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of December 20, 2016 No. 696

About approval of Bases of state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense for the period till 2030

For the purpose of ensuring implementation of state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense I decide:

1. Approve the enclosed Bases of state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense for the period till 2030.

2. Government of the Russian Federation shall ensure implementation of Bases of state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense for the period till 2030.

3. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its signing.

President of the Russian Federation

V. Putin

Approved by the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2016 No. 696

Bases of state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense for the period till 2030

I. General provisions

1. These Bases determine the purpose, tasks and the priority directions of state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense for the period till 2030, and also mechanisms of its implementation.

2. State policy of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense (further - state policy in the field of civil defense) is set of the political, military, social and economic, legal, information and special measures coordinated and combined by single intention performed by federal executive bodies, executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and the organizations in the field of protection of the population, material and cultural values in the territory of the Russian Federation from the dangers arising in case of the military conflicts or owing to these conflicts and also in case of large-scale emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature (further - the dangers arising in case of the military conflicts and emergency situations).

3. These Bases are the document of strategic planning of the Russian Federation.

4. The regulatory framework of these Bases is constituted by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Laws, the Strategy of homeland security of the Russian Federation, the Military doctrine of the Russian Federation, other documents of strategic planning in the field of ensuring national security of the Russian Federation, and also regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense.

II. Assessment of condition of civil defense, main problems and tendencies of its development

5. Maintenance of condition of civil defense at the required level is necessary for effective protection of the population, material and cultural values against the dangers arising in case of the military conflicts and emergency situations.

6. The major factors influencing condition of civil defense are:

a) increase of risks of emergence of the large-scale emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature including connected with global climate change, deterioration in technical condition of objects of production and transport infrastructure, crucial and potentially dangerous objects;

b) increase in the medium and long term of the extent of possible damage from large-scale emergency situations and amount of works on protection of the population, material and cultural values against the dangers arising in case of the military conflicts and emergency situations;

c) threat of emergence of the centers of armed conflicts and their escalation;

d) preserving probability of emergence of epidemics including caused by causative agents of infectious diseases of the person new, unknown earlier and animals;

e) the growing threat of manifestations of extremism.

7. For the purpose of increase in level of security of the population, material and cultural values from the dangers arising in case of the military conflicts and emergency situations the following events are held:

a) reduction in compliance with modern requirements of normative and legal and normative and technical base in the field of civil defense;

b) training of the population in the field of civil defense within single system of preparation of the population in the field of civil defense and protection against emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature;

c) enhancement of management system civil defense, warning systems and informing the population on the dangers arising in case of the military conflicts and emergency situations;

d) planning of actions for evacuation of the population, material and cultural values to safe areas, and also actions for engineering, radiation, chemical, biological and medical protection of the population;

e) development and deployment of modern means and technologies of protection of the population, material and cultural values from the dangers arising in case of the military conflicts and emergency situations;

e) reduction in compliance with the tasks in the field of civil defense solved in peace time and in case of the military conflicts, structures, structure and the number of governing bodies of civil defense, forces and means of civil defense, and also level of readiness of the specified forces and means to use on purpose;

g) creation of groups of civil defense forces for carrying out rescue and other urgent works at the federal level, in subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities;

h) increase in efficiency of reaction of governing bodies of civil defense and civil defense forces on large-scale emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature;

i) enhancement of system of ensuring accomplishment of actions for civil defense.

8. The main tendencies of development of civil defense which are determined military-political military and technical and socio-economic factors, are:

a) increase in efficiency of response of civil defense forces to large-scale emergency situations;

b) the differentiated approach to protection of the population, material and cultural values in certain territories of the Russian Federation from the dangers arising in case of the military conflicts and emergency situations which will allow to optimize financial and material resources and will provide the necessary level of security of the population, material and cultural values;

c) increase in role of civil defense in system of ensuring national security;

d) forming of new approaches to the organization and conducting civil defense on the basis of implementation of advanced technologies of protection of the population, material and cultural values from the dangers arising in case of the military conflicts and emergency situations.

III. Purpose, tasks, priority directions of state policy in the field of civil defense and actions for its implementation

9. The purpose of state policy in the field of civil defense is ensuring necessary level of security of the population, material and cultural values from the dangers arising in case of the military conflicts and emergency situations.

10. Tasks of state policy in the field of civil defense are:


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