Registered by the
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
March 11, 2015
No. 271/26716
of December 26, 2014 No. 1526
Some questions of joint working bodies for preparation and carrying out external independent estimation
According to article 45 of the Law of Ukraine "About the higher education", 4, to subitems 1, 3 Items 6 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 16, 2014 No. 630, for the purpose of ensuring protection of the rights of persons which take part in external independent estimation order to the subitem 5 of Item:
1. Approve enclosed:
2. To department of the higher education (Korovaychenko Yu. M.) submit this order on state registration to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
3. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the First Deputy Minister Sovsun I. R.
4. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
C. Is quits
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of December 26, 2014 No. 1526
1. This Provision determines the main functions and procedure for the organization of activities of the procedural commission under the regional center of estimation of quality of education.
2. The procedural commission under the regional center of estimation of quality of education (further - the procedural commission) - collegiate organ in system of external independent estimation (further - external estimation) that is created under the regional centers of estimation of quality of education.
3. The procedural commission in the activities is guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine, presidential decrees of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted according to the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, other regulatory legal acts, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, including this Provision, and also acts of the Ukrainian center of estimation of quality of education.
4. Main objectives of the procedural commission:
1) protection of the rights of persons who submitted the application for consideration of the procedural commission on the questions which are within its competence;
2) decision making on registration of persons for participation in external independent estimation which gave to the regional center of estimation of quality of education the set of registration documents created with violation of the requirements established by Procedure for carrying out external independent estimation of the results of training received on the basis of complete general secondary education, the approved order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of January 10, 2017 No. 25, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on January 27, 2017 at No. 118/29986;
3) consideration of questions of possibility of creation in Items of carrying out external independent estimation of special (special) conditions for persons with special educational needs;
4) consideration of statements of appeal for violations of the procedure of carrying out external estimation in Item of carrying out external estimation;
5) establishment of reliability of circumstances and facts which gives the chance to person to participate in additional session of external estimation on certain subject;
6) consideration of the documents constituted in Items of carrying out external estimation, Items of processing and Items of check, containing information on signs of violations of the procedure of external estimation by participants in Item of carrying out external estimation;
7) excitement before the Ukrainian center of estimation of quality of education of petitions is relative:
cancellations of results of external estimation of individuals;
additional studying of the facts which can affect objectivity of determination of results of external estimation.
5. The procedural commission has the right:
receive in the procedure established by the legislation from employees of the regional center of estimation of quality of education, workers of Items of carrying out external estimation, Items of processing and Items of check documents, and also the other information necessary for accomplishment of the tasks assigned on the procedural commission;
invite to meetings of the procedural commission of the applicant, persons involved in carrying out external estimation, to receive from them written explanations;
perform within the competence requests in local executive bodies, local government bodies, law enforcement agencies, organizations of education, healthcare institution and so forth.
6. Members of the procedural commission shall:
observe requirements of the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine, presidential decrees of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine accepted according to the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, other regulatory legal acts, including this Provision;
provide confidentiality of information on applicants obtained in case of execution of functions of the member of the procedural commission.
7. In case of violation of requirements of Item 6 of this provision members of the procedural commission bear responsibility according to the current legislation of Ukraine.
8. Representatives of the regional center of estimation of quality of education, local authorities of management of education, and also the specialists delegated by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, structural divisions concerning health care of local executive bodies, other persons are part of the procedural commission (at least five people) (in coordination).
The chairman, and in case of its absence - the vice-chairman of the procedural commission heads work of the procedural commission.
9. The structure of the procedural commission affirms the order of the regional center of estimation of quality of education prior to registration of persons for participation in external estimation. This order are appointed:
1) chairman of the procedural commission;
2) vice-chairman of the procedural commission;
3) the secretary(secretaries) of the commission who is not her member(s) and has (yut) no right to vote during decision making.
10. The organization of work of the procedural commission is provided by the chairman, and in case of its absence - the vice-chairman of the procedural commission.
11. Documents of the procedural commission are:
1) the protocols of commission sessions remaining within five years;
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