Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 29, 2016 No. 226

About Paralympic sport

Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on November 24, 2016

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Basic concepts

In this Law the following concepts are used:

1) adaptive physical culture and sport - type of physical culture and sport for persons with limited opportunities of health - with violations of the musculoskeletal device, sight, intelligence, the comprising complex of effective remedies of their physical rehabilitation, social adaptation and integration;

2) person with limited opportunities of health - with violations of the musculoskeletal device, sight, intelligence - person having physical or intellectual variation which interferes with achievement of results in physical and sports training, persons, commensurable with results, which do not have the specified limited opportunities of health without creation for this purpose of special conditions;

3) sports and adaptive school for children and young people - the organization of sports and improving and sports orientation which main activities is the organization and carrying out among persons with limited opportunities of health - with violations of the musculoskeletal device, sight, intelligence of the educational and training and educational process aiming at their physical rehabilitation, social adaptation, integration and increase in sports result;

4) the qualifier - person whose obligation is the carrying out classification of paralympic athletes by degree of their functionality authorized by organizers of sports competitions and which had the special training supported by the relevant document;

5) classification - determination process by the qualifier or group of qualifiers of classification category of paralympic athletes for the purpose of creation of equal opportunities by it to compete;

6) the International Paralympic Committee - the international sports organization managing Paralympic movement, organizing the summer and winter Paralympic Games and coordinating the organization and holding the World Cups and other official international competitions among persons to limited opportunities of health - with violations of the musculoskeletal device, sight and intelligence;

7) the national teams of team in Paralympic sports - groups of paralympic athletes, trainers, leading trainers, leading athletes, scientists, specialists of sports medicine, other specialists in the field of sport, the representatives of official sports public organizations created for preparation for the Paralympic Games and other international sports competitions and performances on them on behalf of the Kyrgyz Republic;

8) National Paralympic committee of the Kyrgyz Republic - the component of the International Paralympic Committee which is operating in the form of public association in all territory of the Kyrgyz Republic according to its legislation and having special powers on representation of national teams of the Kyrgyz Republic at the Paralympic Games, and also at the regional, continental and world sports competitions held under the auspices of the International Paralympic Committee;

9) Paralympic sport (para-sport) - the sport component which developed in the form of the special theory and practice of training of persons with limited opportunities of health - with violations of the musculoskeletal device, sight and intelligence to sports competitions and participations in them for the purpose of physical rehabilitation, social adaptation and integration, forming of healthy lifestyle and achievement of sports results;

10) Paralympic sports - the sports cultivated among persons with limited opportunities of health - with violations of the musculoskeletal device, sight, intelligence, included in the National register of sports and sports disciplines of the Kyrgyz Republic according to the legislation in the field of physical culture and sport;

11) Paralympic elite sport - the component of Paralympic sport directed to achievement of the international level by paralympic athletes of results, establishment of national, continental and world sports records;

12) Paralympic movement - the part of the international Olympic Movement combining in the ranks of the organization and persons with limited opportunities of health which purpose is development of sport as one of means of achievement of physical and spiritual perfection of the person, strengthening international cooperation and familiarizing of disabled people with sports activities, healthy lifestyle;

13) sports federation on Paralympic sports - public association which purposes are development of one or several sports for persons with limited opportunities of health - with violations of the musculoskeletal device, sight, intelligence, training of the national teams of teams in the corresponding Paralympic sports for participation in the international sports competitions;

14) the paralympic athlete - the main subject of Paralympic sport, physical person with limited opportunities of health - with violations of the musculoskeletal device, sight, intelligence, systematically doing the chosen sport, competing at sports competitions to the purpose of profound physical rehabilitation, social adaptation, integration and achievement of sports results;

15) the judge on Paralympic sport - the person having judicial qualification and designed to provide observance of the corresponding rules and conditions during Paralympic sports competitions;

16) the leading trainer - the trainer who is carrying out, along with the trainer, educational and training occupations with blind paralympic athletes, participating in competitions in the form of leading of blind paralympic athletes;

17) the leading athlete - the athlete participating in holding educational and training occupations and competitions in the form of leading of blind paralympic athletes.

Article 2. Basic principles of Paralympic sport

The basic principles of Paralympic sport in the Kyrgyz Republic are:

1) humanistic nature of development of Paralympic sport, providing equal conditions and opportunities for its development in relation to conditions and opportunities of development of sport in general;

2) availability of sports constructions to occupations and participation in sporting and sports and spectacular events of the citizens having limited opportunities of health;

3) responsibility of public authorities and local government bodies, sports organizations, and also officials for providing the rights of the citizens having limited opportunities of health on occupations Paralympic sport;

4) safety of life and health of the citizens having limited opportunities of health, participating in educational and training occupations, sporting and sports and spectacular events;

5) respect and observance of the international obligations of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of Paralympic movement;

6) orientation to the best international standards and regulations of providing Paralympic sport;

7) interaction of public authorities in the field of sport with the public sports organizations in the field of Paralympic sport, with obligatory attraction them to development of the decisions infringing on interests of Paralympic sport.

Chapter 2. Support of Paralympic sport


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