Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of January 20, 2017 No. 38

About dismissal in reserve of the military personnel of compulsory military service and the reduced military service which served fixed term and about appeal of citizens on the urgent and reduced military service in April – July, 2017

In pursuance of the Law on training of citizens for protection of the Homeland

The president of the Republic of Moldova DECIDES:

Art. 1. - Dismiss in reserve from armed forces in April – July, 2017 of the military personnel of compulsory military service who served fixed term.

Art. 2. - Dismiss in reserve from armed forces in April, 2017 the military personnel of the reduced military service who served fixed term.

Art. 3. - Call up for the urgent and reduced military service in Armed forces in April – July, 2017 of citizens of the male Republic of Moldova which performed 18 years and who have no right to draft deferment or to release from the urgent and reduced military service.

Art. 4. - To the government:

a) establish the number of recruits on components of Armed forces;

b) develop organizational actions for the purpose of providing appeal of citizens on the urgent and reduced military service;

c) exercise permanent and strict control over the implementation of tasks at the call of citizens for the urgent and reduced military service.

President of the Republic of Moldova

Igor Dodon


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