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of December 13, 2016 No. 553/2016

About the measures aimed at ensuring compliance with the rights of persons with disability

For the purpose of ensuring compliance and realization of the rights and freedoms of persons with disability according to requirements of the Convention on the rights of persons with disability, and also witnessing respect for strength of mind and advantage of these people, I decide:

1. To provide to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, local executive bodies with involvement of the public associations dealing with issues of persons with disability carrying out till June 1, 2017 the analysis of condition of accomplishment of obligations of Ukraine under the Convention on the rights of persons with disability and on analysis results to take additional measures for activization of work on realization of provisions of the called Convention.

2. To the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine during 2017:

1) to prepare and submit in accordance with the established procedure for consideration of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine bills relatively:

personal consideration by the first heads of state body, local government body, the company, organization, the organization of statements (petitions) of the participants of anti-terrorist operation who became disabled people owing to wound, contusions, mutilations or diseases got with direct participation in anti-terrorist operation, ensuring its carrying out, being directly in areas of anti-terrorist operation during its carrying out;

possibilities of providing with medical attendance in military medical institutions of the demobilized participants of anti-terrorist operation who became disabled people owing to wound, contusions, mutilations or diseases got with direct participation in anti-terrorist operation, ensuring its carrying out, being directly in areas of anti-terrorist operation during its carrying out;

provisions of the right of capture to social room accounting of persons with disability from among internally displaced persons in the place of their residence;

compensations to persons with disability of expenses on acquisition of products of medical appointment or compensations (in case of free provision of products of medical appointment to persons with disability) to producers/suppliers of such products of cost of these products;

To provide 2) in accordance with the established procedure the proper solution of questions of immunoprevention and protection of the population against infectious diseases, in particular by development of the appropriate state target program;

3) to develop and approve:

concept of creation and development of system of services of early intervention;

procedure for the organization of inclusive training in preschool, out-of-school, professional and higher educational institutions, and also changes in procedure for the organization of inclusive training in general education educational institutions, including on review of fullness of classes with inclusive training and about provision to parents of opportunity to perform escort of children with special needs during training in inclusive class;

4) to provide enhancement of the legislation it is relative:

procedure and conditions of establishment of disability, having provided possibility of establishment of causal relationship of disability of civilians with the wound, contusion or mutilation received by them as a result of fighting or the conducted terrorist attack, being directly in areas of anti-terrorist operation during its carrying out;

providing persons with disability products of medical appointment taking into account individual requirements, in particular, extensions of the list of products to which the specified category of persons has the right, and determinations of standard rates of providing with such products;

activities of non-staff (public) inspectors of the state architectural construction supervision, control in the sphere of housing and communal services on accounting of needs of persons with disability during the designing, construction, reconstruction and repair of subjects to public and civil appointment, improvement, transport infrastructure, road service with attraction to such activities of representatives of the public associations dealing with issues of persons with disability;

5) to take in accordance with the established procedure measures relatively:

updates of the list of technical and other means of rehabilitation for persons with disability, children with disability and other separate categories of the population, including persons with sight violations;

enhancement of procedure for submission to social security authorities of the population of the documents necessary for ensuring rehabilitation of participants of anti-terrorist operation with technical and other means who were wounded, contusion, mutilation or disease with participation in anti-terrorist operation, ensuring its carrying out, being directly in areas of anti-terrorist operation during its carrying out and which are on treatment in military-medical organizations, hospitals of veterans of war, including having provided possibility of providing such persons with means of rehabilitation according to the address of the head of medical institution where there is on treatment such person;

proper financing from the government budget of development of objects of the Western rehabilitation and sports center, construction of facilities of the All-Ukrainian rehabilitation and recovery sports center of National committee of sport of disabled people of Ukraine, and also attraction in accordance with the established procedure on the specified purposes of the international technical assistance;

6) to resolve in accordance with the established procedure issue of provision to children with disability - to participants of finals of the annual All-Ukrainian sports contest "Believe in Yourself" - free permits in the state company "The Ukrainian children's center "Young Guard" on the corresponding thematic change;

To develop 7) in accordance with the established procedure questions:

possibilities of continuation of military service under the contract the military personnel from among the citizens of Ukraine (except the military personnel of conscription service) who did not reach age limit of stay of the military personnel in inventory and which during passing of military service were recognized as faces with disability, in case of expression of desire to continue military service;

determinations of order of interaction of military commissariats and jobcenters of public service of employment for assistance in employment to the participants of anti-terrorist operation discharged from military service from among persons with disability;

introductions of the personal accounting card of rendering emergency aid in case of wound, contusion, mutilation and/or disease with indication of their reasons for the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military forming formed according to the laws of Ukraine, the law enforcement agencies which are involved in anti-terrorist operation, ensuring its carrying out;

determinations of mechanisms and sources of financing of free diagnosing of infectious diseases at participants of anti-terrorist operation from among persons with disability;

implementations of the effective mechanism of determination of results of accomplishment by employers of the standard rate of workplaces for ensuring employment of persons with disability;


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