of December 19, 2016 No. 69
About approval of the Regulations on procedure and requirements during creation and operation of selection and genetic objects on sites of forest fund
Based on subitem 1.17 of Item 1 of Article 12, of Item 8 of Article 25 of the Forest code of the Republic of Belarus the Ministry of forestry of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on procedure and requirements during creation and operation of selection and genetic objects on sites of forest fund.
2. This resolution becomes effective since December 31, 2016.
M. M. Amelyanovich
It is approved Minister of Defence of the Republic of Belarus lieutenant general November 14, 2016 |
A. A. Ravkov |
It is approved Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus November 10, 2016 |
V. A. Vashchenko |
It is approved First Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus December 16, 2016 |
V. A. Bogush |
It is approved Managing affairs of the President of the Republic of Belarus November 11, 2016 |
V. V. Sheiman |
It is approved Chairman of Presidium of National academy of Sciences of Belarus November 11, 2016 |
V.G.Gusakov |
It is approved The chief of the State inspection of protection of animal and flora in case of the President of the Republic of Belarus December 5, 2016 |
S. V. Novikov |
It is approved Chairman of the Minsk city executive committee November 11, 2016 |
A.V.Shorets |
Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of forestry of the Republic of Belarus of December 19, 2016 No. 69
1. This Provision establishes procedure and requirements during creation and operation of selection and genetic objects on sites of forest fund for the legal entities conducting forestry.
2. Selection and genetic objects on sites of forest fund are created for preserving gene pool of wood forest plants, assessment of heritable properties, selection highly productive and steady against wreckers and to diseases of the woods of wood forest plants for the purpose of use in seed farming of wood forest plants.
3. For the purposes of this provision terms and their determinations in the values established by the Forest code of the Republic of Belarus and also the following terms and their determinations are applied:
wood breed - sort and type of wood forest plants;
clone - posterity of one vegetativno the multiplied forest plant;
gene pool - set of genes which are available for individuals of this population;
forest plants - the wood and shrubby vegetation used in forestry.
4. Selection and genetic objects include:
archives of clones of plus trees;
uterine plantations;
test forest cultures;
geographical forest cultures;
population and ecological forest cultures.
5. Archives of clones of plus trees and uterine plantations are pledged in optimal forest vegetation conditions for this wood breed.
Sites shall be equal, homogeneous on soil conditions, suitable for use of mechanisms and tools, to be located in the nemorozoboyny and whenever possible protected place.
6. The areas of archives of clones of plus trees and uterine plantations, terms of their operation determine proceeding from the need for vegetative material which is necessary for laying of forest seed plantations of the first, second and subsequent procedures.
7. Laying of archives of clones of plus trees and uterine plantations is carried out by landing material of plus trees of vegetative origin (imparted landing material, shanks, landing material of microclonal reproduction).
8. Processing of the soil on sites of creation of archives of clones of plus trees and uterine plantations is carried out by continuous plowing on system of black vapor.
9. Placement of forest plants on the area depending on biological features shall provide their free growth and development, and also possibility of carrying out the mechanized goings, pest control and diseases, application of fertilizers.
10. Each plus tree shall be provided by at least 10 saplings of vaccinated landing material located in two ranks. It is desirable to group clones of plus trees blocks in forests or in populations.
11. Test forest cultures create (pledge) in the most widespread types of forest vegetation conditions of this forest seed area for genetic assessment of seed posterities of plus trees.
Bookmark and studying of test forest cultures are carried out to laying of forest seed plantations or along with their creation.
12. For laying of test forest cultures the seeds of plus trees, plus forest plantings, forest seed plantations and permanent forest seed sites prepared only in bumper-crop years are used.
The quantity of seeds of forest plants is determined by requirement of the forest seedlings necessary for landing on pilot sites.
13. Landing material is grown up in forest nurseries, and also in greenhouse facilities of the legal entities conducting forestry.
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