of January 31, 2017 No. 31
About the State program of innovative development of the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020
For the purpose of increase in competitiveness of national economy taking into account ensuring its intensive innovative development I decide:
1. Approve the enclosed State program of innovative development of the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020 (further - the State program).
2. Determine:
2.1. responsible customer of the State program State committee on science and technologies;
2.2. customers of the State program the State committee on science and technologies, the Ministry of Architecture, the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, the Industry ministry, the Ministry of Communications and Informatization, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry of Sport and tourism, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Department of Energy, the State military-industrial committee, the State committee on property, the State committee on standardization, the Belarusian state concern of the food industry Belgospishcheprom, the Belarusian state concern on oil and chemistry, the Belarusian state concern on production and sales of goods of light industry, the Belarusian production and trade concern forest, woodworking and pulp and paper industry, National academy of Sciences of Belarus, Belarusian republican union of consumer societies, regional executive committees, Minsk Gorispolkom, Belarusian innovative fund.
3. To customers of the State program within the competence:
3.1. perform coordination of activities of contractors of projects and actions of the State program during its realization;
3.2. exercise control of implementation of the State program and target use of budgetary funds;
3.3. quarterly to the 25th following reporting quarter to represent information on the course of implementation of the State program on the form determined by the called Committee to the State committee on science and technologies.
4. To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus:
4.1. in three-months time to approve:
the schedule of projects implementation on creation of the new productions having the determining value for innovative development of the Republic of Belarus;
amounts of financing of projects and actions of the State program;
target indicators for the republican state bodies and other state organizations subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, National academy of Sciences of Belarus, local executive and administrative organs, Belarusian innovative fund;
4.2. annually:
approve complex of actions for development of the national innovative system determined according to the State program;
till June 20 to submit to the President of the Republic of Belarus the annual statement about the course of implementation of the State program.
5. Grant to Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus the right within the amount of budget financing determined by this Decree to include during implementation of the State program in lists of projects on creation of the new productions having the determining value for innovative development of the Republic of Belarus, and actions for development of innovative infrastructure of the Republic of Belarus additional projects and actions with subsequent (is not more often than once a year) introduction in accordance with the established procedure to the President of the Republic of Belarus of offers on adjustment of the State program.
6. To impose control over the implementation of this Decree on Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and the State Control Committee.
7. This Decree becomes effective after its official publication and extends the action to the relations which arose since January 1, 2016.
President of the Republic of Belarus
A. Lukashenko
Approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of January 31, 2017 No. 31
The state program of innovative development of the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020 (further - the State program) is developed according to article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 10, 2012 "About the state innovative policy and innovative activities in the Republic of Belarus" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 26.07.2012, 2/1977) taking into account provisions of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 22, 2015 No. 166 "About the priority directions of scientific and technical activities in the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 24.04. 2015, 1/15761), the laws of the Republic of Belarus of January 19, 1993 "About fundamentals of the state scientific and technical policy" (Vyarkho¸naga Savet's Vedamastsi of Respubliki Belarus, 1993, No. 7, Art. 43; Vedamastsi Natsyyanalnaga to descent of Respubliki Belarus, 1997, No. 33, the Art. 657) and of May 5, 1998 "About the state forecasting and programs of social and economic development of the Republic of Belarus" (Vedamastsi Natsyyanalnaga to descent of Respubliki Belarus, 1998, No. 20, the Art. 222).
The state program is directed to achievement of priorities of social and economic development of the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020 in the field of effective investments and the accelerated development of innovative sectors of economy and is the main document providing realization of the major directions of the state innovative policy.
Basic provisions of the State program regarding forecasting and regulation of scientific, scientific and technical and innovative activities correspond to the National strategy of sustainable social and economic development of the Republic of Belarus for the period till 2030 approved by Presidium of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus (the protocol of February 10, 2015 No. 3).
The state innovative policy is component of the state social and economic policy and is directed to combination of efforts and resources of the state and private sectors of economy.
The realization of the State program will be enabled on the basis of the project and target principle. Drafts of the State program which completion is planned after 2020 will be included in the state program of innovative development of the Republic of Belarus for the next period.
The strategy of innovative development of the republic provided by the State program consists in synthesis of implementation of the technologies relating to V and VI technological ways and industrial and innovative development of traditional sectors of economy. At the same time in one sectors strategy implementation of leadership on the basis of own developments and innovations, and in others - the "catching-up" development in case of active borrowing of the advanced foreign technologies and institutes is necessary.
The public-private partnership within the State program will be performed on basis:
equal interaction of the state and subjects of managing of private pattern of ownership taking into account interests of both parties;
participations of subjects of managing of private pattern of ownership in forming and projects implementation and actions of the State program;
separations of risks of innovative activities, the income and responsibility between the state and subjects of managing of private pattern of ownership in case of joint implementation of innovative projects;
possibilities of transfer according to the procedure, established by legal acts, to subjects of managing of private pattern of ownership of property rights on the results of intellectual activities received for the account of means republican and (or) local budgets for their subsequent commercialization.
