of December 16, 2016 No. 279
About the government budget for 2017
The parliament adopts this organic law.
Art. 1. – (1) the Government budget for 2017 affirms according to the income in the amount 33766740, thousands of lei, on expenses as 37796940,7 amount thousand lei, with deficit in 4030200,0 amount thousand lei.
(2) General indicators and sources of financing of the government budget are provided in appendix 1.
(3) the Structure of the income of the government budget is provided in appendix 2.
(4) Budgets of the central bodies of the public power are provided in appendix 3.
Art. 2. - In budgets of the central bodies of the public power according to competences on areas to approve assignments for specific purposes:
a) for equipment of Engineering college (mun. Streshen) the necessary equipment and furniture for preparation and personnel training (personnel) for the purpose of support of investors, in connection with creation of new workplaces - in 20000,0 amount thousand lei;
b) for realization of process of privatization of property of public property of the state, including on the basis of individual projects, - in 2000,0 amount thousand lei;
c) for Fund of energy efficiency - in 110000,0 amount thousand lei;
d) for National Regional Development Fund - in 200000,0 amount thousand lei;
e) for National fund of development of agricultural industry and the rural zone - in the amount 900000, thousands of lei. The procedure for distribution of means of National fund of development of agricultural industry and the rural zone is established in the provision approved by the Government;
f) for Fund of grapes and wine - in 53606,0 amount thousand lei, from them 29289,5 thousand lei from National fund of development of agricultural industry and the rural zone;
g) for National ecological fund - in 271733,1 amount thousand lei;
h) for development and deployment of standards in education and professional training of the pedagogical and managerial personnel of the sphere of the general education - in 10082,0 amount thousand lei at the expense of the loan provided by the World Bank within the Education reform project;
i) on support of cultural projects / programs of public associations - in 4409,2 amount thousand lei and on support of activities of theaters, circus and concert organizations - in 122058,8 amount thousand lei;
j) for National Olympic and sports committee - in 8000,0 amount thousand lei, from which for the purpose of preparation and participation of the Moldavian athletes in the international competitions - in 7000,0 amount thousand lei and for the purpose of promotion of sport for all and the Olympic Movement - in 1000,0 amount thousand lei;
k) on partial compensation of the fees of compulsory national social insurance paid by the organizations and companies of Public association "Association of blind persons of Moldova" - in 535,5 amount thousand lei, Associations of deafs of the Republic of Moldova - in 432,2 amount thousand lei and Society of disabled people of the Republic of Moldova - in 220,0 amount thousand lei;
l) on acquisition of the equipment and raw materials for companies of Public association "Association of blind persons of Moldova" - in 2767,7 amount thousand lei, Associations of deafs of the Republic of Moldova - in 1184,1 amount thousand lei and Society of disabled people of the Republic of Moldova - in 1447,6 amount thousand lei;
m) on creation of workplaces at companies of Public association "Association of blind persons of Moldova" - in 250,0 amount thousand lei and Society of disabled people of the Republic of Moldova - in 250,0 amount thousand lei;
n) for payment of deafs of the Republic of Moldova by Association of the services of sign language translation provided by translators at the request of deaf, mute or deaf-and-dumb, - in 250,0 amount thousand lei;
o) for Republican fund of social support of the population - in 92239,4 amount thousand lei;
p) for expansion of the woods on the degraded lands belonging to bodies of local public authority - in 2141,2 amount thousand lei;
q) on financing of political parties - in 40000,0 amount thousand lei;
r) for works on updating of organizations of primary, gymnasia and lyceum education in subordination of bodies of local public authority - in 10000,0 amount thousand lei at the expense of the loan provided by the World Bank within the Education reform project;
s) on financing of the capital investments on the central bodies of the public power - in 1363212,4 amount thousand lei, with distribution according to appendix 4.
Art. 3. – Approve in the government budget of assignment for:
a) transfers in other budgets and funds:
– in the budget of the national social insurance – in 6023457,0 amount thousand lei, including for covering of budget deficit of the national social insurance – 898561,0 thousand lei;
– in funds of compulsory medical insurance – in the amount 2593027, thousands of lei, including for insurance of separate categories of persons according to the legislation – 2526367,6 thousand lei, for accomplishment of national programs in the field of health care – 62033,7 thousand lei, and at the expense of the loan provided by the World Bank within the "Upgrade of Health Care Sector in the Republic of Moldova" project – 4626,1 thousand lei;
- in local budgets - in the total amount of 9127306,9 thousand lei, including 14450,2 thousand lei for compensation of increase since January 1, 2017 in the size of monthly allowance on content of one child in services of orphanage of family type and foster education, for compensation of wages increase (index 1, 2) for social workers in public service of the public assistance, and also for covering of the expenses made in 2016 from own income of local budgets for the measures of social protection financed by special transfers from the government budget. Distribution of transfers is provided to local budgets in appendix 5. In departure from part provisions (4) article 27 of the Law on local public finance No. 397/2003, in 2017 transfers of general purpose are distributed monthly, proceeding from ratio 1/10 annual amounts monthly within the first six months of year and 1/15 monthly - within the next six months;
b) works on updating of organizations of primary, gymnasia and lyceum education in subordination of bodies of local public authority – in 110000,0 amount thousand lei at the expense of the loan provided by the World Bank within the Education reform project on which the Ministry of Public Education acts as the investor. Distribution of these assignments and determination of obligations of the parties are performed by the Government;
c) payments of fees in the international organizations which member is the Republic of Moldova, – in 129974,3 amount thousand lei, for implementation of Strategy of reforming of system of public management – in 40000,0 amount thousand lei, for activities for reintegration of the country – in 15000,0 amount thousand lei. Distribution of assignments on receivers is performed by the Government;
d) Reserve fund and Intervention fund of the Government – respectively in 75000,0 amount thousand lei and 50000,0 thousand lei.
e) ceased to be valid;
f) implementations of the state program "First house" – in 15000,0 amount thousand lei. The procedure for distribution of the means provided by this program is established in the provision approved by the Government;
g) financings of actions for holding public information campaign within the procedure of verification of these registers of security holders for financial institutions and insurance companies - in the amount of 6219,3 thousand lei which will be performed in process of provision of supporting documents by the National commission on the financial market.
