of December 19, 2016 No. 166
About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "Ensuring exchange of the data connected with payment of import customs duties and also forming, maintaining and use of the database containing such data
According to Item 30 of the Protocol on information and communication technologies and information exchange within the Eurasian Economic Union (appendix No. 3 to the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014), Item 50 of the Protocol on procedure for transfer and distribution of the amounts of import customs duties (other duties, taxes and fees having equivalent action), their transfers in the income of budgets of state members (appendix No. 5 to the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014) and being guided by the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 6, 2014 No. 200, the Board of the Eurasian economic commission solved:
1. Approve enclosed:
a) development of technical schemes of structures of the electronic documents and data provided by the Description approved by this Decision, and ensuring their placement in the register of structures of the electronic documents and data used in case of realization of information exchange in the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade are performed by department of the Eurasian economic commission which competence includes coordination of works on creation and development of the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union;
b) the term of accomplishment of the procedure of accession according to Items 6 - 8 Procedures, approved by this Decision, constitutes 1 year from the date of the introduction of this Decision in force.
3. This Decision shall enter into force upon the expiry of 30 calendar days from the date of its official publication.
Chairman of Board of the Eurasian economic commission
T. Sargsyan
Approved by the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of December 19, 2016 No. 166
1. These rules are developed according to the international treaties and acts constituting the right of the Eurasian Economic Union (further - the Union):
The agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014;
The decision of Board of the Euroasian economic commission of November 6, 2014 №200 "About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general processes";
The decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of December 2, 2014 No. 222 "About approval of report forms about the paid, credited and distributed amount of import customs duties";
The decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of January 27, 2015 №5 "About approval of Rules of electronic data exchange in the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade";
The decision of Board of the Euroasian economic commission of April 14, 2015 № 29 "About the list of general processes within the Eurasian Economic Union and modification of the Decision of Board of the Euroasian economic commission of August 19, 2014 № 132";
The decision of Board of the Euroasian economic commission of June 9, 2015 №63 "About the Analysis technique, optimization, harmonizations and descriptions of general processes within the Eurasian Economic Union";
The decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of September 28, 2015 No. 125 "About approval of the Regulations on exchange of electronic documents in case of cross-border interaction of public authorities of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union among themselves and with the Eurasian economic commission".
2. These rules ensuring exchange of the data connected with payment of import customs duties and also forming, maintaining and use of the database containing such data" (further - general process), including the description of the procedures performed within this general process are developed for the purpose of determination of procedure and conditions of information exchange between participants of general process ".
3. These rules are applied by participants of general process in case of control of procedure for performing procedures and transactions within general process, and also during the designing, development and completion of components of the information systems providing realization of general process.
4. The concepts "group of procedures of general process", "information object of general process", "contractor", "transaction of general process", "procedure of general process" and "participant of general process" used in these rules are applied in the values determined by the Analysis technique, optimizations, the harmonization and the description of general processes within the Eurasian Economic Union approved by the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of June 9, 2015 № 63.
5. Full name of general process: "Ensuring exchange of the data connected with payment of import customs duties and also forming, maintaining and use of the database containing such data".
6. Specification symbol of general process: P.DS.03, version 1.0.0.
1. Purposes and tasks of general process
7. The purposes of general process are:
a) enhancement of exchange of the data connected with payment of import customs duties between the central customs authorities of state members of the Union (further respectively - the central customs authorities, state members);
b) implementation by the Eurasian economic commission (further - the Commission) monitoring of realization of the mechanism of transfer and distribution of import customs duties.
8. For goal achievement of general process it is necessary to solve the following problems:
a) provide electronic exchange of the data connected with payment of import customs duties between the central customs authorities of state members, and also submission of such data by the central customs authorities of state members to the Commission in electronic form;
b) provide accounting and storage of the consolidated data connected with payment of import customs duties in the Commission;
c) provide in the Commission possibility of use of the data connected with payment of import customs duties for analytical processing, and also for preparation of the reference, statistical, analytical and information materials connected with payment of import customs duties;
d) provide in the Commission possibility of conjoint analysis of the data connected with payment of import customs duties, information on the amount credited and the distributed import customs duties (Item 49 of the List of general processes), and also data on sales amounts (purchase) of the money which arrived into accounts in foreign currency of state members (Item 50 of the List of general processes);
e) provide use by participants of general process of single qualifiers and reference books.
