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of December 16, 2016 No. 107

About forming of insurance history and provision of insurance reports

(as amended of the Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of 28.04.2018 No. 26)

Based on the paragraph four Item 87, Item 90, part one of Item 91, part one of Item 92, part three of Item 93, parts two, four and eleven of Item 94 of the Regulations on insurance activity in the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 25, 2006 No. 530 "About insurance activity", Item 10 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 31, 2001 No. 1585 "Questions of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus", the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve enclosed:

The instruction about procedure and terms of representation by insurance companies of the data which are part of insurance history;

The instruction about forming of insurance history and provision of insurance reports.

2. Determine that insurance companies represent to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus the data which are part of insurance history under the agreements of voluntary insurance signed since January 1, 2017, except for insurance contracts according to which party are the Republic of Belarus and its administrative and territorial units, state bodies.

3. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2017.


V. V. Amarin

Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus of December 16, 2016 No. 107

The instruction about procedure and terms of representation by insurance companies of the data which are part of insurance history

1. This Instruction determines procedure and terms of representation by insurance companies of the data which are part of insurance history (further - data), in the automated information system "State Insurance Register" of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus (further - the State insurance register).

2. For the purposes of this Instruction terms are used in the values determined by the Regulations on insurance activity in the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 25, 2006 No. 530 "About insurance activity" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2006, No. 143, 1/7866; National legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 19.04. 2014, 1/14942).

3. Sources of forming of insurance stories provide in the State insurance register the information according to all insurance contracts, except for agreements by types of compulsory insurance or insurance contracts by which party are the Republic of Belarus and its administrative and territorial units, state bodies.

4. The order of interaction of source of forming of insurance history concerning completeness and timeliness of submission of data is determined in local regulatory legal acts of source of forming of insurance history.

5. The data created according to appendix to this Instruction are represented to the State insurance register by sources of forming of insurance stories according to the agreement signed between the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus (further - the Ministry of Finance) and sources of forming of insurance stories.

6. Forming of data is performed in case of the conclusion of the agreement of voluntary insurance.

7. If other is not provided by this Instruction, all data are filled in based on data:

about physical person - the identity document;

about the legal entity - the document on state registration and (or) constituent documents of the legal entity of the Republic of Belarus or the document confirming the status of the foreign legal entity and the foreign organization not being the legal entity on foreign law.

8. Data are represented in Russian and if in the documents specified in this Instruction there is no Russian-language writing, they are represented by letters of the Latin alphabet.

9. Data "Country", "Area", "Area", "Settlement" for citizens of the Republic of Belarus, the foreign citizens or stateless persons having the residence permit in the Republic of Belarus are represented based on data on registration on the residence, and in case of absence that - data on registration on the place of stay.

Data "Country" and "Settlement" for the foreign citizen or the stateless person which do not have the residence permit in the Republic of Belarus are represented based on the data provided by them to source of forming of insurance history.

The data specified in parts one and the second this Item are represented according to the Nation-wide qualifier of the Republic of Belarus to the OKRB 017-99 "The countries of the world" approved by the resolution of the State committee on standardization, metrology and certification of the Republic of Belarus of June 16, 1999 No. 8 "About approval, enforcement, change and cancellation of state standards, qualifiers and regulating documents", the Nation-wide qualifier of the Republic of Belarus OKRB 003-94 "The nation-wide qualifier "System of Designations of Subjects to Administrative-territorial Division and Settlements", approved by the resolution of Committee on standardization, metrology and certification under Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 28, 1994 No. 2 "About approval, enforcement, change, exception of number of the existing standards, regulating documents nation-wide qualifiers of the Republic of Belarus".

10. Data "Registration number in the Single state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs" are represented if the insurance contract is signed by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of the Republic of Belarus.

11. Data "Accounting number of the payer" are represented based on the data containing in the notice on assignment of accounting number of the payer, the duplicate on assignment of accounting number of the payer or other document issued by state body of the Republic of Belarus.

12. Data "Identification number" are represented for citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens or stateless persons having the residence permit in the Republic of Belarus (in the presence).

13. Data "Reorganization form" are represented to one of the following designations: "merge", "separation", "allocation", "transformation", "accession".