Art. 3-1. – For increase in the authorized capital of the state companies or joint-stock companies with mainly state capital or for creation of the companies with equity of the state financial resources are provided in 60000,00 amount thousand lei.
Distribution of the means provided for these purposes is performed by the Government.
Art. 4. – For determination of the size of social benefit according to the Law on social benefit No. 133-XVI of June 13, 2008 the level of the minimum guaranteed monthly income is established in the amount of leu 961,0 since April 1, 2017.
Art. 5. – In departure from provisions of Item and) parts (1) article 2 of the Law on road fund No. 720-XIII of February 2, 1996 in 2017 contributions to road fund from the total amount of excises on oil products (except for the liquefied gas) shall not exceed percent 44,14.
Art. 6. – The financial resources received from budgets components of the national public budget by public bodies / organizations on self-financing 6, are operated by the state companies and joint-stock companies which founders are the central and local authorities of the public power according to appendix by means of the Single treasurer account of the Ministry of Finance.
Art. 7. – Determine that as of December 31, 2017 the internal public debt shall not exceed 24069,6 of one million lei, the external public debt – 33294,0 of one million lei (equivalent 1790, of 0 million US dollars), and remaining balance of the state external and internal guarantees shall be equal to zero.
Art. 8. – (1) the Private tax represents the lump sum payment levied in case of transactions with property of public property in the course of privatization irrespective of type of the used means.
(2) Subjects of taxation by private tax are legal entities and physical persons of the Republic of Moldova, and also foreign legal entities and physical persons which in the course of privatization transfers to private property property of public property.
(3) as Subject to taxation by private tax the property of public property, including shares acts.
(4) the Rate of private tax is established in the amount of 1 percent of acquisition value of privatizeable property of public property, including share value, privatizeable.
(5) the Private tax is paid before agreement signature of purchase and sale and is brought, depending on property accessory, in the government budget or in the local budget.
(6) the private tax in case of non-paid obtaining is not paid to private property of property of public property by the physical resident persons who are not engaged in business activity.
(7) in case of termination by retroactive effect of the purchase and sale agreement caused by non-execution or improper execution by the buyer of the obligations, the amounts of the paid private tax do not return.
(8) Depending on accessory of property of public property control of execution of provisions of this Article is assigned to the central or local authorities of the public power.
Art. 9 - Establish the minimum retail price on cigarettes (goods item of 2402 of 20) as follows:
Goods item |
Description of goods |
Unit of measure |
Level of minimum estimated price, in lei |
2402 20 |
The cigarettes containing tobacco: |
- with the filter |
1 pack/cost in lei |
16 | |
- without filter oval |
1 pack/cost in lei |
10 | |
- without filter with mouthpiece |
1 pack/cost in lei |
12 |
Art. 9-1 – (1) the Price for retail sale of cigarettes (single packaging) with the filter / without filter, the goods item of 2402 of 20, cannot be lower than the level of the minimum estimated price, stipulated in Clause 9.
(2) Retail sale of cigarettes with the filter / without filter at the prices below the minimum estimated prices attracts imposing of penalty in the amount of 50 percent of cost of the corresponding cigarettes which are registered in remaining balance at the time of check implementation, except for inventories of cigarettes with the filter / without filter, registered on retailers till January 1, 2017, proceeding from the corresponding minimum estimated price, but at least 1000 lei.
(3) the Established penalty is collected in the government budget according to the decision of the State Tax Administration.
Art. 10. – (1) the Minimum amount of rent of property of public property is determined according to appendix 7.
(2) Are exempted from rent of rooms (excepting payment for utilities):
a) the budget bodies / organizations financed from the government budget and the creative unions – for the rooms hired at other public organizations financed from the government budget and also at the state companies which founder is their higher body;
b) the state companies which founder is the Department of penal institutions of the Ministry of Justice, – for the rooms hired at organizations of penal system.
Art. 11. – (1) to the Financial institutions which provided long-term soft credits to the housing cooperatives organized and which began construction of apartment houses till January 1, 1993, to the commercial banks which provided such credits to the housing cooperatives specified in the Resolution of Parliament No. 209-XIII of July 29, 1994 after July 29, 1994 till July 29, 1994, and also the financial institutions which granted the loans to the housing cooperatives specified in resolutions of Parliament No. 834-XIII of May 16, 1996, No. 1588-XIII of February 27, 1998, No. 1147-XIV of July 20, 2000 and No. 905-XV of March 7, 2002 on the conditions provided by these resolutions the loss of income connected with provision of these credits is compensated from the government budget.
(2) According to part provisions (1) to financial institutions also the loss of income on the soft and non-interest loans granted to the categories of persons having according to the legislation the right to them depending on the source of covering of these losses provided by regulations becomes covered.
(3) Provisions of parts (1) and (2) do not extend to the credits used not for designated purpose.