2. Participants of general process
9. The list of participants of general process is provided in table 1.
Table 1
List of participants of general process
Specification symbol |
Name |
Description |
1 |
2 |
3 |
P.ACT.001 |
Commission |
body of the Union which performs obtaining from the central customs authorities of state members of the data (including changed) connected with payment of import customs duties |
P.DS.03.ACT.001 |
central customs body sender |
the central customs authority of state member which performs collection, storage, processing and the direction to the central customs authorities of other state members and in the Commission of the data (including changed) connected with payment of import customs duties |
P.DS.03.ACT.002 |
central customs body receiver |
the central customs authority of state member which performs obtaining from the central customs authorities of other state members of the data (including changed) connected with payment of import customs duties, and also storage and processing of the obtained data |
3. Structure of general process
10. General process represents set of procedures:
a) submission by the central customs authorities to the Commission of the data connected with payment of import customs duties for the accounting period;
b) submission by the central customs authorities to the Commission of the changed data connected with payment of import customs duties for the accounting period;
c) representation by the central customs authorities each other the data connected with payment of import customs duties for the accounting period;
d) submission to the central customs authorities of the changed data connected with payment of import customs duties for the accounting period.
11. In case of performing procedures of general process submission of the data connected with payment of import customs duties, the central customs authorities in the Commission and information exchange of the specified data between the central customs authorities is performed with use of integration platform of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade.
The central customs authorities represent each other the data connected with payment of import customs duties monthly on the accounting period. In case of need of adjustment of earlier provided data authorized bodies repeatedly represent the data connected with payment of import customs duties. The possibility of transfer of data for all months, since month which data underwent to adjustment is allowed.
Submission of the specified data is performed according to Regulations of information exchange between the central customs authorities of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "Ensuring exchange of the data connected with payment of import customs duties and also forming, maintaining and use of the database containing such data", the approved Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of December 19, 2016 No. 166 (further - Regulations of information exchange between the central customs authorities). The central customs authorities represent to the Commission of the data, connected with payment of import customs duties monthly on the accounting period. On the basis of the received data the Commission provides forming and maintaining the corresponding database which is used for the purpose of realization of Item 54 of the Protocol on procedure for transfer and distribution of the amounts of import customs duties (other duties, taxes and fees having equivalent action), their transfers in the income of budgets of state members (Appendix No. 5 to the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014). In case of need of adjustment of earlier provided data the central customs authorities repeatedly represent the data connected with payment of import customs duties. The possibility of transfer of data for all months, since month which data underwent to adjustment is allowed.
Submission of the specified data is performed according to Regulations of information exchange between the central customs authorities of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Eurasian economic commission in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "Ensuring exchange of the data connected with payment of import customs duties and also forming, maintaining and use of the database containing such data", the approved Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of December 19, 2016 No. 166 (further - Regulations of information exchange between the central customs authorities and the Commission).
The format and structure of the represented data shall match the Description of formats and structures of the electronic documents and data used for realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process "Ensuring exchange of the data connected with payment of import customs duties and also forming, maintaining and use of the database containing such data", to No. 166 approved by the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of December 19, 2016 (further - the Description of formats and structures of electronic documents and data).
12. The provided description of structure of general process is provided in the figure 1.
Pic. 1. Structure of general process
13. The procedure for performing procedures of general process, including the disaggregated activity description, is given in the Section VIII of these rules.
14. The general scheme showing bonds between procedures of general process and procedure for their accomplishment is provided in the Section. The general scheme of procedures is constructed with use of the graphical notation of UML (unified modeling language - Unified Modeling Language) and supplied with the text description.
