of December 19, 2016 No. 66
About approval of the Instruction about procedure for survey of the cutting areas and sites of forest fund provided for gallipot procurement
Based on subitem 1.14 of Item 1 of Article 12, of Item 6 of Article 72 and Item 6 of Article 76 of the Forest code of the Republic of Belarus the Ministry of forestry of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. Approve the Instruction about procedure for survey of the cutting areas and sites of forest fund provided for procurement of gallipot it (is applied).
2. This resolution becomes effective since December 31, 2016.
M. M. Amelyanovich
It is approved Minister of natural resources and environmental protections of the Republic of Belarus October 17, 2016 |
A. M. Kovkhuto |
It is approved Managing affairs of the President of the Republic of Belarus October 26, 2016 |
V. V. Sheiman |
It is approved Deputy minister of formation of the Republic of Belarus November 19, 2016 |
R.S.Sidorenko |
It is approved Minister of Defence of the Republic of Belarus lieutenant general October 19, 2016 |
A. A. Ravkov |
It is approved Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus October 18, 2016 |
V. A. Vashchenko |
It is approved Chairman of Presidium of National academy of Sciences of Belarus October 20, 2016 |
V.G.Gusakov |
It is approved First deputy chairman of the Minsk city executive committee October 20, 2016 |
V.E.Kukharev |
It is approved The chief of the State inspection of protection of animal and flora in case of the President of the Republic of Belarus December 16, 2016 |
S. V. Novikov |
Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of forestry of the Republic of Belarus of December 19, 2016 No. 66
1. This Instruction establishes procedure for survey of the cutting areas and sites of forest fund provided for gallipot procurement.
2. In this Instruction the following terms and determinations are applied:
business wood – round or chipped wood, except firewood, pnevy fatwood, and also technological spill;
the trees damaged to extent of the termination of growth – trees with demolition of trunk, inclination more than 30 degrees (including tumbled down), oshmygy kroner more than 1/2 of its extents (circle), obdiry bark with damage of bass more than 50 percent of circle of trunk;
the trees damaged not to extent of the termination of growth – trees with demolition of top (2 annual increments and more, to 1/3 extents of krone), inclination from 10 to 30 degrees, oshmygy kroner from 1/3 to 1/2 of its extents (circle), obdiry bark with damage of bass from 20 to 50 percent wide of circle of trunk;
wood wood (further – firewood) – round or chipped wood which by the sizes or quality can be used only as fuel;
gallipot – waste product of trees of pine – the liquid or semi-fluid substance consisting of mix of resin acids and terpent;
the hanged tree – the tree which fell in krone of the standing trees and got stuck in it;
control survey – assessment by the legal entity conducting forestry (further if other is not established, – forestry), quality and completeness of actions for elimination by the forest user of the violations of the law established when carrying out survey and quality control of survey;
intermediate timber industry storage – the production site (site) located (located) at the forestry and landscape road or in Item of its adjunction to public roads on which, (which) preprocessing, and if necessary and primary conversion of wood raw materials, transport and loading transactions, storage, shipment of raw materials or products is performed;
the forestry and landscape road – the road located in borders of forest fund, intended for journey of the vehicles providing activities for forest management and forest utilization;
young growth – forest stand aged from its smykaniye until the end of second class of age;
survey of the cutting areas and sites of forest fund provided for gallipot procurement – assessment by forestry of observance by the forest user on cutting area or the site of the forest fund provided for procurement of gallipot, requirements of the legislation, the conditions specified in documents based on which there is forest utilization right;
undergrowth – the wood plants of natural origin growing under canopy of the wood and capable to form forest stand which height does not exceed 25 percent of height of trees of the main bed curtains;
seed tree – the tree left on cutting area for reforestation;
switch – the trunk of the tumbled-down tree cleared of boughs.
3. Survey is carried out for the purpose of detection of completeness and correctness of development of cutting areas, gallipot procurement, and also identification of the left nedorub, not exported wood, gallipot and other violations when implementing procurement of wood, gallipot.
4. Are subject to survey:
cutting areas on which cabins of the wood were carried out;
the sites of forest fund provided for gallipot procurement.