(4) Compensation of 50 percent of the amount of the bank loans granted to Apartament housing cooperative (mun. Belts), created only for the purpose of construction of the residential objects intended for combatants on protection of independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova it is made from the local authority budget of Belts depending on the construction cost approved in accordance with the established procedure on the date of signing of the act of delivery of the specified objects in operation.
Art. 12. – Compensations are paid to persons which are subject according to the legislation to compulsory national insurance based on the documents processed by profile services of bodies (organizations) in which these persons work from means of relevant organs (organizations).
Art. 13. – (1) Commission charges for services in payment of compensations to persons which underwent to political repressions, immediate compensations in connection with connection to the gas pipeline of lump-sum allowances on construction of the house or cooperative housing, acquisition of housing or recovery of old housing and other social payments of special purpose to some categories of the population provided in the government budget are established in case of the conclusion of contracts between the payment service provider and the Ministry of Finance in the amount of no more 0,8 of percent of the paid amount.
(2) Commission charges for the services in reception of applications on indexation and distribution of the amounts indexed according to the Law on indexation of money deposits of citizens in Savings bank No. 1530-XV of December 12, 2002 provided by means of the State company "Posta Moldovei" are established in case of the conclusion of the contract between the State company "Posta Moldovei" and the Ministry of Finance in maximum amount of 10 lei for reception of an application and in the amount of no more 0,8 of percent of the distributed amount.
(3) Commission charges for cash disbursement of money financial institutions for payment by means of the State company "Posta Moldovei" of the social benefits specified in parts (1) and (2), are established in the amount of no more 0,25 of percent of the issued amount and are paid from the government budget.
(4) Commission charges for services in acceptance by means of other payment instruments, than payment cards, from the population, the stating subjet, tax collectors and tax employees of payments in budgets components of the national public budget (except for customs payments), and also commission charges on return of payments from these budgets to the population are established in the amount of no more 1,0 of percent of the arriving / returned amount, but at least 1 leu of no more 2,5 of leu for payment, based on the agreement signed by the Ministry of Finance with payment service providers and are paid from the government budget.
(5) the Commission charges specified in part (4), return to the government budget from the budget of the national social insurance and funds of compulsory medical insurance.
Art. 14. – (1) to Establish payment from the government budget of commission charges for:
a) execution through the Automated interbank payment system of payment documents of treasurer system of the Ministry of Finance;
b) services in cash withdrawal of money and servicing of currency transactions in accounts of the government budget or local budgets;
c) services in acceptance by means of payment cards from the population of payments in the government budget and local budgets, and also for return of payments from these budgets to the population which are established based on the agreement signed by the Ministry of Finance with financial institutions;
d) banking services on servicing of the accounts managed through treasurer system intended for projects implementation financed from external sources;
e) services in translation/cash withdrawal of money from accounts of the government budget and local budgets based on executive documents.
(2) Commission charges for acceptance from physical persons of customs payments are paid by customs authorities at the expense of own means based on the agreement signed by them with financial institution.
Art. 15. – (1) the Percent charged on balances in cash of budgets components of the national public budget on the accounts opened in the Single treasurer account of the Ministry of finance / financial institutions are distributed according to the government budget, the budget of the national social insurance, funds of compulsory medical insurance.
(2) the Percent charged on balances in cash on the accounts opened in financial institutions and intended for projects implementation, financed from external sources are transferred completely into budgets in which structure they are included (the government budget or local budgets), except for of the percent charged on balances in cash of Fund of long-term development which remain in its management.
Art. 15/1. - In departure from provisions of article 60 of the Law on public finance and budget and tax responsibility No. 181/2014 the Government is allocated with powers on redistribution of the assignments approved by this law between the ministries, other subordinates to the Government by the central administrative authorities and organizational structures and Academy of Sciences of Moldova falling within the scope of their competence as a result of structural reorganization of the central public management, including in case of change of regulations or adoption of new regulations about the organization and functioning of these structures.
Art. 16. – The Ministry of Finance is granted the right:
a) according to reasonable appeals of the central bodies of the public power to change the approved indicators of the government budget according to the income and expenses proceeding from amounts of grants, donations, sponsor's and other non-paid means which in addition went into the disposal of the budget bodies / organizations;
b) redistribute between economic expense categories the approved assignments for the budget body, without mentioning the amounts approved at the level of the program/subprogramme;
c) according to the offer of the Ministry of Agriculture, regional development and the environment based on the decision of National council on coordination of regional development to redistribute the approved assignments for National Regional Development Fund;
d) according to the offer of the Ministry of Agriculture, regional development and the environment based on the decision of Administrative board to redistribute the approved assignments for National ecological fund;
e) for covering of temporary cash gap of the government budget to sign within fiscal year contracts on receipt of internal loans in the market of government securities over the limits provided in the government budget with return term in 2017;
f) perform recrediting of executive bodies of administrative and territorial units as which guarantee of return serve including transfers of general purpose from the government budget to the corresponding local budgets at the expense of external loans;
g) change relations between the government budget and local budgets in case of change acting or adoptions of the new regulations concerning the administrative-territorial device in case of delegation on legal causes of separate powers or their response, in case of transition in accordance with the established procedure of some organizations from maintaining local authorities of the public power in maintaining the central bodies of the public power and vice versa, and also in case of transition of some organizations from subordination to local authorities of the public power of the first level in subordination to local authorities of the public power of the second level and vice versa;
h) redistribute the transfers of special purpose from the government budget provided in appendix 5, between local budgets of the first level and the second level and between local budgets of one level.