14. Data "Core activity" are represented based on the information provided by the subject of insurance history to source of forming of insurance history.

15. Data "Agreement type" are represented to one of the following designations: "Insurance", "Joint insurance", "Reinsurance".

16. Data "The status of the agreement" are represented to one of the following designations: "New", "Renewed", "Renewal", "Duplicate", "Early termination".

17. Data "Type of insurance", "Type of execution of the agreement", "Currency", "The characteristic of object of insurance", "Frequency of payment of insurance premium (insurance premium)", "Insured event (event on which case of approach insurance is performed)" are represented according to the reference information containing in the State insurance register.

18. Data of "The rule of insurance" are represented by source of forming of insurance history by specifying of the name and number of rules of the corresponding type of voluntary insurance on the terms of which the insurance contract is signed.

19. Data "Series of the form of the insurance policy (the certificate, the certificate)" are not represented in case of the conclusion of the insurance contract without use of the insurance policy (the certificate, the certificate).

20. Data "Injured objects" are represented based on the data containing in the act of insured event.

21. Sources of forming of insurance history represent to the State insurance register of the data no later than the 10th following after month in which the insurance contract is signed in time and insurance payment is performed.

Transfer of data between the Ministry of Finance and sources of forming of insurance stories is made by their authorized persons.

Sources of forming of insurance history provide in the Ministry of Finance the list of the workers responsible for the direction in the State insurance register of the data which are part of insurance history, and (or) protection of such data.


to the Instruction about procedure and terms of representation by insurance companies of the data which are part of insurance history of the Data, being part of insurance history

1. Information about the insurer

1.1. The information about the insurer - physical person (the physical person who is the individual entrepreneur)

1.1.1. Surname

1.1.2. Own name

1.1.3. Middle name (if that is available)

1.1.4. Identification number

1.1.5. Number, month, year of birth

1.1.6. Residence Country Oblast Region Settlement

1.1.7. Data on the identity document of the citizen or stateless person Document type Series and number Date of issue

1.1.8. Registration number in the Single state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

1.1.9. Accounting number of the payer (for the physical person who is the individual entrepreneur)

1.1.10. Core activity (for the physical person who is the individual entrepreneur)

1.2. The information about the insurer - the legal entity, the foreign organization, not being the legal entity on foreign law

1.2.1. The name of the legal entity, the foreign organization, not being the legal entity on foreign law

1.2.2. Registration number in the Single state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

1.2.3. Accounting number of the payer (for nonresidents - other identification number)

1.2.4. Date of creation (registration) of the foreign legal entity, the foreign organization, not being the legal entity on foreign law

1.2.5. Number of creation (registration) of the foreign legal entity, the foreign organization, not being the legal entity on foreign law

1.2.6. Data on the location Country Oblast Region Settlement

1.2.7. Core activity

1.2.8. Data on reorganization of the legal entity of the Republic of Belarus Reorganization form Date of reorganization The name reorganized (reorganized) legal (legal) persons (persons) Registration number in the Single state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs reorganized (reorganized) legal (legal) persons (persons) Accounting number of the payer reorganized (reorganized) legal (legal) persons (persons)

2. Data on the insurance contract

2.1. Agreement type

2.2. Status of the agreement

2.3. Rules of insurance

2.4. Type of insurance

2.5. Type of execution of the agreement

2.6. Series of the form of the insurance policy (certificate, certificate)

2.7. Agreement number (insurance policy, certificate, certificate)

2.8. Date of the conclusion of the agreement

2.9. Characteristic of object of insurance

2.10. Insurance sum (responsibility limit)

2.10.1. Amount

2.10.2. Currency

2.11. Insured event (event on which case of approach insurance is performed)

2.12. Insurance premium (insurance premium)

2.12.1. Amount

2.12.2. Currency

2.13. Payment due dates of insurance premium (insurance premium)

2.13.1. Frequency of payment of insurance premium (insurance premium)

2.13.2. Payment date of the next part of insurance premium (insurance premium)

2.13.3. Amount of the next part of insurance premium (insurance premium) Amount Currency

2.14. Duration of the agreement


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