Survey of cutting areas, the sites of forest fund which underwent to radioactive pollution is performed taking into account requirements of rules of forest management in the territories which underwent to radioactive pollution as a result of catastrophic crash on the Chernobyl NPP.
5. Survey of the cutting areas and sites of forest fund provided for gallipot procurement is carried out to the terms established in Articles 72 and 76 of the Forest code of the Republic of Belarus.
6. The constructions built when carrying out preparatory work, constructions, installations and devices shall be removed, and lands on which they were located are recultivated by forest users before carrying out survey of cutting areas, the sites of forest fund provided for gallipot procurement.
7. Survey of the cutting areas and sites of forest fund provided for gallipot procurement is carried out by the commission appointed by the order of the head of the corresponding legal entity conducting forestry in which terms of work, persons responsible for their carrying out (structure of the commission in number of at least three people, including the commission chairman), and also terms of representation of materials of survey of the cutting areas and sites of forest fund provided for gallipot procurement are specified.
In case forest user is the structural division of forestry, the commissions are included:
when carrying out cabins of the main use and continuous sanitary cabins – representatives the order of the head of the corresponding legal entity conducting forestry, officials to whom functions of the state forest protection are assigned in number of at least three people, including the commission chairman – the official to who functions of the state forest protection are assigned, in position not below the engineer and not being the employee of the specified structural division of forestry;
when carrying out other cabins – officials of structural division of forestry (forest area) to whom functions of the state forest protection are assigned, in number of at least three people, including the commission chairman – the forest warden or the assistant to the forest warden.
8. The forest user is informed on date of survey in writing by forestry with the direction to it of the notification in form according to appendix 1 not later than five days before carrying out survey.
In the absence of the forest user in the location (residence) specified in constituent documents (the certificate on state registration) and (or) in the last location (residence) known to the legal entity conducting forestry, the notification on date of survey goes on the last famous legal entity conducting forestry, to the location (residence) of the forest user or his representative. In this case the forest user is considered properly informed of the notification, and the notification – received after three days from the date of such direction.
If the forestry is forest user, the notification on date of survey does not go.
9. By results of survey of cutting areas, the sites of forest fund provided for gallipot procurement the statement of survey in forms according to appendices 2 and 3 is drawn up. Statements of survey are drawn up in triplicate and are subject to storage: the first copy – in the corresponding cases of the legal entities conducting forestry, the second copy – in structural division of forestry (forest area), the third copy – at the forest user.
In case of refusal of the forest user of signing of the act in it the corresponding entry is made.
In the act of survey data on amount of the prepared business wood, including on categories of fineness (small, average, large), firewood or gallipot based on the reference of the forest user constituted in forms according to appendices 4 or 5, the violations revealed in case of survey and also statements of the forest user and persons which are present at survey (are entered in case of their availability).
10. All cutting areas on which logging tickets are written out are subject to survey. Survey is carried out on each cutting area which is written down in the logging ticket separately.
11. In case of survey of cutting areas observance of requirements of the legislation, and also the requirements stated in the logging ticket, the process chart for development of cutting area is checked.
12. In case of survey of cutting areas by each of them it is determined:
condition of forestry and landscape roads and sidings to them on which removal of wood, forestry and landscape signs and borders of cutting area was made;
I will eat around illegally the prepared wood and the damaged trees;
amount of the prepared wood;
amount of not exported wood;
amount of nedorub;
safety of seed trees and their groups, and also other trees which are not subject to the cabin;
safety of undergrowth, young growth;
compliance of cleaning of cutting areas to the requirements specified in the logging ticket, availability of the felling remaining balance formed in case of development of cutting areas (carrying out cabins of the wood) on the sites of forest fund adjacent to them;
safety of fertile layer of earth;
safety of live ground cover;
safety of the wild-growing plants specified in the logging ticket.
13. In case of survey of borders of cutting area compliance of the actual border of developed cutting area to branch materials is checked (the schematic map with the designated borders of the site of the forest fund provided for forest utilization).
14. I will eat around illegally the prepared wood, damaged (to extent of the termination of growth and not to extent of the termination of growth) trees on cutting areas and along forestry and landscape roads is calculated according to technical regulatory legal act and parameters according to appendix 6.
15. The amount of the prepared wood in case of survey is determined by the references of forest users which are drawn up according to appendix 4.
