of December 28, 2016 No. 1056
Some questions of determination of the medium-term priority directions of innovative activities of nation-wide level
According to part five of article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "About the priority directions of innovative activities in Ukraine" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Approve the medium-term priority directions of innovative activities of nation-wide level for the period till December 31 of the year following after the termination or cancellation of martial law in Ukraine imposed by the Presidential decree of Ukraine of February 24, 2022 No. 64 "About introduction of warlike situation in Ukraine", the approved Law of Ukraine of February 24, 2022 No. 2102-IX "About approval of the Presidential decree of Ukraine "About introduction of warlike situation in Ukraine" according to appendix.
2. To the main managers of budgetary funds to consider the directions approved by this resolution during the forming and determination of scope of scientific research and scientific and technical (experimental) developments in the expense limits provided by it in the government budget for the corresponding years and in case of development of the state target programs and separate innovative projects.
3. To the Ministry of Education and Science:
provide carrying out monitoring of realization of the directions approved by this resolution, the main managers of budgetary funds;
submit annually till June 15 to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine information on results of carrying out monitoring.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
V. Groysman
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 28, 2016 No. 1056
Technological updating and development of spheres of homeland security and defense
Information and communication and radio-electronic systems and technologies for ensuring national security and defense. Information security and cyber security
Technologies (means, systems) artificial intelligence and robotics of defense appointment
Methods and means of information and analytical and normative and methodical ensuring decision making processes in the field of homeland security and defense. Automated control systems for fight (fighting), troops (forces)
Methods and means of education of specialists of the sector of safety and defense
Technologies of coding, transfer and obtaining (automatic recognition, processing, analysis, generation, visualization) of information. Technologies of cryptographic information security
Methods and means of prevention of emergence of emergency situations, responses to them and mitigations of consequences of such situations and neutralization of weapons of destruction
Methods and means of tactical medicine and medicine of catastrophic crashes
Biological safety and biological protection
Development of new technologies of transportation of energy, implementation of energy efficient, resource-saving technologies, development of alternative energy sources
Systems of generation and transportation of electrical and heat energy
Fuel bases, transportation systems and uses
Technologies of development and use of new types of fuel, renewable and alternative energy sources and types of fuel
Energy efficiency and energy saving, markets of energy resources
Ecologically balanced energy security
Development of new technologies of high-technology development of transport system, space-rocket industry, avia-and shipbuilding, arms and military equipment
New samples of arms, ammunition, the military and special equipment, high-precision weapons of destruction, air defense systems, unmanned platforms and shock robotics with perspective tactical technical characteristics
Technologies of creation of radio engineering, devices of radar-location, means of radio-electronic fight and technical investigation
Intellectual management information technologies of diagnostics, operation and repair of the military and special equipment
Technologies in airline and space-rocket industry
Development of new production technologies of materials, their processing and connection, creation of the industry of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies
New materials and substances of special purpose with unique properties and functional characteristics and technologies of their production
Innovative metal materials and products from them
Ceramic and composite materials and coverings for extreme conditions of use
Optical, radiotransparent, electric, magnetic, semi-and superconducting, low-dimensional and smart materials
Substances, materials and processes of chemical production
Biomaterials and materials of medical appointment
Materials and equipment for strategically important industries of economy
New resource-saving, energy saving and ecologically safe processes of receipt of competitive substances and materials and products of them
Technological updating and development of agro-industrial complex
Biotechnological and genetic methods and technologies of selection, cultivation, cultivation and industrial conversion of animals for receipt of high-quality and safe products
Methods and technologies of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of diseases of animals, development of veterinary medicines
Technologies of monitoring of condition and rational use of water bioresources, biotechnologies Akwa - and maricultures
Ecologically balanced and effective land use
Technologies of cultivation of agricultural plants and removal of their new grades and hybrids
Production technologies of foodstuff for functioning of steady and effective food system
Implementation of new technologies and equipment for high-quality medical attendance, treatment, pharmaceutics
Etiology, pathogeny, treatment, prevention of noninfectious diseases
Etiology, pathogeny, treatment, prevention of infectious diseases
Creation of new medicines and products of medical appointment
New methods and technologies of diagnostics
Miniinvasive, high-technology, reconstructive surgery and transplantology
Information technologies in medicine
Broad use of technologies of more net production and environmental protection
Modeling and forecasting of condition of the surrounding environment, technology of overcoming negative impacts on it
Technologies of monitoring of ecological condition of natural and artificial ecosystems
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