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of December 30, 2016 No. 42-VI ZRK

About volunteer activities

(as amended on 20-04-2023)

This Law establishes the legal basis, the purposes and tasks, the principles, forms and types, and also measures of support of volunteer activities.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. The basic concepts used in this Law

In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

1) the volunteer - the physical person performing volunteer activities;

2) group of volunteers - the voluntary unregistered community of physical persons formed for the purpose of joint implementation of volunteer activities to which the regulations established by this Law extend;

3) the volunteer share - the action directed to the solution of the specific socially directed, socially useful objective which is carried out by the volunteer organization and (or) volunteers, and (or) group of volunteers;

4) the volunteer program (project) - the system package of measures directed to the solution of socially directed, socially useful tasks with indication of actions and the expected results which are carried out by the volunteer organization and (or) volunteers, and (or) group of volunteers;

5) volunteer activities - the voluntary socially directed, carried-out on free declaration of will socially useful activities performed on a grant basis;

6) authorized body in the field of volunteer activities - the central executive body performing management and cross-industry coordination in the field of volunteer activities;

7) the register of accounting of volunteer activities - the register of data containing the information about volunteers, groups of volunteers, the volunteer organizations, coordinators and organizers of volunteer activities, volunteer programs (projects), volunteer shares, the place and time of their carrying out, requirements to their carrying out;

8) the organizer of volunteer activities - the central and local executive bodies, local government bodies, other organizations, and also the physical persons attracting volunteers independently or through the volunteer organizations;

9) the volunteer organization - the non-profit organization (except for religious associations, consumer cooperatives, and also public associations in the form of political parties or labor unions) created and performing volunteer activities according to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

10) corporate volunteering - voluntary collective participation of staff of the organization in different volunteer programs (projects) and volunteer shares with assistance of the organization.

Article 2. Subject of regulation of this Law

Subject of regulation of this Law are the public relations arising in connection with implementation of voluntary socially useful activities by performance of works, rendering services on a grant basis in the forms and types provided by this Law.

Article 3. Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on volunteer activities

1. The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on volunteer activities is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, consists of this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. If the international treaty ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan establishes other rules, than those which are provided by this Law then are applied rules of the international treaty.

Article 4. Purposes and tasks, bases of volunteer activities

1. The purposes of volunteer activities are:

1) assistance to physical persons and legal entities, protection of public health, protection and environmental protection, development of physical culture and sport, and also other purposes aimed at providing the public benefits;

2) forming of civic stand, self-organization, feeling of social responsibility, solidarity, mutual assistance and mercy in society.

2. Treat tasks of volunteer activities:

1) help to society in the solution of social tasks;

2) development and support of the citizens' initiatives directed to the organization of volunteer activities;

3) development and implementation of measures for increase in role of volunteer activities in interaction with different target groups and categories of the population;

4) organization and carrying out consultation, informing and methodical escort of volunteers;

5) forming of group of volunteers - contractors of volunteer programs (projects) and volunteer shares;

6) organization of training of volunteer activities.

3. Volunteer activities cannot be directed to support of political parties and religious associations.

4. The volunteer activities pursuing terrorism, extremism and separatism in any forms and manifestations are forbidden.

5. In the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan creation of the volunteer organizations for type of the paramilitary forces having the militarized structure, form, special distinctions, anthems, flags, pennants, special conditions of internal discipline and management, weapon, including imitating is forbidden.

Article 5. Principles of volunteer activities

1. Volunteer activities are performed according to the principles:

1) gratuitousnesses, voluntariness, equality and legality of activities of volunteers;

2) freedoms in determination of the purposes, forms, types and methods, in the choice of the direction of the volunteer activities established by this Law;

3) publicity and general availability of information on volunteer activities;

4) solidarity, conscientiousness and cooperation of persons participating in volunteer activities;

5) safety of life and health;

6) equal and mutually beneficial international cooperation in this sphere.

2. Volunteer activities do not substitute activities of state bodies and local government bodies for implementation of their powers.

Article 6. Forms and types of volunteer activities

1. Volunteer activities can be performed in shape:

1) individual volunteer activities;

2) volunteer activities as a part of group of volunteers;

2-1) corporate volunteering;

3) volunteer activities through the volunteer organization.

2. Main types of volunteer activities are:

1) participation in rendering the public assistance, the help to socially unprotected segments of the population, the children needing special social services;

2) social servicing aged, persons with disability, the organization of availability of the circle to persons with disability, assistance in work on social adaptation, integration and education of orphan children and children without parental support;

3) participation in assistance to persons injured with natural disasters, environmental, technogenic and other disasters, the social conflicts, accidents, to the victims of the offenses, refugees and displaced persons, and also other categories and groups of persons needing assistance and support;

4) rendering assistance to the central and local executive bodies in the prevention and mitigation of consequences of emergency situations;

5) participation in search of missing people, remains of participants of the Great Patriotic War and local wars;


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