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Ministry of Justice

Republic of Tajikistan

 On February 13, 2017 No. 56


of February 8, 2017 No. 58

About the Technical regulation of "Tobacco products"

According to article 8 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About technical regulation" the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan decides:

1. Approve the Technical regulation of "Tobacco products" it (is applied),

2. Agency of standardization, metrology, certification and trade inspection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan together with the relevant ministries and departments to take necessary measures for implementation of this Technical regulation.

3. Enact this resolution after six months after its acceptance.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan

Emomalii Rahmon

Approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of February 8, 2017 , No. 58

Technical regulation of "Tobacco products"

1. General provisions

1. The technical regulation of "Tobacco products" (further - the Technical regulation) is developed based on the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About technical regulation" for the purpose of protection of life and health of the person, the environment, the prevention of the actions misleading consumers of tobacco products concerning its appointment and safety and extends to the tobacco products released in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan.

2. This Technical regulation establishes obligatory for application and execution of the requirement to tobacco products, and also the requirement to information (marking) placed on consumer packaging of tobacco products.

3. If concerning tobacco products other regulatory legal acts and technical regulations of the Republic of Tajikistan establishing requirements to tobacco products, and such requirements to information (marking) placed on consumer packaging are adopted, tobacco products and information (marking) placed on consumer packaging shall conform to requirements of regulatory legal acts and technical regulations of the Republic of Tajikistan which action extends to them.

2. Scope of the technical regulation

4. This Technical regulation extends to the tobacco products released in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan.

5. Action of this Technical regulation does not extend to the following tobacco products:

- the samples of tobacco products imported on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan by laboratories, manufacturers of tobacco products and (or) importers (sellers) and intended for quality control and safety, for measurements according to international standards, carrying out interlaboratory comparison tests, measurements of the normalized parameters according to requirements of technical regulations of the Republic of Tajikistan, calibration of the equipment, comparative tests, carrying out tastings, studying of design;

- the samples of tobacco products imported on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan by organizers and (or) participants of the international exhibitions and fairs as samples and exhibits;

- tobacco products which are exported according to agreements in foreign trade;

- not smoking tobacco products.

3. Basic concepts

. In this Technical regulation the following basic concepts are used:

- tobacco products - the tobacco product packed into consumer packaging;

- tobacco product - the product fully or partially made of tobacco leaf and (or) other parts of tobacco plant as raw materials, prepared so that to use it for smoking;

- smoking tobacco products - the tobacco products intended for smoking;

- not smoking tobacco product - the tobacco product intended for sucking, chewing, shuffing;

- type of tobacco product - set of the smoking rooms or not smoking tobacco products similar on consumer properties and method of consumption;

- cigarette - type of the smoking tobacco product consisting of cut raw materials and mouthpiece in the form of the parcel of mundshtuchny paper which is wrapped up by the tissue (cigarette) paper connected by beskleevy gear seam. The filtering material can be inserted into mouthpiece of cigarette;

- cigar - type of the smoking tobacco product made of cigar and other raw materials and having three layers: the whole, frayed or cut cigar and (or) other raw materials stuffing, podvertka from cigar and (or) other raw materials and wrapper from cigar tobacco leaf. Cigar thickness throughout one third or more its length shall be at least 11 mm;

- cigarette - type of the smoking tobacco product consisting of the cut raw materials which are wrapped up by cigarette paper;

- non-filtered cigarette - type of the smoking tobacco product consisting of the cut raw materials which are wrapped up by cigarette paper (smoking part);

- filtered cigarette - type of the smoking tobacco product consisting of the cut raw materials which are wrapped up by cigarette paper (smoking part) and the filter;

- the filter - the adaptation attached in production process of tobacco products to the end of smoking tobacco product, intended for detention of part of tobacco smoke;

- cigarillo (cigarette) - type of the smoking tobacco product made of cigar and other raw materials and having many layers: cut or fragmentary cigar and other raw materials stuffing, podvertka from cigar and (or) other raw materials and wrapper from cigar tobacco leaf, the recovered tobacco or the special paper made on the basis of cellulose and tobacco. The cigarillo (cigarette) can have the filter and not have podvertka. The maximum thickness of cigarillo (cigarette) shall not exceed 11 mm;

- raw materials - the tobacco which underwent postharvest and (or) other industrial processing, used in case of production of tobacco products;

- tobacco for hookah - type of the smoking tobacco product intended for smoking with use of hookah and consisting of mix of cut or fragmentary raw materials with addition or without addition of ingredients;

- tonkorezany smoking tobacco - type of the smoking tobacco product intended for manual production of cigarettes or cigarettes and consisting from cut, the fragmentary, twisted or pressed tobacco with addition or without addition of ingredients in which at least 25 percent of net weight of product make fibers 1 mm wide or less;

- pipe tobacco - type of the smoking tobacco product intended for smoking with use of pipe and consisting from cut, the fragmentary, twisted or pressed tobacco with addition or without addition of ingredients in which more than 75 percent of net weight of product make fibers more than 1 mm wide;

- release of tobacco products in the address - delivery or import of tobacco products (including sending from warehouse of the manufacturer or shipment without warehousing) for the purpose of distribution in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan during business activity on non-paid or paid basis;


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