Art. 17. – In connection with modest results in respect of strengthening of own profitable base of bodies of local public authority and also because action of regulations, the provided in paragraphs one and the second articles III and in the article IV of the Law on modification and amendments in some legal acts No. 267 of November 1, 2013, expires since 2017, the Government is allocated with the right to create in the government budget compensation fund in the amount of no more 0,5 of percent of the income of the government budget for covering of the gaps connected with reforming of system of the interbudget relations.
Chairman of the parliament
Andrian Kandu
to the Law of the Republic of Moldova of December 16, 2016 No. 279
General indicators and sources of financing of the government budget
Name |
Code |
Amount, one thousand lei |
I. INCOME, all |
1 |
33766740,7 |
2+3 |
37796940,7 |
Including staff expenses |
6223464,0 |
1-(2+3) |
- 4030200,0 |
4+5+9 |
4030200,0 |
4 |
- 299284,6 |
41 |
762500,0 |
Shares and other forms of equity participation within the country |
415 |
62500,0 |
Other internal budgetary obligations |
418 |
700000,0 |
46 |
40805,3 |
The recredited loans between the government budget and local budgets |
461 |
40805,3 |
47 |
- 1116497,3 |
The recredited loans for non-financial organizations |
471 |
- 598002,7 |
The recredited loans for financial institutions |
472 |
- 518494,6 |
48 |
13907,4 |
External guarantees |
484 |
13907,4 |
5 |
5955921,6 |
51 |
2550000,0 |
Government securities, except for shares |
513 |
2550000,0 |
The government securities issued in the primary market |
5131 |
600000,0 |
The government securities issued for other purposes |
5134 |
1950000,0 |
59 |
3405921,6 |
The obtained external loans |
595 |
3405921,6 |
Receipt of external loans |
4965921,6 |
Return of external loans |
- 1560000,0 |
9 |
- 1626437,0 |
Balance in cash at the beginning of the period |
91 |
3298151,1 |
Balance in cash at the end of the period |
93 |
- 4924588,1 |
to the Law of the Republic of Moldova of December 16, 2016 No. 279
Structure of the income of the government budget
| ||
Name |
Code |
Amount, one thousand lei |
1 |
33766740,7 |
11 |
30803944,2 |
111 |
5622059,2 |
The income tax from physical persons |
1111 |
1534229,2 |
The income tax from legal entities |
1112 |
4087830,0 |
113 |
57000,0 |
Taxes on property of acyclic nature |
1133 |
2000,0 |
Other income on property |
1136 |
55000,0 |
114 |
23646185,0 |
Value added tax |
1141 |
16728200,0 |
Excises |
1142 |
5641660,0 |
Charges for specific services |
1144 |
10035,0 |
Charges and payments for use of goods and for implementation of some types of activity |
1145 |
373556,7 |
Other charges for goods and services |
1146 |
892733,3 |
115 |
1478700,0 |
Customs and other import fees |
1151 |
993100,0 |
Other taxes on international trade and external transactions |
1156 |
485600,0 |
13 |
1172108,1 |
131 |
163617,1 |
On the projects financed from external sources |
163617,1 |
132 |
1008491,0 |
On support of the budget |
462013,5 |
On the projects financed from external sources |
546477,5 |
14 |
1771688,4 |
141 |
314055,2 |
Drawn interest |
1411 |
150755,2 |
The received dividends |
1412 |
163300,0 |
142 |
1057908,0 |
Administrative charges and payments |
1422 |
289909,0 |
Sales of goods and services by budgetary institutions |
1423 |
767999,0 |
143 |
307850,0 |
144 |
42105,6 |
145 |
49769,6 |
19 |
19000,0 |
The received transfers between the government budget and local budgets |
191 |
19000,0 |
to the Law of the Republic of Moldova of December 16, 2016 No. 279
Budgets of the central bodies of the public power
Name |
Code |
Amount, one thousand lei |
Secretariat of Parliament |
0101 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
137970,1 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
137970,1 |
staff expenses |
21 |
88473,1 |
State services of general purpose |
01 |
Resources, all |
137970,1 |
general resources |
1 |
135819,8 |
the collected income |
297 |
1500,0 |
resources of the projects financed from external sources |
298+299 |
650,3 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
137970,1 |
Activities of Parliament |
0101 |
137970,1 |
Office of the President of the Republic of Moldova |
0102 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
19747,1 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
19747,1 |
staff expenses |
21 |
11325,2 |
State services of general purpose |
01 |
Resources, all |
19747,1 |
general resources |
1 |
19747,1 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
19747,1 |
Activities of the President of the Republic of Moldova |
0201 |
19747,1 |
Constitutional court |
0103 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
14466,3 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
14466,3 |
staff expenses |
21 |
9433,8 |
State services of general purpose |
01 |
Resources, all |
14466,3 |
general resources |
1 |
14320,6 |
the collected income |
297 |
145,7 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
14466,3 |
Constitutional jurisdiction |
0401 |
14466,3 |
Audit Chamber |
0104 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
32130,2 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
32130,2 |
staff expenses |
21 |
21778,4 |
State services of general purpose |
01 |
Resources, all |
32130,2 |
general resources |
1 |
32130,2 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
32130,2 |
External audit of public finance |
0510 |
32130,2 |
State office |
0201 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
384709,6 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
384709,6 |
staff expenses |
21 |
93638,4 |
State services of general purpose |
01 |
Resources, all |
333203,6 |
general resources |
1 |
231237,8 |
the collected income |
297 |
73753,4 |
resources of the projects financed from external sources |
298+299 |
28212,4 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
333203,6 |
Implementation of management |
0301 |
59271,9 |
Support services in implementation of management |
0302 |
220855,1 |
E-transformation of management |
0303 |
51357,4 |
Applied scientific research in strategic direction "National heritage and development of society" |
0807 |
149,5 |
