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It is registered

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

November 30, 2016

No. 1546/29676


of November 7, 2016 No. 691

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for holding contest for post of the chief of educational institution of Public service of special communication and information security of Ukraine which is military educational unit of higher educational institution

According to the Law of Ukraine "About the higher education" and for the purpose of the organization of holding contest for post of the chief of educational institution of Gosspetssvyaz which is military educational unit of higher educational institution I order:

1. Approve Regulations on procedure for holding contest for post of the chief of educational institution of Public service of special communication and information security of Ukraine which are military educational unit of higher educational institution which is applied.

2. To provide to department of personnel work and personnel management of Administration of Public service of special communication and information security of Ukraine submission in accordance with the established procedure of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

3. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

Chairman of Service major general of Gosspetssvyaz

L. A. Evdochenko

Approved by the Order of Administration of Public service of special communication and information security of Ukraine of November 7, 2016 No. 691

Regulations on procedure for holding contest for post of the chief of educational institution of Public service of special communication and information security of Ukraine which are military educational unit of higher educational institution

I. General provisions

1. This Provision determines procedure for holding contest for post of the chief of educational institution of Gosspetssvyaz which is military educational unit of higher educational institution (further - educational institution).

2. The contest for post of the chief of educational institution is held if the position is vacant or after the term of stay of the chief of educational institution on this post. If the position of the chief of educational institution is vacant, the Chairman of Gosspetssvyaz appoints the acting as the chief of educational institution for a period of up to appointment of the chief of educational institution by results of the held competition, but no more than to 6 months.

3. The decision on carrying out tender is made by the Chairman of Gosspetssvyaz about what the order of Administration of Gosspetssvyaz is issued.

4. Carrying out competitive selection on substitution of position of the chief of educational institution is performed by tender committee of Administration of Gosspetssvyaz which members affirm the order of Administration of Gosspetssvyaz. Vice-chairmen of Gosspetssvyaz, representatives of structural divisions of Administration of Gosspetssvyaz, educational institution (no more than 1/3 members of tender committee who are elected on general meeting) and higher educational institution as a part of which it is are part of tender committee.

II. The announcement of carrying out tender and documents acceptance from applicants

1. The announcement of carrying out tender to position of the chief of educational institution is posted on the official website of Gosspetssvyaz.

If the term of stay of the chief of educational institution in position comes to an end, the announcement of carrying out tender is published not later than 2 months before the expiration of the specified term.

2. In the announcement the following data are specified:

full name and location of educational institution;

requirements to the applicant;

the list of the documents submitted by the job seeker and requirements for their registration;

the term and the place of documents acceptance for participation in tender and phone number for reference;

date and venue of tender and promulgation of its results.

3. For participation in tender the applicant represents:

the official report (statement) addressed to the chairman of tender committee on participation in tender;

passport copy;

copy of the service record;

certificate of passing of military service;

copies of education documents and qualification;

copies of documents on academic degree, academic status and list of scientific works;

office characteristic;

the medical certificate about the state of health of person applying for holding the post, connected with accomplishment of functions of the state or local self-government (form No. 133/at) which form is approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of July 30, 2012 No. 578, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on August 21, 2012 at No. 1405/21717;

certificate of results of profound psychological studying;

written consent to collection and processing of personal data.

4. Submission due date of documents applicants for position of the chief of educational institution for participation in tender - sixty days from the date of publication of the announcement of carrying out tender.

At the request of applicants they are given opportunity for acquaintance with educational institution, studying of the questions connected with fulfillment of duties of the chief of educational institution.

III. Carrying out tender

1. After the termination of submission due date of documents the tender committee within ten days considers documents of applicants for position of the chief of educational institution.

The decision by results of consideration of documents of applicants is made by tender committee by a simple majority vote. Results of work of tender committee are drawn up by the protocol which shall contain motivated conclusions about the admission or refusal in the admission to participation in tender of each of applicants.

The minutes of tender committee are signed by all present members of tender committee and go to educational institution for further review at meeting of the academic council.

2. The academic council of educational institution considers the made nominations of applicants and makes the decision on each candidate for position of the chief of educational institution with indication of the number of votes which they gathered during secret vote which have advisory nature. Each member of the academic council can vote only for one candidate or refrain from vote.

3. Based on interview with candidates for position of the chief of educational institution, the documents submitted by them, solutions of the academic council the tender committee at the meeting (as a part of at least 2/3 members of the commission) makes the decision which of applicants is winner of tender.


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