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of January 12, 2017 No. 21

About implementation of separate ministerial procedures in the field of culture


(as amended on 12-09-2024)

According to article 256 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus about culture Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DESIDES:

1. Approve Regulations on procedure for receipt of the permission to operate of cinema hall, other specially equipped room (place) equipped with the film equipment, and such equipment it (is applied).

2. Make additions and changes to the following resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus:

2.1. in Regulations on the procedure for development, coordination and approval of town-planning projects, project documentation approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 8, 2008 No. 1476 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for development, coordination and approval of town-planning projects, the project documentation" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2008, No. 248, 5/28493; 2011, No. 65, 5/33881; National legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 07.10.2016, 5/42711):

add the Provision with Item 13-1 of the following content:

"13-1. Town-planning projects which contain data on archaeological objects except for of archeology monuments, are subject to approval of National academy of Sciences of Belarus, and town-planning projects which contain data on archeology monuments are subject to approval of the Ministry of Culture.";

state Item 29 in the following edition:

"29. Scientific and project (set of the research and project documentation) documentation on accomplishment of repair and restoration works on material historical and cultural values is developed based on research works with observance of the requirements established by the Code of the Republic of Belarus about culture.

The project documentation on accomplishment of earth, construction, meliorative and other works, implementation of other activities in the territory of archaeological objects is developed taking into account measures for protection of archaeological objects with observance of the requirements established by the Code of the Republic of Belarus about culture.";

in Item 30:

after the paragraph of the fifth to add Item with the paragraph of the following content:

"taking into account data on archaeological objects and development of measures for their protection;";

to consider the paragraph of the sixth the paragraph the seventh;

2.2. No. 175 is excluded according to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 25.03.2022

3. Recognize resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus according to appendix to be invalid.

4. This resolution becomes effective since February 3, 2017.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

A. Kobyakov

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of January 12, 2017 No. 21

Regulations on procedure for receipt of the permission to operate of cinema hall, other specially equipped room (place) equipped with the film equipment and such equipment

1. This Provision determines procedure for receipt of the permission to operate of cinema hall, other specially equipped room (place) equipped with the film equipment and such equipment (further – permission).

Action of this provision extends on legal entities and the individual entrepreneurs performing operation of cinema halls, other specially equipped rooms (places) equipped with the film equipment and such equipment (further, unless otherwise specified, - applicants) with collection or without collection of payment for viewing.

2. For the purposes of this provision the following terms and their determinations are applied:

cinema hall - the isolated room specially intended and equipped for display of movies;

the film equipment - the technical devices and their components intended for display of movies, which are turning on devices for reproduction and transfer of the image (film projectors, video projectors, projection and LED screens, systems for reproduction and transfer of the volume image, other devices), sound signal (amplifiers, panels, receivers, speaker systems and other devices), and also other auxiliary devices for transfer, storage and reproduction of movies (servers, computers, multimedia and disk players, means of communication and another), means of switching. The special means integrated to devices of transfer of the image and sound, intended for creation of additional effect of viewing of the movie by impact on sense organs of the person also belong to the film equipment (dynamic film theatrical chairs, systems 4DX and 5D, systems of transfer of smells, systems for display of movies for persons with limited opportunities, portable planetaria and another);

the portable film equipment - the film equipment which can move for the purpose of implementation of display of movies;

specially equipped room (place) - the isolated or uninsulated room, the open area equipped with the film equipment specially not intended for display of movies;

the stationary film equipment - the film equipment taking permanent installation site and intended for display of movies in specific cinema hall or other specially equipped room (place) for display of movies.

3. Permissions are issued by city (district) executive committees, administrations of areas in the territory of which cinema halls are located, other specially equipped rooms (places) equipped with the film equipment (further, unless otherwise specified, – cinema halls), and also public institution "Administration of the Chinese-Belarusian industrial park "Great Stone" (further – administration of the park) and confirm compliance of cinema halls, the film equipment to safety level for life and health of the audience, technical equipment, quality of display of movies, and also to the sanitary and hygienic and other requirements provided by regulatory legal acts, including technical regulatory legal acts.

4. For receipt of permission applicants represent to city (district) executive committee, administration of the area in the territory of which there are cinema halls, administration of the park the statement in the form established by the Ministry of Culture.


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