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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

February 9, 2017

No. 186/30054


of January 20, 2017 No. 56/5

About approval of form and Procedure for provision of approval on holding unplanned action of the state supervision (control) based on the reasonable appeal of physical person about violation by the subject of managing of its legitimate rights

According to article 3 of the Law of Ukraine "About temporary features of implementation of actions of the state supervision (control) in the field of economic activity" PRIKAZYVAYEM:

1. Approve enclosed:

form of consent to holding unplanned action of the state supervision (control) based on the reasonable appeal of physical person about violation by the subject of managing of its legitimate rights;

Procedure for provision of approval on holding unplanned action of the state supervision (control) based on the reasonable appeal of physical person about violation by the subject of managing of its legitimate rights.

2. To provide to development department of entrepreneurship and regulatory policy of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine (Gutenko D. V.) in accordance with the established procedure provision of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

3. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication and is effective before the termination of term of the Law of Ukraine "About temporary features of implementation of actions of the state supervision (control) in the field of economic activity".

4. We reserve control of execution of this order.

First vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine Minister

economic development and trade of Ukraine



Chairman of the Public regulatory service of Ukraine

K. M. Lyapina

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, the Public regulatory service of Ukraine of January 20, 2017 No. 56/5

Approval form on holding unplanned action of the state supervision (control) based on the reasonable appeal of physical person about violation by the subject of managing of its legitimate rights

See the Approval Form on holding unplanned action of the state supervision (control) based on the reasonable appeal of physical person about violation by the subject of managing of its legitimate rights (11Kb In original language)

Director of the department of development of entrepreneurship

and regulatory policy of the Ministry of Economic Development



Director of the department of legal work and

state supervision and control GRS


A. B. Barbelyuk

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, the Public regulatory service of Ukraine of January 20, 2017, No. 56/5

Procedure for provision of approval on holding unplanned action of the state supervision (control) based on the reasonable appeal of physical person about violation by the subject of managing of its legitimate rights

I. General provisions

1. This Procedure establishes the procedure of provision by the Public regulatory service of Ukraine (further - GRS) approvals on holding unplanned action of the state supervision (control) based on the reasonable appeal of physical person about violation by the subject of managing of its legitimate rights or motivated refusal in approval.

2. In this Procedure the terms "state supervision (control)", "actions of the state supervision (control)", "state supervision bodies (control)" are used in the values given in the Law of Ukraine "About the basic principles of the state supervision (control) in the field of economic activity".

3. For receipt of approval on holding unplanned action of the state supervision (control) based on the reasonable appeal of physical person about violation by the subject of managing of its legitimate rights the state supervision body (control) within five working days from the date of receipt of such address gives GRS the copy of the corresponding address and the letter with reasons for need of holding such action (further - the appeal of state supervision body (control)).

4. The appeal of state supervision body (control) is registered the relevant structural division of GRS and arrives directly in structural division of GRS responsible for ensuring activities of Council for questions of the state supervision (control) (further - responsible structural division).

5. The appeal of state supervision body (control) shall prove feasibility of holding unplanned action by this body of the state supervision (control) based on the reasonable appeal of physical person about violation by the subject of managing of its legitimate rights.

6. In case of provision (control) of incomplete document package by state supervision body, specified in Item 3 of this Section, GRS leaves them without consideration what the next working day after receipt of the corresponding address in writing notifies state supervision body (control) with indication of the basis of leaving of the address without consideration on and returns document package.

7. Processing and personal data protection is performed according to the Law of Ukraine "About personal data protection".

II. Procedure for formation of Council for questions of the state supervision (control)

1. For complete and objective examination of questions of approval on holding unplanned action of the state supervision (control) based on the reasonable appeal of physical person about violation by the subject of managing of its legitimate rights in GRS Council for questions of the state supervision (control) is formed (further - Council).

Council is advisory advisory body under GRS.


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