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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

January 10, 2017

No. 21/29889


of December 20, 2016 No. 556

About approval of the Procedure for creation, submitting and processing requests for public information which manager is Public service of Ukraine concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory and its territorial authorities, and forms for representation of such requests

According to the Law of Ukraine "About access to public information", to the Presidential decree of Ukraine of May 5, 2011 No. 547 "Questions of ensuring with executive bodies of access to public information", to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 25, 2011 No. 583 "Questions of execution of the Law of Ukraine "On access to public information" in the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, central and local executive bodies" I order:

1. Approve enclosed:

1) the Procedure for creation, representation and processing of requests for public information which manager is Public service of Ukraine concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory and its territorial authorities;

2) Forms for representation of requests for receipt of public information which manager is Public service of Ukraine concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory and its territorial authorities.

2. To provide to department of agriculture and technical policy in the AIC submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure.

3. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

4. I reserve control of execution of this order.

First Deputy Minister

M. Martynyuk

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine of December 20, 2016 No. 556

Procedure for creation, representation and processing of requests for public information which manager is Public service of Ukraine concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory and its territorial authorities

1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of creation, submission and processing of requests for receipt of public information which manager is Public service of Ukraine concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory (further Gosgeokadastr) and its territorial authorities.

2. In this Procedure terms are used in the values given in the Law of Ukraine "About access to public information".

3. Access to public information which manager is Gosgeokadastr and its territorial authorities is provided by provision of information on requests for receipt of public information, including on requests for receipt of public information in the form of open data.

4. Physical, legal entities and associations of citizens without the status of the legal entity, except subjects of powers of authority are requesting public information according to the Law of Ukraine "About access to public information".

5. Requesting can make to Gosgeokadastr and/or his territorial authorities inquiry for receipt of public information irrespective of, this information concerns it personally or not, without explanation of the reason of giving of request.

6. The request for receipt of public information can be individual or collective.

7. The request for receipt of public information is sent in Gosgeokadastr and/or his territorial authorities in oral or written form during personal acceptance or by sending by mail, to the telefax, e-mail or by phone (at choice of requesting).

8. The written request on receipt of public information is sent in any form.

9. The request for receipt of public information can be sent requesting personally in structural division of Gosgeokadastr and/or his territorial authority which will organize in accordance with the established procedure access to public information which manager is Gosgeokadastr and/or his territorial authority (further - responsible structural division).

10. The request for receipt of public information shall contain:

surname, name, middle name (name) requesting, the postal address, the e-mail address, number of the means of communication (if is);

the general description of information or type, the name, details or contents of the document concerning which the request is made (if requesting it it is known);

the signature and date on condition of submission of the written request.

11. For the purpose of simplification the procedure of preparation the written request requesting person can send request by filling in the corresponding forms of requests.

12. Request forms are posted on the official site of Gosgeokadastr and the official sites of its territorial authorities, and also at information stands in rooms of public receptions of Gosgeokadastr and his territorial authorities.

13. Requesting can fill request form directly on the official site of Gosgeokadastr or his territorial authority.

14. When giving request for receipt of public information requesting notes form of receipt of information, convenient for it.

15. If on reasonable excuses (disability, physical disabilities, etc.) person cannot send the written request, it is drawn up by the responsible person concerning access to public information with indication of in request of the surname, name, middle name, contact telephone number and provides the copy of request to the person at the request of which it is given.

16. Upon the demand of the request requesting on the first leaf of the copy the stamp print with indication of the name of the manager of information (Gosgeokadastr or his territorial authority), receipt date and the incoming number of request is put down. Such copy returns to requesting.

17. Requests are registered responsible structural division marked in registration number of "PI".

18. If Gosgeokadastr or his territorial authority has no the queried information, but he according to the status or nature of activities knows or it shall be known who owns it, the inquiry is sent to the manager of such information with the simultaneous notification on it requesting.

19. Satisfaction of request for public information it can be refused. The bases for failure and information which shall contain in written failure are determined by article 22 of the Law of Ukraine "About access to public information". In satisfaction of request requesting is notified on failure no later than five working days from the date of registration of request.

20. Reply to the request is provided requesting by the method specified to them no later than five working days from the date of registration of such request.


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