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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

December 14, 2016

No. 1623/29752


of November 21, 2016 No. 1400

About approval of the Regulations on functional subsystem of training of children of preschool age, pupils and students to actions in emergency situations (on life activity safety issues) single state system of civil protection

According to article 9 of the Code of civil protection of Ukraine, Item 7 of the Regulations on single state system of civil protection approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 9, 2014 to No. 11 and Standard regulations on functional subsystem of single state system of civil protection approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 11, 2015 No. 101, I order:

1. Approve Regulations on functional subsystem of training of children of preschool age, pupils and students to actions in emergency situations (on life activity safety issues) single state system of civil protection which is applied.

2. To the sector of mobilization work, civil protection and health and safety (Tsymbal A. A.) in accordance with the established procedure to submit this order on state registration to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

3. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

4. To impose control of execution of this order on the First Deputy Minister Kovtunts V. V.


L. Grinevich

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of November 21, 2016 No. 1400

Regulations on functional subsystem of training of children of preschool age, pupils and students to actions in emergency situations (on life activity safety issues) single state system of civil protection

1. This Provision determines the purposes, tasks, the organization of management, structure of forces and means, procedure for their interaction and activities of functional subsystem of training of children of preschool age, pupils and students to actions in emergency situations (by life activity safety issues) single state system of civil protection (further - functional subsystem).

2. In this Provision the term "functional subsystem" is used in value of component of single state system of civil protection which includes governing bodies and forces of civil protection subordinated to them, subjects of managing which carry out tasks of civil defense.

Other terms are used in the values stated in the Code of civil protection of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "About education" and the Regulations on single state system of civil protection approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 9, 2014 No. 11.

3. The purpose of creation of functional subsystem are:

1) protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations in peace time and during the special period, reduction of material losses in case of their origin at the companies, in the educational institutions, organizations and the organizations relating to the sphere of management of MON (further - the companies, organizations and the organizations of area);

2) the organization and implementation of the actions of civil protection connected with prevention and emergency response of technogenic, natural, social, military nature and protection against their striking factors of participants of teaching and educational process;

3) the organization and implementation of the actions of civil protection connected with training of children of preschool age, pupils and students in actions in emergency situations (on life activity safety issues).

4. Tasks of functional subsystem are:

1) implementation of actions of civil protection at the companies, organizations and the organizations of area;

2) ensuring readiness of subordinate forces and means to the actions directed to prevention of origin and emergency response, implementation of actions for prevention of emergence of emergency situations or dangerous events in the companies, organizations and the organizations of area;

3) the organization and carrying out monitoring and forecasting of emergence of emergency situations and their development, risk identification of emergence of emergency situations in the area;

4) timely and reliable informing the interested executive bodies and the population on threat of origin or emergence of emergency situations at the companies, organizations and the organizations of area;

5) carrying out rescue and other urgent operations on mitigation of consequences of emergency situations;

6) ensuring planning of actions of civil protection;

7) the organization and conducting exercises (trainings) for preparation of governing bodies of functional subsystem and forces of civil protection subordinated to them which is performed according to the plan of the main actions of civil protection of MON for the corresponding year;

8) development and implementation of the actions aimed at providing steady functioning of the companies, organizations and organizations of area during the special period;

9) training of workers and participants of teaching and educational process of the companies, organizations and organizations of area in behavior and actions in case of emergency situation;

10) implementation of measures for the shelter of workers and participants of teaching and educational process of the companies, organizations and the organizations of area in protective constructions of civil protection;

11) development of regulatory legal acts, and also regulations, rules and standards according to the prevention of emergency situations at the companies, organizations and the organizations of industry, accomplishment of industry programs and plans for questions of civil protection;

12) creation, rational storage and use of reserve of the material resources necessary for prevention and emergency response;

13) tasks according to the functional direction:

creation of structural division concerning civil protection as a part of the device MON;

provision of offers on training of children of preschool age, pupils, pupils and students concerning civil protection in educational institutions;

the organization of training of children of preschool age, pupils and pupils according to the approved MON and development programs and training programs approved with GSChS which provide:

obtaining by pupils and pupils of general education and professional educational institutions of knowledge and abilities concerning personal security in the conditions of threat and emergence of emergency situation, use of remedies from its effects, studying of fire safety regulations and bases of civil protection;

forming at children of the advanced preschool age of sufficient and necessary level of knowledge and abilities for safe stay in the environment, elementary standards of behavior in emergency situations and to prevention of the fires arising because of careless handling of fire;


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