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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

November 23, 2016

No. 1518/29648


of November 2, 2016 No. 983

About approval of the Regulations on Museum council under the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine

According to Item 6 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 3, 2014 No. 495, I order:

1. Approve Regulations on Museum council under the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine which is applied.

2. To management of museum case and cultural values (Vashchenko Ya. L.) provide submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

3. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

4. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the deputy minister of culture - the chief of staff of Karandeev R. V.



Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine of November 2, 2016 No. 983

Provision about Museum council under the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine

I. General provisions

1. This Provision determines procedure for education and activities of Museum council under the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine (further - Council), and also the rights and obligations of his members.

2. In this Provision the terms "potential conflict of interest" and "real conflict of interest" are used in the values given in the Law of Ukraine "About prevention of corruption", other terms are used in the values given in the Law of Ukraine "About the museums and museum case".

3. Council is the permanent advisory advisory body under the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine (further - Ministry of culture) formed for the purpose of determination of the priority directions of forming and realization of national museum policy.

4. In the activities Council is guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine, presidential decrees of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted according to the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, other regulatory legal acts and this Provision.

5. Council operates on the principles of openness, publicity, professionalism, scientific character, collective nature.

6. The main objectives of Council are:

assistance in ensuring communication of Ministry of culture with representatives of the professional public;

monitoring of efficiency of the current legislation on museum case and related issues;

provision of Ministry of culture of recommendations and offers on forming and realization of state policy in the sphere of museum case.

7. Council according to the main objectives of the activities considers:

drafts of regulatory legal acts on museum case;

offers on creation and liquidation of the museums of the state and municipal patterns of ownership;

questions of scientific and methodological nature in the sphere of museum case;

questions of development of museum case and activities of museum institutions;

other questions of forming and realization of national museum policy.

The Minister of Cultural Affairs of Ukraine or his deputy according to distribution of obligations and powers can initiate consideration by Rada of the questions carried to its competence.

8. Council has the right:

receive from executive bodies, local government bodies, the companies, organizations and the organizations the documents and other materials necessary for accomplishment of the tasks assigned to it;

invite to participation in meetings of representatives of the ministries, other executive bodies, local government bodies, the companies, organizations, the organizations;

form working groups (if necessary);

involve in accordance with the established procedure Council of the leading scientists, specialists, independent experts, specialists consultants (from their consent);

make offers to management of Ministry of culture on the questions which are within the competence of Council.

9. The staff of Council affirms the order of Ministry of culture of times in two years based on the provided offers.

The structure of Council is created on a parity basis taking into account regional variety and representative office of the museums which are in accordance with the established procedure given the status of national, other state and municipal museums, the museums created under the companies in organizations, the organizations and educational institutions of all patterns of ownership or in their structure, the museums of private pattern of ownership, reserves, galleries, public associations, the analytical and scientific and methodical centers of the corresponding functional direction.

In Council scientists, artists, experts of the sphere of museum case, representatives of the museums, institutes of civil society are involved (in coordination).

Every two years there is updating of structure of Council 2/3 at least its structure.

10. The chairman, the vice-chairman, the secretary and members of council are part of Council.

The total quantity of members of council shall constitute no more than twenty one person.

The regulations of work of Council affirm at its meeting.

11. Work of Council is carried out on a voluntary basis.

12. Decisions of Council have advisory nature and are submitted for consideration by Ministry of culture for adoption of the relevant decision.

The Ministry of culture informs Council on results of consideration of recommendations and offers of Council not later than in 30 calendar days after their obtaining, including provides explanations about the reasons of their not accounting (variation).

II. Organization of work of Council

1. The chairman of the board, his deputy and the secretary of Council are elected at meeting by open voting of the present members of council by a simple majority vote.

The secretary of Council has the right to vote on an equal basis with members of council.

2. The chairman of the board and his deputy are elected for 2 years.

The procedure of elections and re-elections of the chairman of the board and his deputies is determined by the decision of Council.

3. Chairman of the board:

will organize activities of Council;

creates work plans of Council;

determines the agenda of meetings of Council;

conducts meetings of Council, puts the question to the vote, announces its results;

controls questions of prevention of potential and real conflict of interest of members of council;

provides comprehensive and objective consideration of the questions considered at meeting of Council;

signs the minutes of Council and other documents on behalf of Council;


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