Basic scientific research in strategic direction "National heritage and development of society" |
1606 |
69,7 |
Support of diaspora |
2403 |
1500,0 |
Health care |
07 |
Resources, all |
40707,8 |
general resources |
1 |
40047,8 |
the collected income |
297 |
660,0 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
40707,8 |
Public health care |
8004 |
2276,4 |
Rehabilitation and recovery medical care |
8013 |
36005,2 |
National and special programs in the field of health care |
8018 |
2426,2 |
Education |
09 |
Resources, all |
10798,2 |
general resources |
1 |
10798,2 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
10798,2 |
The higher education |
8810 |
10327,0 |
Advanced training of personnel |
8812 |
471,2 |
Ministry of Economics |
0202 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
333046,2 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
333046,2 |
staff expenses |
21 |
26178,9 |
Services in the field of economy |
04 |
Resources, all |
333046,2 |
general resources |
1 |
250456,3 |
the collected income |
297 |
244,2 |
resources of the projects financed from external sources |
298+299 |
82345,7 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
333046,2 |
Politicians and management in the field of macroeconomic and development of economy |
5001 |
14484,4 |
Promotion of export |
5002 |
39078,8 |
Support of small and medium scale enterprises |
5004 |
77164,3 |
Regulation by licensing |
5006 |
2968,7 |
Consumer protection |
5008 |
5684,4 |
Management of state-owned property |
5009 |
4227,6 |
Industrial safety |
5011 |
3865,8 |
Politicians and management in the energy sector |
5801 |
3316,2 |
Gas supply system |
5802 |
1616,5 |
Power networks |
5803 |
61201,2 |
Energy efficiency and renewable energy resources |
5804 |
104909,8 |
Heat power networks |
5805 |
3842,0 |
Development of national system of standardization |
6802 |
3675,0 |
Development of national system of metrology |
6804 |
5211,5 |
Development of national accreditation system |
6805 |
1800,0 |
Ministry of Finance |
0203 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
1081022,7 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
1056022,7 |
staff expenses |
21 |
719396,2 |
The incomplete capital investments in tangible assets |
3192 |
25000,0 |
State services of general purpose |
01 |
Resources, all |
1061022,7 |
general resources |
1 |
1016184,4 |
the collected income |
297 |
34364,1 |
resources of the projects financed from external sources |
298+299 |
10474,2 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
1061022,7 |
Politicians and management in the tax and budget sphere |
0501 |
67689,6 |
Administration of the public income |
0502 |
918876,6 |
Execution and reporting of the national public budget |
0503 |
39639,8 |
Financial inspection |
0504 |
26119,6 |
Supervision of auditor activities |
0505 |
375,2 |
Administration of public procurements |
0508 |
8321,9 |
Services in the field of economy |
04 |
Resources, all |
20000,0 |
general resources |
1 |
20000,0 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
20000,0 |
Support of small and medium scale enterprises |
5004 |
20000,0 |
Ministry of Justice |
0204 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
668214,2 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
634754,8 |
staff expenses |
21 |
341716,0 |
The incomplete capital investments in tangible assets |
3192 |
33459,4 |
State services of general purpose |
01 |
Resources, all |
36806,9 |
the collected income |
297 |
36806,9 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
36806,9 |
Civil status |
1205 |
36806,9 |
Public order and homeland security |
03 |
Resources, all |
631407,3 |
general resources |
1 |
594254,8 |
the collected income |
297 |
10922,2 |
resources of the projects financed from external sources |
298+299 |
26230,3 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
631407,3 |
Politicians and management in the field of justice |
4001 |
42483,7 |
Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens |
4008 |
27580,5 |
Judicial examination |
4009 |
13651,8 |
The integrated system of legal information |
4010 |
7246,8 |
Mediation |
4013 |
340,0 |
Harmonization of the legislation |
4014 |
2107,3 |
Judicial administration |
4015 |
6853,5 |
Providing measures alternative to imprisonment |
4016 |
29685,5 |
Apostilization of public documents |
4017 |
2000,0 |
Penal system |
4302 |
499458,2 |
Ministry of Internal Affairs |
0205 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
2342843,6 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
2311420,6 |
staff expenses |
21 |
1635038,7 |
The incomplete capital investments in tangible assets |
3192 |
31423,0 |
Public order and homeland security |
03 |
Resources, all |
2340046,0 |
general resources |
1 |
2263400,3 |
the collected income |
297 |
76493,0 |
resources of the projects financed from external sources |
298+299 |
152,7 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2340046,0 |
Politicians and management in the field of internal affairs |
3501 |
22356,6 |
Public order and safety |
3502 |
1219792,8 |
Migration and shelter |
3503 |
23503,3 |
Troops of carabineers |
3504 |
148054,7 |
Support services in the field of internal affairs |
3505 |
253455,8 |
Management of border |
3506 |
394825,5 |
Civil protection and fire safety |
3702 |
278057,3 |
Environmental protection |
05 |
Resources, all |
2362,6 |
general resources |
1 |
2256,0 |
the collected income |
297 |
106,6 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2362,6 |
Management of radioactive waste |
7006 |
2362,6 |
Social protection |
10 |
Resources, all |
435,0 |
general resources |
1 |
435,0 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
435,0 |
Social protection of pensioners of law enforcement agencies |
9018 |
435,0 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration |
0206 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
345687,6 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
345687,6 |
staff expenses |
21 |
122061,1 |
State services of general purpose |
01 |
Resources, all |
345687,6 |
general resources |
1 |
307896,3 |
the collected income |
297 |
37791,3 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
345687,6 |
Politicians and management in the field of international cooperation |
