of May 26, 2016 No. 650
About the organization and functioning of the Agency on administration of degrees of jurisdiction
Based on part (1) article 15 of the Law No. 98 of May 4, 2012 on the central branch public management (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2012, Art. No. 160-164, 537) and parts (1) article 55 of the Law No. 514-XIII of July 6, 1995 on judicial system (repeated publication: The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2013, Art. No. 15-17, 62), with subsequent changes and amendments, DECIDES: the Government
1. Rename Department of judicial administration into Agency on administration of degrees of jurisdiction.
2. Approve Regulations on the organization and functioning of the Agency on administration of degrees of jurisdiction according to appendix No. 1.
3. The organizational structure of the Agency on administration of degrees of jurisdiction affirms the Ministry of Justice.
4. Establish the extreme number of staff of the Agency on administration of degrees of jurisdiction in number of 15 units with the salary fund according to the current legislation.
5. Provide to the Ministry of Justice financial and economic accounting, and also staff management of the Agency on administration of degrees of jurisdiction.
6. In appendix No. 3 to the Order of the Government No. 736 of October 3, 2012. "About the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Justice" (2012, Art. No. 212-215, 799), with subsequent changes and amendments, line item "The central bureau of probation" to replace the official monitor of the Republic of Moldova with line item "National inspectorate for probation", and line item "Department of judicial administration" - line item "Agency on administration of degrees of jurisdiction".
7. Approve the list of the orders of the Government which are recognized invalid, according to appendix No. 2.
Prime Minister |
Paweê Phillip |
Countersigns: Minister of Justice |
Vladimir Chebotar |
Appendix №1
to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of May 26, 2016 No. 650
1. The regulations on the organization and functioning of the Agency on administration of degrees of jurisdiction (further – the Provision) establish legal status, mission, functions, competences, the rights and procedure for the organization of activities of the Agency on administration of degrees of jurisdiction (further – the Agency), and also its place in structure of the central public management.
2. The agency is the administrative authority subordinated to the Ministry of Justice, has the status of the legal entity of the public law, has seal with the name in state language, and also the treasurer accounts.
3. The agency fulfills the duties in case of strict observance of guarantees and independence of judicial system, without any intervention in justice implementation.
4. The property of the Agency consists from financial and the appliances reflected in balance.
5. Financial and material logistics of activities of the Agency is performed at the expense of the means provided in the law on the government budget for the corresponding year and the means coming from other sources according to the legislation.
6. The Agency location – municipium of Chisinau.
7. The agency provides organizational and administrative activity of the courts and appeal chambers (further – degrees of jurisdiction) within the established competences.
8. For the purpose of accomplishment of the mission the Agency performs the following main functions:
1) provides organizational activities of degrees of jurisdiction;
2) is performed by accounting and the analysis of legal statistics;
3) develops judicial information system;
4) manages activities for personnel training of the secretariats of degrees of jurisdiction;
5) will organize activities of financial management, system of internal managerial supervision and internal audit in degrees of jurisdiction.
6) performs other functions assigned to the Agency according to the legislation.
9. The agency has the following competences:
1) in the field of ensuring organizational activities of degrees of jurisdiction:
a) develops suggestions for improvement and to ensuring uniformity of activities of degrees of jurisdiction;
b) draws the conclusions on projects legislative and regulations, and also represents offers on project development legislative and the regulations corresponding to areas of its competence;
c) the politician and in creation of reports on their implementation participates in development and deployment of documents;
d) provides degrees of jurisdiction with offices and proper working conditions, according to standards in the field;
e) coordinates planning of capital investments and repairs for degrees of jurisdiction and allocation of funds from the government budget on these purposes;
f) coordinates process of reorganization of system of degrees of jurisdiction;
g) provides the methodical help with accounting of the legislation and court practice, and also publishes researches in the field;
h) monitorizirut procedure of archive works and works on clerical work.
2) in the field of legal statistics:
a) develops the mechanism and rules of maintaining legal statistics;
b) performs collection, the analysis and systematization of data of legal statistics;
c) checks correctness of creation of the statistic reports submitted by degrees of jurisdiction and also the statistic reports generated by the Integrated program for administration;
d) provides accounting and storage of the generalized statistic reports and the accompanying information provided by degrees of jurisdiction;
e) collects, checks, stores and records cards of the statistical recording of persons accused, control coupons provided by degrees of jurisdiction and their lists, and also provides compliance of number of accounting cards the charged number of convicts provided in statistic reports;
f) collects and generalizes the other information relating to legal statistics, provided by degrees of jurisdiction;
g) provides the help and methodological support to personnel of degrees of jurisdiction with accounting, generalization and the analysis of legal statistics;
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The document ceased to be valid since January 1, 2025 according to Item 11 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of November 6, 2024 No. 748