It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
December 6, 2016
No. 1578/29708
of November 29, 2016 No. 3410/5
About approval of the Instruction on the organization of access control in office buildings of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
According to the Regulations on the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of July 2, 2014 No. 228, and for the purpose of providing access control in office buildings of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine I order:
1. Approve the Instruction on the organization of access control in office buildings of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine which is applied.
2. Declare invalid the order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of October 20, 2014 No. 1725/5 "About approval of the Instruction on the organization of access control in office buildings of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on October 22, 2014 for No. 1310/26087.
3. To administrative department (M.B.'s Bugloss) to submit this order on state registration according to the Presidential decree of Ukraine of October 3, 1992 to No. 493 "About state registration of regulatory legal acts of the ministries and other executive bodies".
4. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
5. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy minister - the chief of staff of Onishchenko G. V.
P. Petrenko
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of November 29, 2016 No. 3410/5
1. The instruction on the organization of access control in office buildings of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (further - the Instruction) sets access control to office buildings of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (further - Ministry of Justice) for the purpose of providing procedure for access control to service premises of staff of Ministry of Justice and persons which arrived to Ministry of Justice by office need.
2. In case of accidents, natural disasters, other emergency situations special transport with personnel, and also emergency crews are allowed to office buildings of Ministry of Justice freely.
1. Employees of Ministry of Justice shall:
support service premises and property which in them is placed, in proper sanitary and technical condition;
follow safety regulations during the work with electric equipment and electrical household appliances, and also fire safety regulations;
promote protection of service premises and property which in them is placed, to prevent its destruction or plunder.
2. Employees of Ministry of Justice receive keys from service premises on protection post at the responsible official of division of protection of office buildings of Ministry of Justice (further - division of protection).
3. After the termination of the working day employees of Ministry of Justice who the last leave service premises check them regarding closing of windows, de-energization of the equipment and household, and also lighting fixtures. After closing of entrance door of the office keys from the room hand over to the responsible official of division of protection.
4. The responsible official of division of protection is forbidden to issue keys from service premises to strangers who are not employees of Ministry of Justice.
1. The entrance to office buildings of Ministry of Justice is performed only through the posts of providing access control equipped with automatic control systems of the admission.
2. To service premises of office buildings of Ministry of Justice employees of Ministry of Justice in case of presentation to the employee of division of protection of the official ID or temporary omission are allowed or by means of magnetic card.
3. In case of loss by the worker of the official ID or the temporary omission he shall report about it to the direct head immediately. The duplicate of the official ID or the temporary omission is issued to the worker according to the written order of the State secretary of Ministry of Justice.
4. The omission of persons which came to the Minister of Justice of Ukraine, his deputies and the State secretary of Ministry of Justice is performed by means of telephone communication with division of protection.
5. To service premises of office buildings of Ministry of Justice chiefs of territorial authorities of Ministry of Justice and their deputies, heads of the companies, organizations and organizations relating to the sphere of management of Ministry of Justice on condition of presentation to the employee of division of protection of the official ID or the temporary omission in the form given in appendix 1 to this Instruction are allowed.
6. To office buildings of Ministry of Justice persons which arrived by office need with the permission of management of Ministry of Justice, heads of independent structural divisions or their deputies, by telephone communication with division of protection, and also citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons who need temporary stay in Ministry of Justice, according to the written order accompanied by the employee of the relevant independent structural division of Ministry of Justice are allowed.
7. The employee of division of protection makes the log entry of accounting of the temporary omission of office buildings of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in the form given in appendix 2 to this Instruction where specifies surname and initials of person who is allowed to the office building of Ministry of Justice, details of the document certifying person, the name of the company, organization or organization from which person arrived and also surname and initials of the official of Ministry of Justice who granted permission for the omission, and entrance time.
8. The official who granted permission for the omission to the office building of Ministry of Justice will organize escort of such persons in case of entrance and exit from the building and also their timely exit out of limits of the office building is responsible for observance of procedure and rules of conduct by them in public institution.
9. Into office buildings of Ministry of Justice are allowed:
1) freely:
President of Ukraine;
Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine;
Prime Minister of Ukraine;
Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine;
Chairman of the Supreme Court of Ukraine;
First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine;
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