0601 |
29119,4 |
Promotion of national interests by means of diplomatic institutes |
0602 |
316568,2 |
Ministry of Defence |
0207 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
565866,8 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
565866,8 |
staff expenses |
21 |
370355,5 |
National defense |
02 |
Resources, all |
565866,8 |
general resources |
1 |
526398,5 |
the collected income |
297 |
32404,8 |
resources of the projects financed from external sources |
298+299 |
7063,5 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
565866,8 |
Politicians and management in the field of defense |
3101 |
11748,3 |
Land forces |
3102 |
233032,4 |
Military and air troops |
3103 |
47234,3 |
Support services in the field of national defense |
3104 |
273851,8 |
Ministry of Regional Development and Construction |
0208 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
189745,0 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
136744,8 |
staff expenses |
21 |
10732,0 |
The incomplete capital investments in tangible assets |
3192 |
53000,2 |
State services of general purpose |
01 |
Resources, all |
40901,1 |
general resources |
1 |
40901,1 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
40901,1 |
Support services for work of Parliament |
0103 |
40901,1 |
Services in the field of economy |
04 |
Resources, all |
57194,4 |
general resources |
1 |
54608,9 |
resources of the projects financed from external sources |
298+299 |
2585,5 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
57194,4 |
Support of small and medium scale enterprises |
5004 |
11659,6 |
Politicians and management in the field of regional development and construction |
6101 |
7527,4 |
The state control in construction |
6103 |
5634,7 |
Development of the regulatory base in construction |
6104 |
6181,3 |
Projects implementation of regional development |
6105 |
7729,6 |
Development of highways |
6402 |
17510,9 |
Tourism development |
6602 |
950,9 |
Housing and communal services |
06 |
Resources, all |
91649,5 |
general resources |
1 |
31762,6 |
resources of the projects financed from external sources |
298+299 |
59886,9 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
91649,5 |
Water supply and sewerage |
7503 |
37660,6 |
Housing construction |
7504 |
53988,9 |
Ministry of Agriculture and food industry |
0209 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
716471,1 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
679212,1 |
staff expenses |
21 |
103771,0 |
The incomplete capital investments in tangible assets |
3192 |
37259,0 |
State services of general purpose |
01 |
Resources, all |
1140,3 |
general resources |
1 |
1140,3 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
1140,3 |
Applied scientific research in strategic direction "National heritage and development of society" |
0807 |
90,5 |
Basic scientific research in strategic direction "Biotechnology" |
1605 |
949,0 |
Training through post-doctoral studies |
1908 |
100,8 |
Services in the field of economy |
04 |
Resources, all |
618041,8 |
general resources |
1 |
475231,3 |
the collected income |
296+297 |
32907,8 |
from them target income |
296 |
12876,0 |
resources of the projects financed from external sources |
298+299 |
109902,7 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
618041,8 |
Applied scientific research in the field of macroeconomic the politician and programs of economic development, in strategic direction "Innovative materials, technologies and products" |
5007 |
50,0 |
Politicians and management in the field of agricultural industry, regional development and the environment |
5101 |
11572,4 |
Sustainable development of crop production and gardening |
5102 |
175716,0 |
Cultivation and health protection of animals |
5103 |
3944,6 |
Development of wine growing and winemaking |
5104 |
36204,8 |
Subsidizing of agricultural producers |
5105 |
344831,6 |
Food security |
5106 |
7265,1 |
Applied scientific research in the field of agricultural industry, strategic direction "Biotechnology" |
5107 |
38457,3 |
Education |
09 |
Resources, all |
96257,7 |
general resources |
1 |
92183,2 |
the collected income |
297 |
4074,5 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
96257,7 |
Lyceum education |
8806 |
1090,1 |
Postaverage vocational training |
8809 |
51945,7 |
The higher education |
8810 |
40316,7 |
Advanced training of personnel |
8812 |
82,9 |
General services in education |
8813 |
325,0 |
Out-of-school education and support of gifted pupils |
8814 |
2497,3 |
Social protection |
10 |
Resources, all |
1031,3 |
general resources |
1 |
1031,3 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
1031,3 |
Protection of family and children |
9006 |
1031,3 |
Ministry of Transports and Road Infrastructure |
0210 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
1035884,9 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
814274,5 |
staff expenses |
21 |
5260,3 |
The incomplete capital investments in tangible assets |
3192 |
221610,4 |
Services in the field of economy |
04 |
Resources, all |
1035884,9 |
general resources |
1 |
802587,3 |
the collected income |
297 |
1891,2 |
resources of the projects financed from external sources |
298+299 |
231406,4 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
1035884,9 |
Politicians and management in the field of transport and road economy |
6401 |
8587,3 |
Development of highways |
6402 |
1025406,4 |
Development of water transport |
6403 |
1891,2 |
Ministry of the environment |
0211 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
209903,4 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
209903,4 |
staff expenses |
21 |
41012,3 |
Services in the field of economy |
04 |
Resources, all |
10010,6 |
general resources |
1 |
10010,6 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
10010,6 |
Systems of irrigation and drainage |
5108 |
7097,5 |
Regulation and control of mining |
5902 |
1551,9 |
Mining |
5903 |
1361,2 |
Environmental protection |
05 |
Resources, all |
64651,3 |
general resources |
1 |
56190,1 |
the collected income |
296+297 |
5099,3 |
resources of the projects financed from external sources |
298+299 |
3361,9 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
64651,3 |
Meteoforecasting |
