations which are represented to the Ministry of science and the higher education of the Russian Federation, in the relation:
issues of permissions to creation of councils on protection of theses for degree of the candidate of science, for degree of the doctor of science (further respectively - academic degrees, the thesis) and special councils on protection of theses by persons using the data which are the state secret in the works (further - dissertation councils), the structures of dissertation councils including determination, establishment of powers of dissertation councils and determination of lists of scientific specialties on which dissertation councils are granted the right of acceptance of theses to protection;
changes of structures of dissertation councils;
suspensions, renewals and terminations of activities of dissertation councils;
possibilities of holding meeting of dissertation council concerning award of academic degree of the doctor of science to the job seeker who provided to dissertation council the thesis for degree of the candidate of science in case of initiation of the corresponding petition by dissertation council;
the directions of the thesis together with certification case of the job seeker of academic degree (further - certification case), statements for deprivation of academic degree and arrived according to the specified statement of materials on the additional conclusion in other dissertation council;
issues of diplomas of the doctor of science and candidate of science;
cancellations of the solution of dissertation council on award of academic degree;
recognitions of the academic degrees and academic statuses received in foreign state;
the appeals submitted on solutions of dissertation councils on award of academic degrees;
statements for deprivation (recovery) of academic degrees;
list of candidate examinations;
requirements to the reviewed scientific publications and rules of forming of the list of the reviewed scientific publications;
b) carries out the analysis of the defended dissertations;
c) carries out examination at the request of the Ministry of science and the higher education of the Russian Federation and following the results of its carrying out represents to the Ministry (regarding the questions which are within the competence of the Commission) recommendations in the relation:
drafts of legal acts, including drafts of international treaties of the Russian Federation;
nomenclatures of scientific specialties according to which academic degrees are awarded (further - the nomenclature);
establishments of compliance of scientific specialties to the directions of training of research and educational personnel in postgraduate study (graduate military course);
the statements, claims and offers which arrived in the Ministry of science and the higher education of the Russian Federation;
other questions.
5. The commission has the right to consider:
a) certification cases and theses;
b) the appeals submitted on solutions of dissertation councils, and statements for deprivation (recovery) of academic degrees.
6. The commission represents offers to the Ministry of science and the higher education of the Russian Federation:
a) about forming of dissertation councils on each scientific specialty taking into account the need for preparation and certification of scientific personnel of the top skills and the changes made to the nomenclature;
b) about enhancement of the nomenclature and compliance of scientific specialties to the directions of training of research and educational personnel in postgraduate study (graduate military course).
7. The commission involves in accordance with the established procedure highly qualified specialists to conducting examination of theses and certification cases, the appeals submitted on solutions of dissertation councils, and statements for deprivation (recovery) of academic degrees.
8. The commission makes offers in the Ministry of science and the higher education of the Russian Federation on holding the actions connected with questions of the state scientific certification.
9. The structure of the Commission is created of number of doctors of science, specialists in the field of science, the equipment, education and culture, including specialists from among candidates of science, or owners of the academic degrees received in foreign states or owners of honorary titles of the Russian Federation.
10. The commission chairman, vice-chairmen of the Commission, principal scientific the secretary of the Commission and members of the commission are part of the Commission.
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