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of December 28, 2016 No. 1031

About approval of the Procedure for issue, cancellation of temporary suspension of action and form of the certificate of the auditor on certifications (agronomist-inspector)

(as amended on 15-11-2024)

According to Article 18-2 - the Law of Ukraine "About seeds and landing material" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve enclosed:

Procedure for issue, cancellation, temporary suspension of action of the certificate of the auditor on certifications (agronomist-inspector);

form of the certificate of the auditor on certifications (agronomist-inspector).

2. Determine that the state inspectors of territorial authorities of the State inspection of agricultural industry who till June 30, 2016 performed powers on certification in the sphere of seed farming and pitomnikovodstvo conform to the requirements of the legislation in the sphere of seed farming and pitomnikovodstvo shown to auditors on certification (agronomists-inspectors) and continue to perform functions on certification of seeds and landing material at the state company falling within the scope of management of the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food have the right to the certificate of the auditor on certifications (agronomist-inspector) without passing qualification examination and inclusion in the Register of auditors with certification (agronomists-inspectors).

Prime Minister of Ukraine

V. Groysman

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 28, 2016, No. 1031

(The procedure for issue, cancellation, temporary suspension of action of the certificate of the auditor on certifications (agronomist-inspector) is reworded as follows according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 15.11.2024 No. 1309)
(see the previous edition)

Procedure for issue, cancellation, temporary suspension of action of the certificate of the auditor on certifications (agronomist-inspector)

1. This Procedure determines the procedure of issue, cancellation, temporary suspension of action of the certificate of the auditor on certifications (agronomist-inspector).

2. In this Procedure terms are used in the following value:

the candidate - physical person which intends to pass qualification examination and to receive the status of the auditor on certifications (agronomist-inspector);

qualification examination - examination which is held for check and confirmation of availability at the candidate of necessary level of theoretical and practical knowledge and abilities in the sphere of seed farming and rassadnichestvo;

the certificate of the auditor on certifications (agronomist-inspector) - the document determining qualification suitability of the auditor on certifications (agronomist-inspector) for carrying out the work types determined in it by certification of seeds and landing material;

systematic gross violation by the auditor on certification (agronomist-inspector) - violation of the law in the sphere of seed farming and rassadnichestvo during work on certification of seeds and landing material by results of which it is impossible to perform actions for its elimination and which is made two and more times within one calendar year;

extraction - the document electronically created by means of software of electronic system of registers in the field of crop production "e-crop production" (further - system) which contains information on the auditor on certifications (agronomist-inspector), by the criteria of search specified in request for its forming and confirms registration of such auditor in the Register of auditors on certifications (agronomists-inspectors) (further - the Register).

Other terms are used in the value given in the Laws of Ukraine "About seeds and landing material", "About personal data protection", "About information security in information and communication systems", "About public electronic registers", "About ministerial procedure", "About electronic identification and electronic confidential services".

3. For receipt of the certificate of the auditor on certifications (agronomist-inspector) the candidate shall:

have complete higher agronomical education and length of service in at least one year;

undergo certification by passing qualification examination, the procedure for preparation and which carrying out affirms Minagropolitiki.

4. For the admission to passing qualification examination the candidate submits to Minagropolitiki the application which is created by electronic means of system, after passing by the candidate of identification and authentication with use of the integrated system of electronic identification, the digital signature based on the qualified digital signature certificate and/or other means of identification which allow to identify the person in whom, except the information about the candidate, information on complete higher agronomical education and length of service in the specialty is specified.

The copy of the document on the higher education and the document confirming length of service are enclosed to the application.

The specified statement shall conform to requirements of the Law of Ukraine "About electronic documents and electronic document management".

5. The statement for the admission to passing qualification examination is registered Minagropolitiki in day of its receipt according to requirements of article 42 of the Law of Ukraine "About ministerial procedure".

In case of discrepancy of the statement or provision of information in it not in full the official of Minagropolitiki makes the decision on leaving of the statement without movement according to article 43 of the Law of Ukraine "On ministerial procedure".

The candidate is responsible for accuracy of the information, specified in the statement.

Administrative proceeedings about the admission to passing qualification examination begin from the date of submission of the corresponding statement of Minagropolitiki and are performed according to the Law of Ukraine "About seeds and landing material" taking into account features of the Law of Ukraine "About ministerial procedure".

6. The bases for refusal in the admission to passing qualification examination are:

identification in the submitted application and documents of unreliable information attached to it;

absence at the candidate of complete higher agronomical education;


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