It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
January 18, 2017
No. 66/29934
of December 8, 2016 No. 2707
About approval of the Technique of assessment of assets of the bank referred to category problem or insolvent
For the purpose of implementation of Article 32, of part four of article 40 of the Law of Ukraine "About system of guaranteeing household deposits", and also calculation of the predicted amounts of cash compensation of fund by bank the executive directorate of Fund of guaranteeing household deposits solved:
1. Approve the Technique of assessment of assets of the bank referred to category problem or insolvent which is applied.
2. To provide to department of strategy and normative and methodological providing together with legal department submission of this decision to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine for state registration.
3. This decision becomes effective from the date of, its official publication following behind day.
4. To provide to department of public relations and financial education placement of this decision on the official page of Fund of guaranteeing household deposits on the Internet after its state registration.
5. I reserve control over the implementation of this decision.
Acting as director of the manager
A. Ya. Olenchik
Approved by the Decision of executive directorate of Fund of guaranteeing household deposits of December 8, 2016 No. 2707
1. This Technique is developed for the purpose of realization of the provisions of the law of Ukraine "About system of guaranteeing household deposits" (further - the Law), Regulations on conclusion of insolvent bank from the market approved by the decision of executive directorate of Fund of guaranteeing household deposits of July 5, 2012 No. 2, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on September 14, 2012 for No. 1581/21893, and also for the purpose of calculation of the predicted amounts of cash compensation of fund of guaranteeing household deposits (further - Fund) bank.
2. This Technique determines operations procedure of employees of Fund, including the authorized person of Fund, by asset valuation of the bank referred to category problem or insolvent including for the subsequent comparison of results of assessment with reports of subjects of estimative activities. Results of assessment on this Technique are auxiliary and cannot be used as the single source for acceptance of management decisions by Fund for assets of bank. Results of assessment on this Technique can be used in case of determination of starting price of asset sale of insolvent banks on open tenderings and are help in case of cost determination of assets of problem banks for acceptance of management decisions.
3. Assessment of assets by this Technique is performed for the bank referred to category problem or insolvent.
4. In this Technique terms are used in the following values:
assets and liabilities - according to national provisions (standards) of financial accounting;
the responsible person of Fund is the employee of Fund to which job responsibilities implementation of assessment of possible asset cost of the bank referred to category problem or insolvent, calculation of the predicted amounts of cash compensation of fund by the bank referred to category problem in case of its reference to category problem or insolvent bank belongs;
group of assets - set of the assets having one or several general typical characteristics;
asset class - set of the assets which are part of one line of bank balance according to resolutions of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine;
assessment of possible asset cost of the bank referred to category problem or insolvent, calculation of the predicted amounts of cash compensation of fund by the bank referred to category problem or insolvent (further assessment of assets) - the standardized procedure of determination of the most probable market value of class or group of assets, is calculated fund according to provisions of this Technique;
the given (this) asset cost - the asset cost brought to date for which the asset cost, by discounting of cash flows according to provisions of this Technique is determined;
complete property complex - object which set of assets provides implementation of separate economic activity on permanent and regular basis. Complete property complexes are the companies, and also their structural divisions (shops, productions, sites, etc.) which can be allocated in accordance with the established procedure in independent objects with the subsequent creation of the corresponding balance and can be registered as independent business entities.
Other terms are used in the values given in the Laws of Ukraine "About system of guaranteeing household deposits", "About banks and banking activity", regulatory legal acts of Fund and National Bank of Ukraine (further - the NBU).
1. The list of assets of bank for their assessment shall be provided to Fund:
within 10 working days from the date of reference of bank to category problem the head of inspection team or the appointed employee of Fund to which powers monitoring of active transactions in problem bank belongs (further - the curator);
the next working day after the end of inventory count of assets of insolvent bank - the authorized person of Fund on temporary administration in case of delegation to it powers Fund;
the next working day after the end of forming of liquidating weight and every time after decision making about carrying out asset revaluation of insolvent bank - the authorized person of Fund on liquidation of bank in case of delegation to it powers Fund.
2. The list of assets moves the curator, the head of inspection team or the authorized person of Fund for the form given in appendix 1 to this Technique in electronic form on CD disk in the Microsoft Excel (xlsx) format, and in case of impossibility - in other format that it gives the chance to connect the external file with the database in Microsoft Excel.
3. The authorized person of Fund on temporary administration or liquidation of bank by results of inventory count of assets of bank (the worker Fonda, the representative on monitoring of banking activities, the head of inspection team - according to balance and credit cases) when forming the list of assets of bank shall provide from the bank referred to category of problem or insolvent, such essential characteristics of its assets (according to appendix 1 to this Technique):
1) on the "credits and debt of clients" group:
details of the agreement of crediting:
unique code;
details of the agreement(s) of pledge/mortgage:
unique code of the agreement of crediting;
agreement(s) details guarantee/guarantee/insurance:
unique code of the agreement of crediting;
code EGRPOU / registration number of accounting card of the taxpayer or series and passport number (for physical persons which on the religious beliefs refuse adoption of registration number of accounting card of the taxpayer and notified on it the relevant monitoring body and have mark in the passport) the borrower;
name / First name, middle initial, last name borrower;
location/residence of the borrower (area);
location/residence of the borrower (area);
location/residence of the borrower (settlement);
location/residence of the borrower (street, house, case, apartment);
controllers and insiders (on everyone):
symbol of financial group;
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