4. Procedures of general process
15. The list of procedures of general process, is provided in table 2.
Table 2
List of procedures of general process
Specification symbol |
Name |
Description |
1 |
2 |
3 |
P.DS.03.PRC.001 |
submission by the central customs authorities to the Commission of the data connected with payment of import customs duties for the accounting period |
the procedure is intended for submission by the central customs body sender to the Commission of the data connected with payment of import customs duties for the accounting period |
P.DS.03.PRC.002 |
submission by the central customs authorities to the Commission of the changed data connected with payment of import customs duties for the accounting period |
the procedure is intended for submission by the central customs body sender to the Commission of the changed data connected with payment of import customs duties for the accounting period |
P.DS.03.PRC.003 |
representation by the central customs authorities to each other the data connected with payment of import customs duties for the accounting period |
the procedure is intended for representation by the central customs body sender to the central customs body receiver of the data connected with payment of import customs duties for the accounting period |
P.DS.03.PRC.004 |
submission to the central customs authorities of the changed data connected with payment of import customs duties for the accounting period |
the procedure is intended for representation by the central customs body sender to the central customs body receiver of the changed data connected with payment of import customs duties for the accounting period |
16. The list of information objects, data on which or from which are transferred in process of interaction between participants of general process are provided in table 3.
Table 3
List of information objects
Specification symbol |
Name |
Description |
1 |
2 |
3 |
P.DS.03.BEN.001 |
the data connected with payment of import customs duties |
the data (including changed) connected with payment of import customs duties for the accounting period |
17. Attraction to disciplinary responsibility for non-compliance with the requirements aimed at providing timeliness and completeness of transfer of data of the officials and the staff of the Commission participating in information exchange is performed according to the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014, other international treaties and acts constituting the right of the Union, and officials and the staff of authorized bodies of state members - according to the legislation of state members.
18. The list of reference books and qualifiers of general process is provided in table 4.
Table 4
List of reference books and qualifiers of general process
Specification symbol |
Name |
Type |
Description |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
P.CLS.001 |
qualifier of the countries of the world |
classifier |
contains list of names of the countries and codes corresponding to them (it is applied according to the Decision of the Commission of the Customs union of September 20, 2010 N 378) |
P.CLS.002 |
classification of currencies |
classifier |
contains list of codes and names of currencies (it is applied according to the Decision of the Commission of the Customs union of September 20, 2010 N 378) |
P.CLS.074 |
the qualifier of types of tax, charges and other payments which collection is assigned to customs authorities |
classifier |
contains list of types of tax, charges and other payments which collection is assigned to customs authorities, and codes corresponding to them (it is applied according to the Decision of the Commission of the Customs union of September 20, 2010 N 378) |
"Submission by the Central Customs Authorities to the Commission of the Data Connected with Payment of Import Customs Duties for the Accounting Period" procedure (P.DS.03.PRC.001)
19. The scheme of accomplishment of the "Submission by the Central Customs Authorities to the Commission of the Data Connected with Payment of Import Customs Duties for the Accounting Period" procedure (P.DS.03.PRC.001) is provided in the figure 2.
Fig. 2. Scheme of accomplishment of the "Submission by the Central Customs Authorities to the Commission of the Data Connected with Payment of Import Customs Duties for the Accounting Period" procedure (P.DS.03.PRC.001)
20. The "Submission by the Central Customs Authorities to the Commission of the Data Connected with Payment of Import Customs Duties for the Accounting Period" procedure (P.DS.03.PRC.001) is carried out in case of approach of term of submission of the data connected with payment of import customs duties for the accounting period.
21. The first carries out transaction "Submission to the Commission of the data connected with payment of import customs duties for the accounting period" (P.DS.03.OPR.001) by results of which accomplishment by the central customs body sender are created and go to the Commission of the data, connected with payment of import customs duties, for the accounting period.
22. When obtaining by the Commission of the data connected with payment of import customs duties for the accounting period transaction "Acceptance and processing by the Commission of the data connected with payment of import customs duties for the accounting period" is carried out (P.DS.03.OPR.002) by results of which accomplishment acceptance and processing of the specified data are performed. The notification on processing of the data connected with payment of import customs duties for the accounting period goes to the central customs body sender.
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