5010 |
12486,5 |
Politicians and management in the field of environmental protection |
7001 |
12141,0 |
Collection, storage and destruction of resistant organic pollutants, solid household and chemical waste |
7002 |
7059,0 |
Ecological safety of the environment |
7003 |
23986,3 |
Monitoring of quality of the environment |
7004 |
7560,6 |
Protection and preserving biodiversity |
7005 |
115,8 |
Applied scientific research in the field of environmental protection |
7007 |
0,1 |
Radiation protection and nuclear safety |
7008 |
1302,0 |
Housing and communal services |
06 |
Resources, all |
135241,5 |
general resources |
1 |
129348,5 |
resources of the projects financed from external sources |
298+299 |
5893,0 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
135241,5 |
Water supply and sewerage |
7503 |
135241,5 |
Ministry of Public Education |
0212 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
965452,0 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
924851,6 |
staff expenses |
21 |
351835,4 |
The incomplete capital investments in tangible assets |
3192 |
40600,4 |
State services of general purpose |
01 |
Resources, all |
12003,1 |
general resources |
1 |
12003,1 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
12003,1 |
Applied scientific research in strategic direction "National heritage and development of society" |
0807 |
3382,3 |
Basic scientific research in strategic direction "Innovative materials, technologies and products" |
1602 |
3892,6 |
Basic scientific research in strategic direction "Biotechnology" |
1605 |
1412,3 |
Basic scientific research in strategic direction "National heritage and development of society" |
1606 |
2507,3 |
Training through post-doctoral studies |
1908 |
808,6 |
Services in the field of economy |
04 |
Resources, all |
6852,5 |
general resources |
1 |
6852,5 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
6852,5 |
Applied scientific research in the field of macroeconomic the politician and programs of economic development, in strategic direction "Innovative materials, technologies and products" |
5007 |
6335,8 |
Applied scientific research in the field of agricultural industry, in strategic direction "Biotechnology" |
5107 |
133,0 |
Applied scientific research in the energy sector, in strategic direction "Efficiency, power and use of renewable energy resources" |
5807 |
383,7 |
Culture, sport, youth, cults and rest |
08 |
Resources, all |
2513,1 |
general resources |
1 |
2435,9 |
the collected income |
297 |
77,2 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2513,1 |
Cultural development |
8502 |
983,4 |
Support of written culture |
8504 |
1529,7 |
Education |
09 |
Resources, all |
930459,9 |
general resources |
1 |
847347,5 |
the collected income |
297 |
76947,2 |
resources of the projects financed from external sources |
298+299 |
6165,2 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
930459,9 |
Politicians and management in the fields of education, cultures and researches |
8801 |
14117,9 |
Gymnasia education |
8804 |
4614,5 |
Vocational education |
8805 |
33173,0 |
Lyceum education |
8806 |
42818,2 |
Average vocational training |
8808 |
270271,0 |
Postaverage vocational training |
8809 |
201893,7 |
The higher education |
8810 |
317785,2 |
Advanced training of personnel |
8812 |
6348,5 |
General services in education |
8813 |
4063,3 |
Out-of-school education and support of gifted pupils |
8814 |
15040,3 |
Kurrikulum |
8815 |
16430,1 |
Quality assurance in education |
8816 |
3904,2 |
Social protection |
10 |
Resources, all |
13623,4 |
general resources |
1 |
13623,4 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
13623,4 |
Protection of family and children |
9006 |
13623,4 |
Ministry of Culture |
0213 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
246923,3 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
234414,1 |
staff expenses |
21 |
81925,2 |
The incomplete capital investments in tangible assets |
3192 |
12509,2 |
State services of general purpose |
01 |
Resources, all |
2768,1 |
general resources |
1 |
2768,1 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2768,1 |
Applied scientific research in strategic direction "National heritage and development of society" |
0807 |
2768,1 |
Culture, sport, youth, cults and rest |
08 |
Resources, all |
157363,5 |
general resources |
1 |
152219,7 |
the collected income |
297 |
5143,8 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
157363,5 |
Politicians and management in the field of culture |
8501 |
4921,1 |
Cultural development |
8502 |
115798,9 |
Protection and use of national cultural heritage |
8503 |
32379,2 |
Support of written culture |
8504 |
2055,2 |
Support of cinematography |
8510 |
2209,1 |
Education |
09 |
Resources, all |
86564,3 |
general resources |
1 |
84210,1 |
the collected income |
297 |
2354,2 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
86564,3 |
Lyceum education |
8806 |
20158,7 |
Postaverage vocational training |
8809 |
36944,1 |
The higher education |
8810 |
29461,5 |
Social protection |
10 |
Resources, all |
227,4 |
general resources |
1 |
227,4 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
227,4 |
Protection of family and children |
9006 |
227,4 |
Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family |
0214 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
315135,0 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
310281,5 |
staff expenses |
21 |
111413,7 |
The incomplete capital investments in tangible assets |
3192 |
4853,5 |
Services in the field of economy |
04 |
Resources, all |
35351,0 |
general resources |
1 |
35351,0 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
35351,0 |
General services in the field of employment |
5003 |
35351,0 |
Social protection |
10 |
Resources, all |
279784,0 |
general resources |
1 |
207692,3 |
the collected income |
296+297 |
63672,7 |
from them target income |
296 |
56723,6 |
resources of the projects financed from external sources |
298+299 |
8419,0 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
279784,0 |
Politicians and management in the field of health care, work and social protection |
9001 |
10358,8 |
Protection of elderly people |
9004 |
70256,4 |
Protection of family and children |
9006 |
