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of November 2, 2016 No. 1207

About approval of Sanitary regulations about cosmetic products

(as amended on 04-09-2024)

Based on article 6 of the Law No. 10-XVI of February 3, 2009 on the state supervision of public health (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2009, No. 67, the Art. 183), with subsequent changes and amendments, DECIDES: the Government

1. Approve Sanitary regulations about cosmetic products it (is applied).

2. This resolution becomes effective after 24 months from the date of publication in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.

3. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Ministry of Health.

Prime Minister

Paweê Phillip


deputy. Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration


Andrey Galbur

deputy. Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Affairs

Octavian Kalmyk

Minister of Health

Ruksanda Glavan

Minister of Agriculture and food industry

Eduard Grama

Minister of Justice

Vladimir Chebotar



to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of November 2, 2016 No. 1207

Sanitary regulations about cosmetic products

This Resolution partially shifts Regulations (EU) of the European Parliament and Council No. 1223/2009 of November 30, 2009 about cosmetic products (CELEX: 32009R1223), published in the Official magazine of the European Union by L 342 of December 22, 2009, with the last changes made by Regulations (EU) 2024/996 of the Commission of April 3, 2024.

I. General provisions

1. The sanitary regulations about cosmetic products (further - Regulations) establish rules and regulations of placement in the market of cosmetic products for the purpose of guaranteeing functioning of the domestic market and ensuring protection of health of the population.

2. These Regulations extend the action only to cosmetic products, without mentioning medicines, medical products, biocidal products. Differentiation of spheres of regulation follows, in particular, from the disaggregated determination of cosmetic products which belongs both to scope of application, and to the purposes of use of such products.

Do not treat cosmetic products of substance or mix, intended for intake, inhalation, injections or implantation in body of the person.

3. For the purpose of these Regulations the following concepts and determinations are applied:

cosmetic product – the substance or mix intended for drawing on various external sites of human body (epidermis, system of indumentum, nails, lips and external genital bodies) or on teeth and on mucous membrane of mouth only or mainly for their otchistka, aromatizirovaniye, change of appearance, protection, preserving in good shape or correction of smell of body;

the finished cosmetic product – cosmetic products in final structure in what it is placed in the market and is made available to final consumers, or its prototype;

prototype – the first model or sample which was not produced in lots and on the basis of which was reproduced or finally was improved finished cosmetic goods;

substance – chemical element or its structure in natural condition or received in production process, including any impurity necessary for preserving its stability and any foreign impurity received as a result of the applied process, except for any solutions which can separate without impact on stability of substance or change of its structure;

mix – the mix or solution formed of two or more substances;

ingredient – the substance or mix used in cosmetic product in production process;

producer – physical person or legal entity which makes cosmetic products or resolves the issues connected with designing or production of such products and sells these cosmetic products under the name or the trademark;

the distributor – the physical person or legal entity in supply chain which is not the producer or the importer which provides cosmetic products on the domestic market;

the final consumer – the consumer or the specialist using cosmetic products;

introduction on the market – the first provision of cosmetic products on the market;

the importer – physical person or legal entity which enters on the market cosmetic products from other country;

nanomaterial – the insoluble or biologically steady and specially made material with one or more than sizes, or internal structure, from 1 to 100 nanometers in size;

preservatives – substances which only or are generally intended for preventing to reproduction of microorganisms in cosmetic products;

dyes - substances which only or are generally intended for coloring of cosmetic products, body in general or its certain parts, by means of absorption or reflection of visible sunlight; besides, dyes precursors of the oxidized dyes for hair are recognized;

ultra-violet filters – substances which only or are generally intended for protection of skin against ultra-violet radiation by means of absorption, reflection or dispersion of ultra-violet radiation;

undesirable effect – the undesirable reaction to health of the population caused by normal or predictable use of cosmetic products;

serious undesirable effect – undesirable effect which results in temporary or permanent functional inability, disability, hospitalization, congenital anomalies or to imminent hazard for life or by death;

withdrawal – the measure directed to non-admission of provision on the market of cosmetic products in supply chains;

removal from sale – the measure directed to return of cosmetic products which were already provided on the market to the final consumer;

the final structure – structure which includes category or purpose of ingredients and their maximum concentration in cosmetic products or provides the relevant high-quality and quantitative information in all cases when such structure does not cover or partially covers cosmetic products.

products which are washed away after application – cosmetic products which are intended for removal after application on skin, hair or mucous membranes;

products, indelible after application, – cosmetic products which are intended for stay in long-term contact with skin, hair or mucous membrane;

means for care of hair – cosmetic products which are intended for drawing on hair of the head or person, except for eyelashes;

means for care of skin – cosmetic products which are intended for drawing on skin;


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