The purpose of the State program is ensuring high-quality growth and competitiveness of national economy with concentration of resources on forming of its high-technology sectors which are based on productions V and VI technological ways.
For achievement of effective objective the solution of the following tasks is supposed:
forming and the accelerated development of the high-technology sectors of national economy which are based on productions V and VI technological ways, fixing of line items of the republic in the markets of the knowledge-intensive products;
providing competitiveness of traditional sectors of national economy on the basis of their innovative development and implementation of advanced technologies;
development and increase in efficiency of functioning of national innovative system on the basis of market grouping of scientific and technical products and the favorable circle for implementation of innovative activities.
Within the solution of the called tasks achievement of summary target indicators of the State program according to appendix 1, and also realization is planned:
projects on creation of the new productions having the determining value for innovative development of the Republic of Belarus according to appendix 2;
actions for development of innovative infrastructure of the Republic of Belarus according to appendix 3 with achievement of the main forecast indicators within realization of these actions according to appendix 4;
actions for development of national innovative system.
Different forecasting of risks and timely taking measures to their minimization are important for goal achievement of the State program. These risks can exert negative impact on accomplishment of tasks of the State program and achievement of the expected results of its realization, including achievement of separate summary target indicators, and also on quality and efficiency of project implementation and actions of the State program.
Treat the main risks which can arise in case of implementation of the State program:
the macroeconomic risks connected with deterioration in internal and external economic environment, decrease in production volumes, inflation growth that can lead to deterioration in financial position of contractors of projects and actions of the State program, absence of the created productions on design capacity, to decrease in the solvent product demand, profitability and investment activity of subjects of managing;
the financial risks providing incomplete and (or) untimely financing of projects and actions of the State program therefore increase in terms of their realization or the termination of accomplishment of these projects and actions is possible;
the legal risks caused by change of the legislation, duration of the period of forming of the regulatory legal base necessary for effective implementation of the State program that can lead to increase in project deadlines and actions of the State program and (or) change of conditions of their accomplishment;
the administrative risks connected with insufficiently effective coordination of accomplishment of the State program, low performance of interaction of concerned parties that can entail violation of the planned terms of implementation of the State program, the solution of its tasks not in full, decrease in efficiency of accomplishment of the State program.
For the purpose of minimization of impact of risks during implementation of the State program are planned:
increase in interdepartmental interaction by involvement of concerned parties to discussion of draft documents at stage of their development;
accounting of the planned changes in the legislation;
annual refining of amounts of the financial resources allocated for projects implementation and actions of the State program including depending on the achieved results, and determination of priorities for their first-priority financing;
expansion of practice of financing of drafts of the State program on returnable basis the Belarusian innovative fund;
forming of effective system of coordination of accomplishment of the State program;
carrying out systematic monitoring of implementation of the State program;
timely adjustment of the State program.
The efficiency evaluation of implementation of the State program is performed by the State committee on science and technologies together with customers of the State program at stages of its accomplishment annually by comparison of actually reached values of summary target indicators for the corresponding year with planned values of summary target indicators of the State program and calculated by the following formula:
where E - performance indicator of implementation of the State program;
n - quantity of summary target indicators;
Pfi - the i-go value of summary target indicator which is actually reached during implementation of the State program;
Ppi - planned i-go value of summary target indicator of the State program.
Implementation of the State program is recognized:
effective - in case of measure value of efficiency of its realization of 0,9 and more;
moderately effective - in case of measure value of efficiency of its realization from 0,8 to 0,9;
ineffective - in case of measure value of efficiency of its realization from 0,7 to 0,8;
inefficient - in case of measure value of efficiency of its realization of less 0,7.
The national innovative system represents set of state bodies (organizations) governing the relations in the field of the innovative activities, the legal entities and physical persons performing and (or) providing implementation of innovative, scientific, scientific and technical and educational activities within national borders and also complex of the institutes of legal, financial and social nature providing innovative process and functioning of system in general.
The main directions of the state innovative policy of the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020 are:
the organization of development and implementation of the innovative projects having the state value;
development of innovative entrepreneurship;
increase in effective management of national innovative system;
ensuring digital transformation of national economy;
increase in efficiency of commercialization of results of scientific and technical activities and market grouping of scientific and technical products;
development of infrastructure in spheres of scientific and technical and innovative activities;
forming of the institutional circle stimulating innovative activities;
development of system of technological forecasting and increase in efficiency of scientific and technical activities;
development of the international scientific and technical and innovative cooperation;
development of export of the knowledge-intensive products and technologies;
staffing of innovative development of national economy.
The organization of development and implementation of the innovative projects having the state value assumes:
concentration of scientific and technological capacity of the republic on forming and development of the high-technology sectors of national economy which are based on developments V and VI technological ways with priority financing of innovative projects in these sectors;
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