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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

November 1, 2016

No. 1421/29551


of October 10, 2016 No. 516

About approval of the Procedure and the Instruction on the organization of watch of management of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine on workplaces in holidays for the solution of the questions connected with mitigation of consequences of emergency situations

According to Item 2 of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 10, 2013 "About approval of the Standard procedure for the organization of watch of heads and deputy managers central and local executive bodies on workplaces in holidays for the solution of the questions connected with mitigation of consequences of emergency situations" I order to No. 254:

1. Approve:

Procedure for the organization of watch of management of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine on workplaces in holidays for the solution of the questions connected with mitigation of consequences of emergency situations which is applied;

The instruction on the organization of watch of management of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine on workplaces in holidays for the solution of the questions connected with mitigation of consequences of emergency situations which is applied.

2. Declare invalid the order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of May 20, 2013 No. 330 "About the organization of watch of management of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine on workplaces in holidays for the solution of the questions connected with mitigation of consequences of emergency situations", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on June 5, 2013 at No. 886/23418.

3. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

Minister of Defence of Ukraine general of Ukraine

S. T. Poltorak

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of October 10, 2016, No. 516330

Procedure for the organization of watch of management of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine on workplaces in holidays for the solution of the questions connected with mitigation of consequences of emergency situations

1. This Procedure determines the procedure of the organization of watch in the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of the First Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine, the deputy defense secretary of Ukraine, the deputy defense secretary of Ukraine concerning the European integration and the deputy defense secretary of Ukraine chief of staff (further - heads of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine) on workplaces in holidays for the solution of the questions connected with mitigation of consequences of emergency situations (further - watch).

2. Watch will be organized on purpose:

operational decision making and the organization of the works connected with liquidation of possible effects of emergency situations;

the organizations of interaction and coordination of actions with others central and local executive bodies for collateral execution of tasks in case of mitigation of consequences of emergency situations.

3. The schedule of watch of heads of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine in holidays is developed for the solution of the questions connected with mitigation of consequences of emergency situations by the deputy defense secretary of Ukraine - the chief of staff and affirms the Minister of Defence of Ukraine at least in ten days prior to festive. The approved schedule is brought to the attention of heads of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and goes to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine at least in five days prior to festive.

4. Quickly submit to the head of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine who performs watch in holidays duty shift of the Main command center of the Joint operational staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the person on duty of the Center of ensuring office activities of the Ministry of Defence and General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine which are responsible for monitoring of situation and the notification of heads of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine.

5. The head of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine who performs watch:

1) constantly is in the workplace;

2) personally keeps in contact with the official of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine who is responsible for interagency coordination of actions for mitigation of consequences of emergency situations;

Will organize 3) in case of emergency situation through the Main command center of the Joint operational staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine:

data collection and processing about nature of emergency situation, its scales, possibility of development and effect, availability of the victims and victims;

interaction and coordination of actions with others central and local executive bodies for collateral execution of tasks in case of mitigation of consequences of emergency situation within powers of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine;

preparation and provision to the Minister of Defence of Ukraine and executive bodies on accessory of directory materials on accomplishment of the actions connected with mitigation of consequences of emergency situation.

6. For ensuring watch of heads of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine the duty shift of the Main command center of the Joint operational staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shall have the Consolidating plan of participation of troops (forces) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in mitigation of consequences of emergency situations approved by the chief of the General Staff - the Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, reference books of phones of heads and deputy managers of the executive bodies performing watch, rescue divisions, the qualifier of emergency situations, excerpt from the normative legal documents regulating procedure for response to such situations, and other documents concerning emergency response.

7. Material logistics of watch is performed through the Center of ensuring office activities of the Ministry of Defence and General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to certain requirements.

Chief of the Joint operational staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine major general

A. S. Sirsky

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of October 10, 2016 No. 516

The instruction on the organization of watch of management of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine on workplaces in holidays for the solution of the questions connected with mitigation of consequences of emergency situations

1. This Instruction determines obligations and operations procedure under the organization of watch in the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of the First Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine, the deputy defense secretary of Ukraine, the deputy defense secretary of Ukraine concerning the European integration and the deputy defense secretary of Ukraine - the chief of staff on workplaces in holidays for the solution of the questions connected with mitigation of consequences of emergency situations (further - the head performing watch).

2. The head performing watch answers for:

operational decision making and the organization of the works connected with mitigation of consequences of emergency situations;


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