27209,8 |
Protection of the unemployed |
9008 |
16459,4 |
Protection in the field of provision of housing |
9009 |
4853,5 |
The public assistance to persons with special needs |
9010 |
77671,2 |
Social protection in exceptional cases |
9012 |
58479,6 |
Public service in the field of social protection |
9017 |
3024,3 |
Social protection of some categories of citizens |
9019 |
873,3 |
Support of activities of system of social protection |
9020 |
10597,7 |
Ministry of Health |
0215 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
689276,3 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
684338,3 |
staff expenses |
21 |
227747,7 |
The incomplete capital investments in tangible assets |
3192 |
4938,0 |
State services of general purpose |
01 |
Resources, all |
4770,1 |
general resources |
1 |
4770,1 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
4770,1 |
Basic scientific research in strategic direction "Innovative materials, technologies and products" |
1602 |
40,0 |
Basic scientific research in strategic direction "Health care and biomedicine" |
1604 |
2454,2 |
Support services in the sphere of science and innovations |
1907 |
1918,0 |
Training through post-doctoral studies |
1908 |
357,9 |
Services in the field of economy |
04 |
Resources, all |
19,0 |
general resources |
1 |
19,0 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
19,0 |
Applied scientific research in the field of agricultural industry, in strategic direction "Biotechnology" |
5107 |
19,0 |
Health care |
07 |
Resources, all |
488861,1 |
general resources |
1 |
355488,7 |
the collected income |
297 |
62319,0 |
resources of the projects financed from external sources |
298+299 |
71053,4 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
488861,1 |
Politicians and management in the field of health care |
8001 |
8192,3 |
Monitoring, assessment of health care system and quality management |
8003 |
4252,4 |
Public health care |
8004 |
105513,8 |
Specialized out-patient medical care |
8006 |
1755,6 |
Applied scientific research in the field of health care and medical services, in strategic direction "Health care and biomedicine" |
8007 |
17633,4 |
Rehabilitation and recovery medical care |
8013 |
62623,5 |
Forensic medicine |
8014 |
21132,8 |
Management of medicines and medical products |
8016 |
16814,8 |
National and special programs in the field of health care |
8018 |
240461,7 |
Development and upgrade of organizations in the field of health care |
8019 |
10480,8 |
Education |
09 |
Resources, all |
191444,2 |
general resources |
1 |
170003,8 |
the collected income |
297 |
21440,4 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
191444,2 |
Postaverage vocational training |
8809 |
59197,7 |
The higher education |
8810 |
89239,6 |
Post-university education |
8811 |
38293,2 |
Advanced training of personnel |
8812 |
4501,5 |
General services in education |
8813 |
212,2 |
Social protection |
10 |
Resources, all |
4181,9 |
general resources |
1 |
4181,9 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
4181,9 |
Protection of family and children |
9006 |
1551,9 |
Social protection of some categories of citizens |
9019 |
2630,0 |
Ministry of youth and sport |
0216 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
71691,4 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
71691,4 |
staff expenses |
21 |
25559,3 |
Culture, sport, youth, cults and rest |
08 |
Resources, all |
71691,4 |
general resources |
1 |
70843,0 |
the collected income |
297 |
848,4 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
71691,4 |
Politicians and management in the field of youth and sport |
8601 |
4116,8 |
Sport |
8602 |
61916,5 |
Youth |
8603 |
5658,1 |
Ministry of Informational Technologies and Communication |
0217 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
8673,8 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
8673,8 |
staff expenses |
21 |
3754,9 |
State services of general purpose |
01 |
Resources, all |
8673,8 |
general resources |
1 |
8673,8 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
8673,8 |
Politicians and management in the field of information development |
1501 |
8673,8 |
Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure |
0218 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
1416511,7 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
762110,9 |
staff expenses |
21 |
13912,8 |
The incomplete capital investments in tangible assets |
3192 |
654400,8 |
Services in the field of economy |
01 |
Resources, all |
96024,5 |
general resources |
1 |
96024,5 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
96024,5 |
Support services for work of Parliament |
0103 |
96024,5 |
Services in the field of economy |
04 |
Resources, all |
1320487,2 |
general resources |
1 |
481326,1 |
the collected income |
297 |
4040,0 |
resources of the projects financed from external sources |
298+299 |
835121,1 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
1320487,2 |
Politicians and management in the field of macroeconomic and development of economy |
5001 |
83022,3 |
Promotion of export |
5002 |
45773,1 |
Support of small and medium scale enterprises |
5004 |
7268,3 |
Consumer protection |
5008 |
3545,1 |
Management of state-owned property |
5009 |
5237,1 |
Industrial safety |
5011 |
2565,5 |
Politicians and management in the energy sector |
5801 |
19757,1 |
Gas supply system |
5802 |
32373,5 |
Power networks |
5803 |
64135,8 |
Energy efficiency and renewable energy resources |
5804 |
12929,4 |
Heat power networks |
5805 |
30321,1 |
Cluster development of the industry |
6002 |
506,3 |
Development of the regulatory base in construction |
6104 |
6422,9 |
Development of highways |
6402 |
935399,5 |
Development of water transport |
6403 |
3639,2 |
Development of rail transport |
6405 |
63300,0 |
Development of national system of standardization |
6802 |
1225,0 |
Development of national system of metrology |
6804 |
2866,0 |
Development of national accreditation system |
6805 |
200,0 |
Ministry of Agriculture, regional development and environment |
0219 |
Expenses and non-financial assets, all |
2+3 |
1357225,5 |
Current expenses |
(2+3)-3192 |
1290701,1 |
staff expenses |
21 |
79613,1 |
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