of August 29, 1996 No. 265-I
About protection of public health
The legislation on protection of public health consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.
Legal relations in the field of protection of public health in the Republic of Karakalpakstan are governed as well by the legislation of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
If the international treaty establishes other rules, than those which to contain in the legislation on protection of public health, then rules of the international treaty are applied.
The main objectives of the legislation on protection of public health are:
providing guarantees of the rights of citizens to health protection from the state;
forming of healthy lifestyle of citizens;
legal regulation of activities of state bodies, companies, organizations, organizations, public associations in the field of protection of public health.
The basic principles of protection of public health are:
respect for human rights in the field of health protection;
availability of medical care to all segments of the population;
priority of preventive measures;
social security of citizens in case of loss of health;
unity of medical science and practice.
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan performs:
human rights protection in the field of health protection;
state policy in the field of protection of public health;
approval and financing of programs for development of health care and medical science;
management of the state health care system;
control of ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing;
implementation of measures, the people directed to rescuing of life and protection of their health in case of emergency situations, informing citizens on situation in zone of emergency situation and the taken measures;
establishment of single system of the statistical recording and reporting in the field of protection of public health;
approval of basic programs of medical insurance of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
determination of privileges to separate groups of citizens in delivery of health care and providing with medicines;
coordination and control of activities of state bodies, business entities in the field of protection of public health, protection of family, motherhood and the childhood;
other powers according to the legislation.
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
participates in development of the regulatory base of health care and medical insurance, the national quality standards and amount of medical care;
exercises control of observance by all medical institutions of the legislation on protection of public health;
realizes target state programs in the sphere of protection of public health;
will organize primary health care to the population within the amount guaranteed by the state;
performs in accordance with the established procedure licensing of medical and pharmaceutical activities (except for licensing of the direction of pharmaceutical activities - retail sale of medicines and products of medical appointment);
regulates price level on medical services in organizations of the state health care system;
performs standardization and certification of the medicines, products of medical appointment and medical equipment allowed for use in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
performs other powers according to the legislation.
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