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of March 5, 2016 No. PP-2505

About measures for further development of source of raw materials, deepening of conversion of fruit and vegetable and meat and dairy products, increase in production and export of provisions in 2016 - 2020

(as amended on 01-08-2018)

For the purpose of expansion of the range and growth in volumes of production and export of high-quality competitive provisions with high value added on the basis of the accelerated development of source of raw materials, construction new and upgrades of the operating productions with attraction of foreign investments on deeper conversion of agricultural raw materials, creation of the modern trade and logistic centers and refrigerating capacities on storage and conversion of fruit and vegetable products:

1. Approve the Program for further development of source of raw materials, profound conversion of fruit and vegetable and meat and dairy products and increase in production and export of provisions for 2016 - 2020 providing developed by the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trades, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the interested economic associations, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and Tashkent:

forecast parameters of production of main types of agricultural products for development of source of raw materials of the food industry according to appendix No. 1 *;

the list of investment projects on construction new, reconstruction and upgrades of operating plants on deeper conversion of agricultural products, production of semifinished products and finished food products, and also packaging materials according to appendix No. 2 *;

forecast parameters of additional construction of the new companies for conversion and production of fruit and vegetable, meat and dairy and other food products according to appendices No. No. 3 - 3v*.

forecast parameters of construction of new modern refrigerating chambers for storage of agricultural products according to appendix No. 4 *;

target parameters of production of semifinished products for the food industry according to appendix No. 5 *;

target parameters of production of finished food products according to appendix No. 6 *;

target parameters of delivery of the fresh and processed fruit and vegetable products for export according to appendix No. 7*.

To the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, HK "Uzbekozikovkatholding", to Uzulgurzhisavdoinvest Association to provide carrying out system monitoring of accomplishment of forecast parameters of development of source of raw materials and the food industry branches provided by this program.

2. To the Cabinet of Ministers together with the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of agricultural and water economy, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas following the results of 2016 critically to estimate by areas and each area results of the performed optimization of disposition of sown area, efficiency of placement on the lands released from under cotton of other crops, having paid special attention on their productivity, profitability and supply capacity for export, and taking into account it to introduce necessary amendments in forecast parameters of placement and production volumes of crops for 2017-2018.

Carry out similar work following the results of each next year with entering of the corresponding amendments into forecast indicators of production volumes, productivity and export of crops, meaning obligatory completion due to increase in production of export-oriented fruit and vegetable cultures of losses from decrease in production volumes of seed cotton.

In case of implementation of measures for structural transformations of agricultural industry for areas and areas it is strict to be guided by integrated approach, specifically lashing production volumes of fruit and vegetable products to capacities of storages, refrigerating chambers, processing enterprises, trade and logistic centers, for the purpose of ensuring the maximum reducing production costs and losses.

3. To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and Tashkent together with the Ministry of Economics, Uzbekozikovkatholding holding company, Uzulgurzhisavdoinvest Association to develop target territorial development programs of source of raw materials and creation of new food industry enterprises proceeding from the parameters approved by appendices No. No. 1 in a month - 4 to this resolution.

4. Form the Republican commission on ensuring deeper conversion and increase in the export potential of fruit and vegetable products in structure according to appendix No. 8*.

* Appendices No. No. 1 - 8 are not given.

Determine the main objectives of the Republican commission:

implementation on system basis of marketing researches by determination of perspective demand for domestic I skin also the processed fruit and vegetable products, and also assistance to domestic exporters in development of the new markets;

coordination of works on creation on places of the specialized complex trade and logistic centers for procurement, storage, slaughtering and export of fruit and vegetable products and melon field, and also refrigerating capacities;

operational consideration of the questions connected with the organization of transportation, customs clearance and submission of the reporting under shipment of fruits, vegetables, melon field and products of their conversion;

the organization of monitoring of accomplishment of the forecast parameters of delivery of the fresh and processed agricultural products for export provided by appendix No. 7 to this resolution;

introduction, if necessary, changes and amendments in the list of investment projects approved by this resolution.

5. To the chairman of the Republican commission (Mirziyoev Sh. M.) critically to consider the structure, the purposes and tasks assigned to Uzulgurzhisavdoinvest Association and in a month to make in accordance with the established procedure offers on further enhancement of its structure and aiming of activities at export implementation.

6. To provide HK "Uzbekozikovkatholding" together with the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trades, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan on permanent basis:

studying of real requirement and demand of the population in the domestic market, and also structural analysis of import of provisions;

development and realization of package of measures for development of production of new types of the food products directed to reducing import of finished goods and increase in the nomenclature and product assortment of power supply, competitive on internal and the foreign markets.

7. Extend till January 1, 2021 action of the privileges provided by Item 5 of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of April 7, 2011 to No. 105 "About measures for development and strengthening of material and technical resources of storage of fruit and vegetable products for 2011 - 2015".

8. Determine that for the export companies of the fresh and processed fruit and vegetable products railway tariffs on transportation of goods from the place of shipment to border of the Republic of Uzbekistan are levied, proceeding from local rates.


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