of November 18, 2016 No. 39/5
About approval of Regulations about vising of documents of international trade
According to the Law on Chamber of Commerce and Industry No. 393-XIV of 13.05.1999 and for the purpose of regulation of the procedure of vising of documents of international trade the Executive bureau of Chamber of Commerce and Industry DECIDES:
1. Approve Regulations about vising of documents of international trade it (is applied).
2. To department of examination, certification and services of support of entrepreneurship (Mr. Nikolay Gaybu), to directors of branches of Chamber of Commerce and Industry to provide accomplishment of conditions of Regulations by the authorized persons of Chamber of Commerce and Industry participating in accomplishment of the procedure of vising of documents of international trade.
3. To provide to department of examination, certification and services of support of entrepreneurship (Mr. Nikolay Gaybu) the publication of Regulations about vising of documents of international trade in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.
4. To impose control over the implementation of provisions of this resolution on Mr. Tudor Olara, the vice-president of Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
President of Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Sergey Harya
Approved by the Resolution of executive bureau of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova of November 18, 2016, No. 39/5
1. These Regulations are developed for the purpose of execution of requirements of the item 1) by Art. 4 of the Law No. 393-XIV of May 13, 1999. "About Chamber of Commerce and Industry", item 10 of Art. 8 of the charter of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of 11.07.2014 also regulates the procedure of vising of documents of international trade.
2. In these Regulations the following concepts are used with sense:
a) vising – the procedure of putting down of seal and the signature by authorized persons on documents of international trade;
b) documents of international trade – invoice, certificate of free sale, exporter registry form, letter of authorization; declaration of the producer, etc.;
c) the applicant – physical person or legal entity which addresses for vising of documents of international trade.
3. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova (further – Chamber of Commerce and Industry) vises documents of international trade, proceeding from the functions which are carried out by it and world practice of activities of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, according to these Regulations.
4. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry appoints the internal order of persons, representatives to vise documents of international trade.
5. The following documents issued addressed to and for the benefit of physical persons or legal entities in the territory of the Republic of Moldova are subject to vising:
- agreements of international trade;
- invoices;
- certificate of free sale;
- exporter registry form;
- letter of authorization;
- declaration of the producer;
- other documents of international trade.
6. Specimen signatures of persons having the right to vise documents of international trade, samples of seals of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and also information on changes in the relevant data on Chamber of Commerce and Industry go to the address of competent authorities of the Republic of Moldova and other states with which at the Republic of Moldova trade relations are had.
7. The basis for vising of documents of international trade is the application form which is filled in by the applicant certified by the sign manual and wet by seal. The sample of the application form is provided in appendix No. 1 to these Regulations.
8. The following documents are enclosed to the application:
a) the statement from the State register of the companies and organizations (in the form of the copy certified by seal and the signature of the applicant);
b) identification documents of the physical person – the applicant;
c) the power of attorney issued to the applicant's representative, confirming powers on representation of its interests in Chamber of Commerce and Industry in case of filing of application by proxy (in the original);
d) the document issued by the legal entity who issued the documents shown for vising, confirming samples of the seals and signatures which are put down on them (in the original);
e) documents of international trade for which vising is requested (in the original and the copy with putting down of wet seal and the signature);
f) the proof of payment of the services provided to Chamber of Commerce and Industry in case the statement is considered subject to satisfaction (in the original).
If necessary the Chamber of Commerce and Industry can request, with the corresponding reasons, and other documents promoting allowance of the application about vising of documents.
9. The applicant bears responsibility for reliability of documents and the data specified in them provided on vising to Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
10. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry has the right to refuse vising of documents of international trade if all documents specified in item 8 were not submitted., if the submitted documents contain strong indications of counterfeit, etc.
11. Vising of documents of international trade is performed within 3 working days from the moment of the filing of application and documents specified in item 8 of these Regulations.
12. Responsible persons of Chamber of Commerce and Industry (the chairman of Chamber of Commerce and Industry and vice-chairmen of Chamber of Commerce and Industry) given with function of vising of agreements of international trade seal Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the signature on the specified agreements.
13. Responsible persons of branches of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, representatives according to item 4 of these Regulations function of vising of the agreements of international trade specified in item 5., except for agreements of international trade, in writing countersign ENDORSED it (is vised), put down sign and seal of the relevant branch on the vised document.
14. Payment for vising of documents of international trade is performed according to the rates approved by Chamber of Commerce and Industry Executive bureau.
15. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry confirms authenticity of the seals which are put down on documents, stamps and signatures and does not vise in any form contents of the documents undergoing the procedure of vising.
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The document ceased to be valid since September 16, 2019 according to Item 2 of the Decision of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova of July 26, 2019 No. 23/2