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of November 30, 2016 No. 1002-r

About approval of the Concept of development of system of public health

1. Approve the Concept of development of system of public health which is attached.

2. To the Ministry of Health together with interested central and local executive bodies to develop and to submit in accordance with the established procedure to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the draft of the actions plan on implementation of the Concept approved by this order in a month.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

V. Groysman

Approved by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 30, 2016 No. 1002-r

Concept of development of system of public health

The problems requiring the solution

Health of the population is one of the biggest values, necessary condition for social and economic development of the country. Creation of optimum conditions for realization of potential of each person throughout all life, achievement of the European quality standards of life and wellbeing of the population is one of the main objectives determined by the Sustainability strategy of "Ukraina2020" approved by the Presidential decree of Ukraine of January 12, 2015 No. 5, and part of obligations within the Agreement on association between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, European Atomic Energy Community and their state members, on the other hand.

Creating favorable conditions for strengthening and preserving human health as supreme social value, ensuring realization of human right on improving physical activity became acceptance prerequisite in 2016 the President of Ukraine to National strategy for improving physical activity in Ukraine for the period till 2025 "Physical activity - healthy lifestyle - the healthy nation".

Preserving health and providing full-fledged life of people are one of the most important purposes of the world community reflected in fundamentals of the European policy "Health-2020: fundamentals of the European policy in support of actions of the state and society for the benefit of health and wellbeing".

The Soviet health care system in Ukraine remained almost in steady-state condition. The complex model of Semashko inherited since the Soviet period in case of which all health sector belonged to state-owned property and is financed by the state was directed to content of hospitals, was characterized by the fragmentary management concentrated generally on treatment of not serious sharp conditions and the actual lack of prevention. The system practically ignored requirements of the healthy population that did not give the chance to constrain and to influence systemically increase in level of noninfectious diseases.

For years of independence single measures for reforming of health care system only aggravated crisis of preventive medicine. The reasons of the critical situation which developed with the state of health of the population is social and economic crisis, adverse ecological situation, high level of prevalence of tobacco smoking, alcohol intake and drugs, insufficient physical activities, unhealthy food, and also military aggression of the Russian Federation in the east of Ukraine.

Considering specified by the urgent need carrying out complex reform of health care system, including the sphere of public health is.

In this Concept the term "public health" is used in the sense determined by the World Health Organization.

This Concept determines system of public health care as complex of the tools, procedures and actions realized by the state and non-state institutes for strengthening of health of the population, the prevention of diseases, increase in duration active and working-age and encouragement of healthy lifestyle by combination of efforts of all society.

The system of public health as fundamentals of preventive medicine shall provide the main actions in health sector and to be directed to preserving health of the population and reduction of amount of expenses on medical attendance.


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