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The document ceased to be valid since  August 10, 2020 according to the Order of the Ministry of Health, work and social protection of the Republic of Moldova of  June 19, 2020 No. 569


of December 23, 2016 No. 1038

About approval of the List of performance indicators of activities of public medical and sanitary organization and Regulations on evaluation procedure of performance indicators of activities of public medical and sanitary organizations

For the purpose of execution of requirements of Item 26 of the Regulations on compensation of employees of the public medical and sanitary organizations included in system of the compulsory medical insurance approved by the Order of the Government No. 837 of July 6, 2016 (Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova, 2016, No. 204-205, Article 906), and Items 31-38 of the Regulations on appointment on competitive basis of heads of public medical and sanitary organizations approved by the Order of the Government No. 1016 of September 2, 2016 (Monitorul Oficial, 2016, No. 293-305, Article 1101), based on article 11 part (1) the item (k) of the Law No. 98 of May 4, 2012 on the central branch public management and Item 9 of the Regulations on the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Health, structure and the extreme number of staff of its central office approved by the Order of the Government No. 397 of May 31, 2011 with subsequent changes and amendments. I order:

1. Approve;

1) the List of performance indicators of activities of public medical and sanitary organization according to appendix No. 1;

2) Regulations on assessment of performance indicators of activities of public medical and sanitary organizations according to appendix No. 2.

2. To heads of republican, local and district, public medical and sanitary government offices to take into consideration that performance indicators of activities of organization annually affirm the order of the Ministry of Health and are component of the agreement of the management signed with person who won tender on occupation of vacant position of the head of public medical and sanitary organization or in the form of the supplementary agreement to the existing individual employment contract.

3. Performance indicators of organization are component of the agreement of the management signed between the founder and the head of organization, or the existing individual employment contract for certain term.

4. Performance indicators are estimated annually by the Ministry of Health together with the founder of public medical and sanitary organization and the National center of management in health care according to the procedure established in the order on annual efficiency evaluation of activities of organization and uses of medical services, financial and economic activities and quality of the rendered medical services belong to indicators of management of human resources.

5. It is forbidden to hold position of the head of public medical and sanitary organization in the absence of the contract of management of organization with the performance indicators established in individual procedure.

6. Payment of salary supplement for accomplishment by the head of the performance indicators of activities of organization provided by Items 11 and 26 of the Regulations on compensation of employees of the public medical and sanitary organizations included in system of the compulsory medical insurance approved by the Order of the Government No. 837 of July 6, 2016 is allowed only after establishment of these indicators in individual procedure, annually, based on supplementary agreements to individual employment contracts, prisoners between heads and founders of public medical and sanitary organizations.

7. Publish this order in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.

8. To impose control over the implementation of this order on Mrs. Liliana Jaschan and Mr. Oleg Krechun, deputy ministers.

Minister of Health

Ruksanda Glavan

Appendix No. 1

to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova of December 23, 2016 No. 1038

List of indicators of effective activities of public medical and sanitary organization

1. Indicators of management of human resources:

1) Lack of the lost employment disputes in degrees of jurisdiction and justified petitions;

2) Specific weight of the employed medical personnel on competitive basis from total number of the employed medical personnel at the level of 100%;

3) the Share of persons from among medical personnel not participating on one professional development course during certain time, after the first 5 (five) years of activities, at the level of 0%;

4) the Indicator of providing with medical personnel constitutes at least 80%.

2. Indicators of use of medical services:

2.1. Fast pre-hospital medical care:

1) the Share of the challenges noted by red code to which there arrived ambulance crews less than in 10 min. in city conditions and in the rural zone less than in 15 min. from the moment of receipt of challenge constitutes at least 75%;

2) the coincidence Indicator between the urgent code assigned for one challenge by real code on the place of its accomplishment constitutes at least 60%.

2.2. Primary medical care:

1) Number of visits to the family doctor on one inhabitant a year is at least 2,8;

2) population Scope routine medical examinations, is not lower than 70%;

3) the Scope treatment of the population the compensated drugs, is not lower than 80%.

2.3. Stationary medical care.

1) Reducing average term of treatment of sharp cases on 0,5 of days;

2) Ensuring average duration of work of bed at least 300 days a year;

3) Execution of contracts with the National Insurance Company in Medicine +-% 0,5.

3. Indicators of financial and economic activities of organization:

1) Lack of historical accounts payable;

2) Increase in own income on 5% per annum *;

3) the Stock availability of medicines according to the existing standard rates (including their availability in assortment, according to the Pharmakoterapevtichesky catalog).

4) Dynamics of expense reduction on utilities at least 3% a year (expressed in nature and financial value).


* except for for PMSU of Primary medical care, fast pre-hospital medical care and children's hospitals.

4. Quality indicators:

4.1. Fast pre-hospital medical care:

1) Specific weight of the hospitalized patients with the emergency medical indications from total number of all brought patients is not lower than 56%;

2) the Share of patients with the emergency cardiovascular pathology at least 90% examined by crews by ECG method;

3) the Share of challenges at least 65% permitted at pre-hospital stage.

4.2. Primary medical care:


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