It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Republic of Uzbekistan
On December 27, 2016 No. 2853
of December 12, 2016 No. 91
About approval of the Standard of the budget accounting of the Republic of Uzbekistan (SSU No. 1) "Accounting policy"
1. Approve the Standard of the budget accounting of the Republic of Uzbekistan (the SSU No. 1) "Accounting policy" according to appendix.
2. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
R. Azimov
Appendix to the order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 12, 2016 No. 91
1. In this Standard the following basic concepts are used:
the budget accounting - the ordered system of collection, registration and generalization of information on condition of the assets and liabilities in terms of money considered in case of execution of budgets of the budget system, and also the transactions changing the specified assets and liabilities;
accounting policy - set of the specific methods, bases, assumptions, rules and methods accepted by state-financed organizations for conducting the budget accounting and creation of the financial reporting according to the principles specified in Chapter 4 of this Standard.
2. The purpose of this Standard is determination of criteria of the choice and change of accounting policy, and also procedure for the budget accounting and creation of the financial reporting in state-financed organizations, disclosure of information on changes in accounting policy.
3. This Standard is intended for increase in degree of reliability of the financial reporting of state-financed organizations and degree of its comparability during the certain period of time, and also with the financial reporting of other state-financed organizations.
4. Accounting policy is constituted by state-financed organizations for the purpose of the choice of one of several mutually exclusive methods of accounting which are present at the budget legislation.
5. This Standard shall be applied in case of the choice and application of accounting policy, accounting of changes in accounting policy and creation of the financial reporting in state-financed organizations.
6. Action of this Standard is applied to all state-financed organizations.
7. Accounting policy affirms the order or the order of the head or his deputy and is applied consistently from year to year.
8. Changes to accounting policy can be made in case of change and addition to the legislation regulating the budget accounting and also by reorganization of state-financed organization.
For the purpose of ensuring comparability of data of the budget accounting, change and amendment of accounting policy shall be entered since the beginning of financial year, and by reorganization of state-financed organization - from the date of its reorganization.
9. In the explanatory note to the annual financial reporting the state-financed organization declares changes and amendments to the accounting policy the following financial year.
10. Accounting politicians shall provide forming of the financial reporting on the basis of all used standards of the budget accounting. The financial reporting in the absence of specific requirements shall be:
a) significant - information shall satisfy needs of its users;
b) - objectively to represent to reliable all results of activities and financial condition of state-financed organization, to capture the economic essence of events and transactions;
c) neutral (impartial) and not forced;
d) complete (finished) - completely to reflect all facts of economic activity of state-financed organization.
11. Accounting policy shall include the following:
organizational structure of accounting service in state-financed organization;
procedure and terms of carrying out inventory count in state-financed organization, except as specified, when carrying out inventory count is obligatory;
the working chart of accounts where the list of the synthetic and analytical accounts used by state-financed organization shall be provided. This information is presented in the form of appendix to accounting policy;
schedule of document flow;
methods of processing of accounting information (manual or using software products);
forms of source accounting documents applied to reflection of economic activities on which standard forms are not provided;
structure of accession number of fixed assets;
the list of persons having right to sign of source accounting documents;
methods of revaluation of fixed assets;
property evaluation methods in case of inventory count (surplus or shortages);
terms of provision of reports by the subordinate subordinated organizations;
procedure for forming of calculation of goods (works, services).
12. The principle of accounting by method of double record means that the accounts department of state-financed organization performs registration of all economic activities in accounting registers on the basis of system of double record. The system of double record provides that the same amount on the same economic activity is reflected in two accounts of the budget accounting - in the debit of one and the credit of other account.
13. The principle of continuity means that the term of conducting the budget accounting corresponds to the period of existence of state-financed organization, that is maintaining accounting records is performed from the moment of creation until liquidation of state-financed organization. From the date of the termination of the existence, the state-financed organization stops conducting the budget accounting.
Preparation of the financial reporting based on the principle of continuity means that the state-financed organization is permanent and will continue the activities during vaguely long time.
14. All economic activities, events, assets and liabilities are subject to measurement in single, uniform expression - money value. In the Republic of Uzbekistan the cash measuring instrument is bags and its 100-th shares - tiyin.
15. Information is reliable when in it there is no material mistake or bias and users can rely on it.
Reliability of transactions or events is confirmed by source accounting documents and each accounting record shall be based on the source documents confirming the fact of making of economic activity.
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