of February 20, 2012 No. 131
Questions of Public service of intellectual property and innovations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
According to article 90 of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, based on the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About state bodies under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and other organizations under the authority of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" of January 12, 2012 12, for the purpose of regulation of activities of Public service of intellectual property and innovations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides No.:
1. Approve:
- Regulations on Public service of intellectual property and innovations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic according to appendix 1;
- the scheme of management of Public service of intellectual property and innovations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic according to appendix 2.
2. Determine that:
- activities of Public service of intellectual property and innovations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic are performed on the terms of self-financing;
- financing of the State fund of intellectual property under Public service of intellectual property and innovations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and State patent and technical library under Public service of intellectual property and innovations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic is performed at the expense of means of Public service of intellectual property and innovations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- compensation of employees of Public service of intellectual property and innovations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic is determined according to the procedure, No. 384 provided by the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About payment terms of work of the government and local government officers of the Kyrgyz Republic" of June 28, 2013.
3. To public service of intellectual property and innovations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in accordance with the established procedure in two-month time:
- bring the decisions into accord with this resolution;
- submit for approval of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of regulations on the subordinated organizations of department.
4. Declare invalid the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "Questions of Public service of intellectual property under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" of November 11, 2011 No. 716.
5. This resolution becomes effective from the date of official publication.
Prime Minister
O. Babanov
Appendix 1
1. Public service of intellectual property and innovations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (further - Kyrgyzpatent) is the authorized state body of the executive authority enabling the realization of single state policy in the field of protection of intellectual property and to development of innovations.
2. Kyrgyzpatent in the activities is guided by the Constitution and the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic, decrees and orders of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, resolutions of Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, international treaties and agreements which came in accordance with the established procedure into force which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic, this Provision, and also other regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic.
3. Kyrgyzpatent is legal entity, has separate balance and the property assigned to it, settlement (including currency) and other accounts in organizations of banks and has the right to open new accounts according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Kyrgyzpatent has seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Kyrgyz Republic with the name in the state and official languages and other seals, stamps, forms of the established sample.
4. Kyrgyzpatent and its subordinated organizations constitute single system of intellectual property of the Kyrgyz Republic.
5. Kyrgyzpatent issues on behalf of the Kyrgyz Republic security documents on intellectual property items.
6. Kyrgyzpatent will independently organize and performs the activities within the powers established and which are not contradicting this Provision.
7. The purpose - ensuring protection of intellectual property and development of innovative activities.
8. Kyrgyzpatent's tasks are:
- provision and ensuring legal protection to intellectual property items and traditional knowledge;
- assistance to development of creativity in the field of literature, arts and sciences, and also to promotion of perspective scientific and technical developments and commercialization of intellectual property items;
- development of national system of patent and technical information;
- development and stimulation of innovative activities.
9. Kyrgyzpatent performs the following functions:
1) functions of industry policy:
- develops and realizes national strategies and programs in the field of intellectual property and innovations;
- the analysis and generalization of practice of application of the national legal system also makes in accordance with the established procedure offers on enhancement of regulatory legal acts in the field of intellectual property and innovative activities;
- develops in accordance with the established procedure offers on the conclusion of international treaties on the questions entering Kyrgyzpatent's competence provides accomplishment of obligations of the Kyrgyz side under these agreements;
- ensures safety and protection of the state information resources, information systems and networks which are under Kyrgyzpatent's authority;
- keeps the state registers of intellectual property items and patent agents;
- conducts researches on assessment of condition and problems of development of system of patent and technical information, and also forming and rational use of national and state information resource;
- creates offers on development of innovative activities in the Kyrgyz Republic;
- will organize monitoring and the analysis of condition of innovative projects;
- holds events for legal promotion in the sphere of the supervised industry;
- analyzes condition of innovative projects and develops recommendations about their development;
- develops mechanisms of stimulation of innovative activities jointly by concerned parties.
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The document ceased to be valid since March 20, 2017 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of February 28, 2017 No. 126