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of November 30, 2015 No. 18-HK, 30 of November, 2015 No. 601

About approval of Rules of professional ethics of statutory auditors

(as amended on 09-04-2018)

According to the subitem 9) article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 12, 2015 "About the state audit and financial control" Calculating committee on control of execution of the republican budget (further - Calculating committee) POSTANOVLYAET and the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan PRIKAZYVAYET:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of professional ethics of statutory auditors.

2. To provide to legal department of Calculating committee in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) state registration of this joint normative resolution and order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days after state registration of this joint normative resolution and the order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan its direction on official publication in periodic printing editions and in information system of law of Ad_let;

3) placement of this joint normative resolution and order on Internet resource of Calculating committee.

3. To assign control of execution of the joint normative resolution and the order to the chief of staff of Calculating committee and the responsible secretary of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This joint normative resolution and the order become effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Chairman of Calculating committee on control of execution of the republican budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan

_________ K. Dzhanburchin

Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

____________ B. Sultanov

Approved by the joint normative Resolution of Calculating committee on control of execution of the republican budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 30, 2015 No. 18-HK, 30 of November, 2015 No. 601

Rules of professional ethics of statutory auditors

1. General provisions

1. These rules of professional ethics of statutory auditors (further - Rules) are developed according to the subitem 9) of article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 12, 2015 "About the state audit and financial control".

2. Rules represent the single code of ethical rules of conduct of statutory auditors.

3. The purpose of these rules is establishment of ethical standards and rules of professional behavior of statutory auditors, and also ensuring their full compliance.

4. Ethical rules of conduct of statutory auditors represent system of the moral principles of behavior directed to the embodiment of the basic principles of the state audit and financial control (further - the state audit) such as independence, objectivity, professional competence, confidentiality, reliability, transparency, publicity, mutual recognition of results of the state audit.

5. In cases, not settled by these rules, regulations of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on public service are applied.

6. Rules are designed to increase efficiency of accomplishment by statutory auditors of the job responsibilities and form basis for forming of morals in the sphere of the state audit.

7. Knowledge and observance by statutory auditors of provisions of Rules is one of quality criterions of their professional activity.

2. Ethical requirements to statutory auditors

8. To the statutory auditor the following ethical requirements are established:

1) to respect the commonly accepted moral standards and the principles, being effective when implementing belonging to it it is right honesty, reasonably and fairly;

2) to show leadership skills and the capability to help effective labor relations, to show independence of thinking and professional scepticism, independence and objectivity in judgments and conclusions, irreconcilability to injustice, violations moral, moral and precepts of law;

3) deliberately to estimate all relevant circumstances and the facts, in the conclusions and judgments not to be submitted influence of own interests or interests of other persons;

4) to realize the personal liability for safety of state-owned property and protection of economic interests of the state;

5) to value honor and to have faultless reputation, to have good relations with fellow workers, to support authority and the high public status of the profession, to treat tactfully people around, both at work, and in life;

6) to be to right civic and professional duty;

7) to show conscientiousness, discipline, responsibility, activity, initiative, hardness and adherence to principles in combination with correctness, modesty, politeness and impartiality, to show tactfulness, respect for other persons in work progress and negotiations (meetings), including to officials of object of the state audit and financial control (further - object of the state audit);

8) to demand from officials of object of the state audit of submission of necessary documents in polite and tactful form;

9) to abstain from unreasoned actions, sharp statements to officials of object of the state audit, expression of prejudiced opinions and judgments of activities of object of the state audit;

10) in case of discussion with officials of object of the state audit of the arising questions to defend the line item in benevolent form, without morals and bias, convincingly and clearly, with the exclusive reference on specific regulations of the corresponding normative legal and legal acts;

11) to abstain from informal meetings with officials of object of the state audit when carrying out the state audit, inadmissible signs of attention, excesses on workplace, acceptance of gifts or gifts, and also from the services offered in the course and after completion of the state audit and financial control;

12) to avoid relations with officials of object of the state audit who can affect objectivity of results of the state audit or immediately stop such relations, specifying their inadmissibility.

3. Ethical principles of professional behavior of statutory auditors

9. Ethical principles of professional behavior of statutory auditors include:

1) respect for the basic principles of the state audit;

2) non-admission of the intervention encroaching on independence of bodies of the state audit;

3) carrying out the state audit according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, standards of the state audit and financial control, application of objective approach and exception of conflict of interest;


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