The data obtained according to references of forest users are compared with data of logging tickets, introduced in the act of survey which is the basis for final settlements of forest users on wood on root.
In case of absence of the forest user for carrying out survey of cutting areas and (or) non-presentation of the certificate of amount of the prepared wood by it its amount is established according to the procedure, established for scoping illegally of the prepared wood.
16. The wood which is not exported from cutting areas (left at stub, on voloka, loading platforms, and also prepared when clearing the areas under wood-yards, trasses of forestry and landscape roads, construction, construction and installation) is considered on cutting areas.
When carrying out survey unbarked or unprotected (chemical insecticides and other methods) from settling by trunk wreckers not exported wood is separately considered from April 1 to September 1.
17. Accounting of not exported wood is made by its measurement on each breed separately by summing of business and wood wood by all.
The wood amount in the switches laid in stacks is determined by multiplication of quantity of switches in stack on the average amount of switch established based on measurement of five averages by the size of switches of this stack and made on breeds.
18. The business wood laid in stacks in the form of round wood is considered on breeds, and its amount is determined according to STB 1667-2012 "Round wood. Methods of measurement of the sizes and scoping" according to tables based on measurement of length of forest products and diameters them in the upper end face or by measurement and multiplication of length of round wood by stacking length, its height and coefficient of polnodrevesnost.
The amount of the firewood laid in woodpiles is determined in dense cubic meters according to STB 1667-2012 "Round wood. Methods of measurement of the sizes and scoping" by measurement and multiplication of length of woodpile by its width, height and coefficient of polnodrevesnost.
The part three is excluded.
19. The amount of nedorub is determined:
by carrying out continuous recouple of not cut down trees when scoping wood on root on the area or on number of the trees appointed to the cabin;
proceeding from its area and average inventory of wood on 1 hectare when scoping wood on root by amount of the prepared wood.
20. Safety of the trees which are not subject to the cabin according to the logging ticket is determined by comparison of the quantity of the trees which are not subject to the cabin, specified in the logging ticket with remained on cutting area.
The amount of the cut-down trees which were not subject to the cabin is determined by materials of branch and valuation of cutting area.
21. Accounting of safety of undergrowth and young growth hozyaystvenno of valuable breeds which safety is provided by the logging ticket is made during the snowless period with participation of the specialist in reforestation of forestry.
Accounting of the remained undergrowth and young growth is made according to the legislation.
The number of kept does not join the damaged undergrowth and young growth: with the cracked stipitates, wounds and oshmyga of bark occupying more than 1/4 circles of stipitate which are broken off by krone, inclined to the earth with break of root system.
22. The number of the remained viable undergrowth and young growth in terms of 1 hectare and percent of their safety is determined for the area of apiaries without pasechny and main volok, forestry and landscape roads, loading platforms, wood-yards, parking lots of the machines and mechanisms and other objects placed on cutting area with undergrowth. Also the area of apiaries is determined.
On cutting areas where the number of undergrowth and young growth before and after the cabin was determined, safety (C) it is determined by formula
where P - the number of undergrowth and young growth after the cabin;
Д - the number of undergrowth and young growth to the cabin.
The number of viable undergrowth and young growth after the cabin is determined by laying of trial squares.
23. In case of survey of cutting areas are established compliance of methods of cleaning of cutting areas to the requirements established in the logging ticket, quality and timeliness of cleaning of cutting areas.
The cutting area is considered crude in cases:
leaving on cutting area of business, wood wood, tops of trees and large boughs more than 5 m3/hectare without the felling remaining balance collected in shaft or heaps;
litterings of cutting areas, forestry and landscape roads, locations of wood-yards and the sites of forest fund adjoining to them;
carrying out cleaning of cutting area of felling remaining balance with the methods which are not corresponding provided in logging the ticket;
availability of the felling remaining balance formed in case of development of cutting areas on the sites of forest fund adjoining to them.
The areas of the crude cutting areas, forestry and landscape roads, locations of wood-yards and sites of forest fund adjoining to them are determined by their natural measurement.
24. The areas of the damaged or destroyed sites of fertile layer (including the spreading breeds) soils, forest laying, live ground cover, the including areas of technological elements of cutting area (drag, the loading platforms, sites used for the device of wood-yards, entrances to cutting areas), and other sites on which in the course of works are destroyed all humic layer of earth, forest laying, live ground cover are determined by their natural measurement.
