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of January 13, 2017 № 6

About Regulations on carrying out market monitoring of industrial output within the Eurasian Economic Union

For the purpose of implementation of article 92 of the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014 and according to the Main directions of industrial cooperation within the Eurasian Economic Union approved by the Decision of the Eurasian intergovernmental council of September 8, 2015 № 9, Council of the Eurasian economic commission decided:

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on carrying out market monitoring of industrial output within the Eurasian Economic Union.

2. This Decision becomes effective after 30 calendar days from the date of its official publication.

Members of council of the Eurasian economic commission:

From the Republic of Armenia


V. Gabriyelyan

From the Republic of Belarus

V. Matyushevsky

From the Republic of Kazakhstan

A. Mamin

From the Kyrgyz Republic

O. Pankratov

From the Russian Federation

I. Shuvalov

Approved by the Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of January 13, 2017 №6

Regulations on carrying out market monitoring of industrial output within the Eurasian Economic Union

I. General provisions

1. This Provision determines procedure for carrying out market monitoring of products of processing industry within the Eurasian Economic Union (further respectively – monitoring, the market, products, the Union).

2. Monitoring is carried out according to Item 4.5.1 of the Main directions of industrial cooperation within the Eurasian Economic Union approved by the Decision of the Euroasian intergovernmental council of September 8, 2015 № 9 (further – the Main directions).

3. Monitoring is carried out by the Eurasian economic commission together with state members of the Union (further respectively – the Commission, state members) annually.

4. The commission and state members for the purpose of carrying out monitoring can attract the specialized and (or) research organizations.

5. The commission in coordination with state members performs preparation of the report on results of the monitoring containing offers on use by market potential state members within realization of the Main directions (further – the report).

II. Purposes and tasks of monitoring

6. The purposes of monitoring are determination of the current situation in the market, carrying out alternative forecast calculations of its development and preparation of offers on use by market potential state members within realization of the Main directions.

7. Tasks of monitoring are:

a) determination and assessment of the key quantitative parameters of the market, and also assessment of perspectives of their dynamics in case of different options of development of economic situation;

b) carrying out the analysis of cooperation deliveries of products within functioning of the market and within foreign trade with the third countries;

c) development of offers on use by market potential state members within realization of the Main directions taking into account production and competitive capabilities of the organizations of state members.

III. Structure of the report

8. The report includes the following Sections:

a) analysis of the key quantitative parameters of the market;

b) the analysis of cooperation deliveries of products within functioning of the market and within foreign trade with the third countries;

c) offers on use by market potential state members within realization of the Main directions.

9. The Section of the report provided by the subitem "a" of Item 8 of this Provision contains the analysis of the key quantitative parameters of the market for accounting year, and also forecast calculations of their change in case of various options of development of economic situation. Market research is carried out with use of the indicators which are directly characterizing quantitative parameters of the market, including market size in general, its structure by products types, in the directions of deliveries (including deliveries of products of the organizations of state members to the national markets of the states, mutual deliveries of products to the markets of state members and import from the third countries). Quantitative parameters of the market are calculated on the basis of statistical information on production and sales of products, on foreign and mutual trade in products. The analysis of key parameters of the market provides conclusions about high-quality market situation based on the analysis of quantitative indices, identification of the main tendencies of its change and the factors causing these changes, including acceptance influence by state members of regulations in the sphere of the industry.

10. The Section of the report provided by the subitem "b" of Item 8 of this provision contains the analysis of amounts, dynamics and structure of mutual trade in products which according to the destination belong to intermediate products. Intermediate products are understood as products which are held for use in production process of goods and rendering services and which cost completely joins in the cost of finished goods during 1 production cycle. For determination of degree of involvement of state members into production cooperation, its level and tendencies the ratio of amounts of mutual trade of state members in intermediate products with indicators of industrial production, import and export of products within foreign trade with the third countries is estimated.

11. In the Section of the report provided by the subitem "v" of Item 8 of this Provision potential opportunities of development of production cooperation, problematic issues of organization activity of state members in the market are determined, offers on their overcoming and use of market potential within realization of the Main directions are provided.

IV. Procedure for carrying out monitoring

12. Monitoring is carried out by the Commission on the basis of statistical and other information of the Commission, public authorities (authorized bodies) of state members, the international organizations and data from other open sources.

13. When carrying out monitoring settlement indicators on the basis of the official statistical data characterizing amount and structure of the market are also used.


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