of September 14, 2001 No. 977
About registration of peasant farms
For the purpose of accomplishment of part (6) article 14 of the Law on peasant farms N 1353-XIV of November 3, 2000. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2001, N 14-15, Art. 52) DECIDES: the Government of the Republic of Moldova
1. Approve Regulations on maintaining the Register of peasant farms it (is applied).
2. The payment for registration of peasant farms, modification of the Register of peasant farms and issue of statements (information) from it is established in the amount of 10 lei. The specified payments are transferred into the budget of the corresponding administrative and territorial unit and used on covering of expenses on maintaining the Register of peasant farms.
The payment for issue of duplicates of registration certificates of peasant farms is established by the order of primar of administrative and territorial unit.
3. Their founders from among persons with limited opportunities and pensioners are exempted from payment for registration of peasant farms.
From the Register of peasant farms it are provided to bodies of the public power of the statement (information) free of charge.
4. The peasant farms registered till February 8, 2001 shall submit to primeriya within the term established by the law necessary documents for entering into the Register of peasant farms of the changes following from the Law on peasant farms. The payment for registration of such changes is not levied.
Primeriyam to provide control of submission of the documents by peasant farms necessary for modification of the Register of peasant farms.
5. To the sole proprietor companies performing the activities provided by part (1) article 2 of the Law on peasant farms, to be re-registered in the time established by the law by entering of the corresponding records into the Register of peasant farms and simultaneous exception of the State register of the companies. The payment for re-registration is not levied.
6. To the associations of peasant economy created till February 8, 2001 and performing business activity in the time established by the law to bring the charters into accord with the Law on peasant farms, either to be reorganized, or to be liquidated according to the procedure, established by the legislation. The payment for registration of the changes and additions made to charters of associations is not levied.
The associations of peasant economy which did not bring the charters into accord with the above-named law, either not reorganized, or not liquidated, will be liquidated judicially according to the statement of the State Tax Administration.
7. To department of statistics and sociology: give the
regulations in compliance with the Law on peasant farms and this resolution;
provide primeriya, according to their requests, for a fee with forms of declarations on organization of peasant farms and registers of peasant farms (cards of registration and books of registration of peasant farms);
exercise control of maintaining the Register of peasant farms according to the procedure, provided by the Law on registers.
8. Allocate from reserve fund of the Government to Department of statistics and sociology 300 thousand lei for covering of the expenses connected with the edition and distribution of forms of declarations on organization of peasant farms and registers of peasant farms (cards of registration and books of registration of peasant farms). The allocated amount returns quarterly in process of receipt of funds from implementation of forms.
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The document ceased to be valid since November 9, 2023 according to Item 8 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of November 1, 2023 No. 831