25. Pollution of lands of forest fund, including waste, are established by on-site investigation of cutting areas, forestry and landscape roads, the locations of wood-yards, constructions, constructions, installations and the sites of forest fund adjoining to them.
26. Safety of the wild-growing plants specified in the logging ticket is established by comparison of requirements of the logging ticket with actual state of wild-growing plants and elements of biological diversity.
27. Cutting areas on which violations are not established or if the established violations are eliminated in the course of survey, after signing of the act of survey are considered transferred to forestry.
28. In case of survey of the sites of forest fund provided for gallipot procurement are determined:
site borders;
condition and safety of forestry and landscape signs;
observance of requirements and procedure for procurement of gallipot to the operating technologies and regulating documents;
condition of the upper fertile layer of earth in production sites of works with determination of the area of the broken or destroyed layer;
observance of the requirements established in the forest ticket.
29. In case of survey of borders of the site of forest fund, condition and safety of forestry and landscape signs by on-site investigation compliance of borders of actually made gallipot procurement to data of the forest ticket, condition and availability of forestry and landscape signs is established.
30. For determination of observance of requirements and procedure for procurement of gallipot to the operating technologies and regulating documents, establishments of nature and the amount of violations on each site of the forest fund provided for gallipot procurement in case of need are pledged the trial areas. Total area of the trial areas shall constitute at least 2% of the area of the inspected site of forest fund.
Use of the trial areas pledged when carrying out the previous survey is not allowed.
Into trial squares are placed by continuous perechet:
application in case of procurement of gallipot of methods, not stipulated by the legislation;
overload of trees Carrhae, expansion of Carrhae;
the facts of procurement of gallipot on the trees which are not provided for these purposes;
quantity of the trees intended, but not involved in gallipot procurement.
If necessary for determination of the exact square on which the forest user did not make gallipot procurement tool shooting of the site of forest fund or its part is carried out.
31. The areas of the damaged or destroyed sites of fertile layer (including the spreading breeds) soils, forest laying, live ground cover on which in the course of works are destroyed all humic layer of earth forest laying, live ground cover, are determined by their natural measurement.
32. Safety of seed trees, other trees which are not intended for gallipot procurement (in case of their availability), is established by comparison of the requirements established by the forest ticket with the actual availability and condition of these trees.
33. The sites of forest fund provided for gallipot procurement on which effective period of the forest ticket expired and on which violations are not revealed or if the revealed violations are eliminated in the course of survey, after signing of the act of survey are considered transferred to forestry and carrying out on them any works is forbidden to the forest user.
34. Control survey is carried out for the purpose of check of elimination by forest users of the established violations which are not connected with forest utilization implementation, in time no more than two months after carrying out survey.
35. Specific terms of carrying out control survey on each cutting area are determined by terms of accomplishment of instructions by elimination of the violations issued when carrying out survey.
36. Control survey is carried out by the same methods, as survey, and elimination of the violations specified in the act of survey is checked.
37. By results of control survey the statement of control survey in forms according to appendices 2 and 3 is drawn up.
In case of refusal of the forest user of signing of the act in it the corresponding entry is made.
38. Cutting areas and sites of forest fund provided for gallipot procurement on which effective period of the forest ticket expired and on which violations are not established or if the established violations are eliminated in the course of control survey, after signing of the act of survey are considered transferred to forestry.
39. Violation of the law about use, protection, protection and reproduction of the woods attracts responsibility according to legal acts.
to the Instruction about procedure for survey of the cutting areas and sites of forest fund provided for gallipot procurement
____________________________________________ |
(name of the organization of the forest user) |
____________________________________________ |
(surname, own name, middle name (if that is available) the individual entrepreneur) |
Notification on date of survey
(the name of the legal entity conducting forestry)
suggests to send ___ to ______________ 20 ___ to _______ to hours in ________________
(place of collection)
____________________________________________ your representative with the document confirming the right to represent powers of the forest user and the certificate of amount of the prepared wood (gallipot) for participation in survey of cutting areas (the sites of forest fund provided for gallipot procurement) under logging (forest) tickets _____________________________________
(number and date)
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