Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of February 20, 2017 No. 47-VI ZRK

About pastures

(as amended on 27-02-2024)

This Law governs the public relations connected with rational use of pastures and is directed to prevention of processes of degradation of pastures, improvement of condition of objects of pasturable infrastructure.

Article 1. The basic concepts used in this Law

In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

1) arid pastures - the pastures located in the desert and semidesertic territories with rarefied semi-shrubby, more rare grassy vegetation;

2) cultural pastures - pastures with highly productive feed crops which cornerstone the evidence-based system of agrotechnical actions for creation of high-yielding herbage, to care of them and rational use is;

3) pasture rotation - system of periodic and consecutive use of pastures and care of them for their maintenance in productive condition according to the Plan for management of pastures and their use;

4) pastures - the parcels of land provided and used for year-round or seasonal pasture of farm animals. In case of pasture of farm animals on pastures mowing for the purpose of procurement of forages in cases when productivity of pastures exceeds the need for forages of the grazed farm animals in case of observance of maximum permissible regulations of load of total area of pastures is allowed;

5) authorized body in the field of management and use of pastures (further - authorized body) - the central executive body performing management in the field of management and use of pastures;

6) geobotanic inspections of pastures - the examinations conducted for the purpose of determination of productivity of pastures, structure and composition of herbage, places of its growth, possibility of use of pastures for pasture of different types of farm animals, quality of grassy and wood and shrubby vegetation of pastures;

7) maximum permissible regulations of load of total area of pastures - the differentiated loading regulations by types of farm animals on the total area of pastures, on regions by types of pastures and climatic zones where the pasture of farm animals without causing damage to botanical composition of pasturable herbage and its productivity can be performed;

8) kormoyemkost of pastures - productivity of pasturable herbage per acre pastures;

9) watering of pastures - construction of pit and tubular wells, reservoirs, vodopoyny Items and other constructions for providing watering place of farm animals and drinking water supply of personnel on pastures;

10) radical pasture improvement - creation of new herbage by crops of high-yielding varieties of perennial grass and arid plants (cultures);

11) objects of pasturable infrastructure - constructions, bridges, roads, obvodnitelny constructions (wells, tubular and pit wells, digging), skotoprogonny trasses, skotoostanovochny and vodopoyny platforms, reservoirs for Kupka of sheep, pens and the fenced-off places, barriers of pastures, fences (including electric fences), shelters for zagonno-portion pasture of farm animals, splits for veterinary processing of farm animals, the constructions and objects intended for providing with electrical and heat energy objects for use renewable and alternative energy sources, subjects to water supply and other types of life support, construction for seasonal accommodation of personnel and other property necessary for content and use of pastures;

12) pastbishchepolzovatel - the physical person or legal entity having right to use pastures according to this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

12-1) public pastures - the pastures located in the adjacent territory of settlements and which are in state-owned property, intended for satisfaction of needs of local population on pasture of uterine livestock of farm animals of personal farmstead;

13) seasonal pastures - pastures which are used for pasture of farm animals in favorable climatic conditions according to seasons and (or) frequency of their use;

14) distant pastures - pastures which are used for maintaining distant pasture cattle rearing in the territories, remote from settlements.

Article 2. Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on pastures

1. The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on pastures is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and consists of this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. If the international treaty ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan establishes other rules, than those which are provided by this Law then are applied rules of the international treaty.

Article 3. Legal regime of pastures

The legal regime of pastures is determined proceeding from their belonging to this or that category of lands and the permitted procedure for use according to the land, forest, water legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of especially protected natural territories and protection, protection, recovery and use of flora.

Article 3-1. State support of pastbishchepolzovatel and associations of pastbishchepolzovatel (particular partnerships, consortia)

The state support of pastbishchepolzovatel and associations of pastbishchepolzovatel (particular partnerships, consortia) is performed according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on state regulation of development of agro-industrial complex and the rural territories.

Article 4. Principles of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on pastures

The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on pastures is based on the principles:

1) rational use of pastures on their purpose with preserving specific structure of vegetation;

2) availability of pastures to physical persons and legal entities;

3) publicity when holding the actions connected with provision and use of pastures;

4) participations of physical persons and legal entities in the solution of questions on management and use of pastures.

Article 5. Competence of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan develops the main directions of state policy in the field of management, watering and use of pastures and will organize their implementation.

Article 6. Competence of authorized body

Authorized body:

Creates 1) and implements state policy in the field of management, waterings and uses of pastures and will organize its implementation;

Develops 2) and approves rules of rational use of pastures;

Develops 3) and approves plan development method of development and reconstruction of objects of pasturable infrastructure and holding actions for watering of pastures;

Develops 4) and approves maximum permissible regulations of load of total area of pastures;

4-1) develops and approves the standard plan for management of pastures and their use;

Develops 5) and approves technique of holding actions for fight against degradation and desertification of pastures, including arid;


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