Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  December 29, 2023 according to Item 2 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 25, 2023 No. UP-214


of February 15, 2017 No. UP-4956

About measures for further enhancement of management system in the field of culture and sport

(as amended on 30-04-2021)

Note that for years of independence necessary conditions for revival of rich cultural heritage of the people, every possible development of the high spirituality having centuries-old sources, national originality and national traditions, comprehensive education and forming of society of harmoniously developed, physically healthy and spiritually mature persons were created.

Special attention was paid to the most complete satisfaction of cultural and esthetic requirements of the population, development theatrical, musical, graphic and other art forms, to rendering every possible assistance to on-stage performance groups in creation of the works reflecting the brightest pages of history and the modern life of people, free democratic development of the country. System and purposeful measures for development of physical culture and mass sport were performed. The effective system of training of the high-class athletes capable to adequately represent Uzbekistan and to achieve high sports results at prestigious international competitions is created.

At the same time the existing system of public administration does not allow to provide fully the complex problem resolution of cultural development and sport, and also to carry out effective realization of state policy in these spheres. Despite wide range and the importance of the set functional tasks, the Ministry of cases of culture and sport does not provide active interaction with state bodies and regional authorities, and its activities are often limited only to holding cultural and mass and sporting events.

Not solved there are questions of further development and strengthening of material and technical resources of cultural and educational and sports organizations, objects and constructions. The system of preparation and retraining of personnel in the field of culture and sport does not meet the modern requirements.

For the purpose of enhancement of management system in the field of culture and sport, cardinal increase in efficiency of realization of state policy in this sphere aimed at providing further development of rich and original culture, art and creativity of the people of Uzbekistan, instilling among aspiration general population to spiritual moral enhancement and maintaining healthy lifestyle:

1. Abolish the Ministry of cases of culture and sport of the Republic of Uzbekistan with education on its base:

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 05.03.2018 No. UP-5368

2. Determine the main objectives and activities of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

realization of single state policy in the field of culture, implementation of system measures for preserving and enhancement of national cultural and spiritual heritage, to every possible development of art and art creativity, stimulation of further increase in spiritual and moral and cultural level of the population, its familiarizing with the best examples of national and world culture;

implementation among general population, especially youth, educational work on further deep rooting in national consciousness of the idea of independence, fidelity to traditions of high spirituality, humanity, strengthening of immunity to the alien ideas of radicalism and extremism, holding the cultural events directed to satisfaction of the increasing intellectual, esthetic and cultural requirements of society;

further stimulation of development of art creativity, including theatrical, musical, choreographic, variety, circus and national applied art, rendering every possible assistance to on-stage performance groups, especially creative youth, in creation of the works reflecting the brightest pages of history of the people and its modern life, free democratic development of the country;

strengthening of material and technical resources and increase in efficiency of activities of cultural institutions, including theaters, the centers of culture and leisure of the population, recreation parks, the museums and other cultural and educational organizations, the most complete use of their opportunities in education of spiritually mature, intellectually developed and highly cultured persons;

establishing close cooperation and government relations and management, including on places, public organizations, educational institutions, the creative unions and other organizations in realization of the main objectives and activities, holding cultural and educational actions, ensuring effective work of cultural institutions and creativity;

enhancement of process of preparation and advanced training of personnel in the sphere of culture in the spirit of national and universal values, humanity and high morality with use of modern pedagogical and information technologies and the best international practices, providing with highly qualified personnel cultural and educational organizations and educational institutions;

expansion and strengthening of interstate and international cultural ties, broad promotion abroad cultural heritage of the country and works of domestic on-stage performance groups and authors, including by holding of conferences and exhibitions, cultural actions and forums, the organization of work on attraction to the sphere of culture of foreign investments and grants, and also to the edition of the popular literature, video and film materials in the field of culture.

3. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 05.03.2018 No. UP-5368

4. Create under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

Public institution Uzbekkontsert based on the variety integration "Uzbeknavo" and integration of the national dance "Uzbekraks";

off-budget fund of cultural development and art based on Fund for development of variety art under Council for development and coordination of national variety art.

Determine as sources of the income of Fund of cultural development and art of assignment from the state fee paid for receipt of the license for the right of implementation of concert and spectacular activities, and also extrabudgetary funds and the income of the organizations of system of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the direction of fund on content of Public institution Uzbekkontsert, strengthening of material and technical resources and material stimulation of employees of organizations of system of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

5. Taking into account the carried-out action research to liquidate Uzbekteatr creative production association, special fund "Artmadad" and Uzbekmuzey fund with transfer of function and property of data of the organizations to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

6. Transfer to system:


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